

preserve:[英 [prɪˈzɜ:v] 美 [prɪˈzɜ:rv] ]


过去式:preserved;   过去分词:preserved;   现在分词:preserving;

preserve 基本解释

及物动词保护; 保持,保存; 腌制食物; 防腐处理

不及物动词保鲜; 保持原状; 做蜜饯; 禁猎

名词蜜饯; 防护用品; 禁猎地; 独占的事物(或范围)

preserve 同义词





preserve 反义词


preserve 相关例句



1. Ice helps to preserve food.


2. You look well preserved.


3. preserve

3. It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.


4. Fishing is strictly preserved.



1. No hunting is allowed in the preserve.


preserve 网络解释

1. preserve

1. 保存:段一: 鱼是新英格兰的第一个商品 不但可以自己食用 还能够外销 ,后来清教徒占领市场 少数的资本 家垄断市场 遭到抗议 段二 :盐巴是不可或缺的东西 因为它可以保存(preserve)鱼 段三:补鲸盛行主旨在 北美殖民时期 New England 的捕鱼工业:第一段提到欧洲的需求量,

preserve 双语例句

1. I totallyagree with the assertion that Government should preserve the wildernessareas in their natural state no matter how many people will accessthere(这个短语结构不明白什么意思呀~) because these areas deserve and have the necessity to beprotected and government is a powerful organization to gain this ends.


2. preserve是什么意思

2. So far a number of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang to varying degrees to preserve the primitive religion and the concept of the practice of Shamanism and left vulgar.


3. Therefore, it is necessary to study numerical methods which preserve the symplectic structure of the Hamiltonian system.


4. For other people it is not possible to preserve their favorite alcoholic drink in the fridge because there is no room for it.


5. Omen on the two circles before the race is only one way to eliminate the other party will be able to preserve their own.


6. Twenty-four meters below the ground, the ammunition bunker has been transformed into a wine cellar to preserve the historical heritage.


7. preserve

7. Accurate detection and prompt antifungal treatment with adjuvant surgical intervention may preserve ocular integrity and visual acuity in patients with Scedosporium apiospermum keratitis

早期及正确的诊断和药物治疗并适时的手术可以让Scedosporium apiospermum角膜炎的病人有较佳的愈后及视力。

8. preserve

8. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.


9. As a resident of Shanghai, it is our responsibilty to preserve the environment.



10. My ways of life are to preserve purity and self-respect.


11. However, we should make great efforts to preserve and enrich our own traditional culture.



12. On that basis, I see no alternative but to preserve this one anomalous category of citizenship.

对於那些见到一篇报导就全情耻笑抹黑 BNO 平权的五毛党,则不妨看看另一个故事

13. preserve的翻译

13. To make the long story short, I love you.....no more. haha.

preserve ,保存,保护,保持,这里指 keep 的意思,保持他们的生活方式。

14. Try to keep the height of your original document to preserve the good quality.


15. Once the court makes a definitive ruling on the record admitting or excluding evidence, either at or before trial, a party need not renew an objection or offer of proof to preserve a claim of error for appeal.


16. What we offer in this book is, we believe, a plausible promise that fundamental reconstruction along the lines we advocate would set the stage for major advance in understanding of economic change – and, at the same time, make it possible to consolidate and preserve most of the discipline`s significant achievements to date.


17. Since China is entering the industrial society, the theoretical circle is carrying out a discussion on the problem, which decides to preserve, to sublate or to abandon traditional ideas of thrift in order to go in for modernization construction.


18. Use fillet few salt, anticipate wine and living powder to grasp with an egg white evenly, preserve~ in salt for 15 minutes.


19. After removal it is advised to either flush the tick down the toilet or put it in a container full of isopropyl alcohol to both kill it and preserve it just in case an illness befalls the host shortly after.


20. To Preserve the Previous Moment with a Quality Pet Artz in Town Other than photography, Pet Portrait becomes the uprising art form of preserving the precious moment in time with pets in Europe and Americans.


preserve 词典解释

1. 保持,维持(原状)

If you preserve a situation or condition, you make sure that it remains as it is, and does not change or end.

e.g. We will do everything to preserve peace.


e.g. ...an effort to fit in more students while preserving standards.



...the preservation of the status quo.


2. 保护;保存;维护

If you preserve something, you take action to save it or protect it from damage or decay.

e.g. We need to preserve the forest...


e.g. Conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention these days — whether it means preserving old buildings, or protecting the environment.



...the preservation of buildings of architectural or historic interest.


3. 保存,腌制(食物)

If you preserve food, you treat it in order to prevent it from decaying so that you can store it for a long time.

e.g. I like to make puree, using only enough sugar to preserve the plums.


e.g. ...preserved ginger in syrup.


4. 蜜饯;果酱

Preserves are foods such as jam that are made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar so that they can be stored for a long time.


5. 专属工作;独占的活动领域

If you say that a job or activity is the preserve of a particular person or group of people, you mean that they are the only ones who take part in it.

e.g. The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president...


e.g. With the menfolk away at war, women got their first crack at the male preserves of employment and sport.


6. 保护区

A nature preserve is an area of land or water where animals are protected from hunters.


e.g. ...Pantanal, one of the world's great wildlife preserves.


preserve 单语例句

1. Romantics were undeterred by the small turnout and sought to preserve Paris's reputation.

2. The mutation targeted an enzyme highly active in cancer cells called telomerase, which helps to preserve chromosome structures during the corrosive process of cell replication.

3. Conservationists called the site a historical landmark and carried their campaign into the pier, camping inside in a bid to preserve it.

4. China began capping coal export quotas this year to preserve supplies for its steel and power industries.

5. The Beijing Olympics is the right catalyst to push China into modernity while also encouraging it to preserve its splendid past.

6. Beichuan Middle School will forever preserve the words left by Premier Wen Jiabao last week on the school's chalkboard " challenges make a nation much stronger ".

7. Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally sought an accord that trims labor costs, while the union tried to preserve jobs.

8. Universities have been forced to examine child protection laws that are usually the preserve of schools.

9. Recent TV reports show how each family has maintained a cistern on their land to preserve rainwater and store water from nearby streams.

10. Gbagbo refused to accept defeat in last year's election and took his country to the precipice of civil war in his bid to preserve power.

preserve的翻译preserve 英英释义



1. fruit preserved by cooking with sugar

Synonym: conserveconservespreserves

2. a reservation where animals are protected

3. a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone

e.g. medicine is no longer a male preserve


1. prevent (food) from rotting

e.g. preserved meats

keep potatoes fresh

Synonym: keep

2. to keep up and reserve for personal or special use

e.g. She saved the old family photographs in a drawer

Synonym: save

3. keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction

e.g. We preserve these archeological findings

The old lady could not keep up the building

children must be taught to conserve our national heritage

The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts

Synonym: conservemaintainkeep up

4. keep or maintain in unaltered condition

cause to remain or last

e.g. preserve the peace in the family

continue the family tradition

Carry on the old traditions

Synonym: continueupholdcarry onbear on

5. keep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing

e.g. preserve the forest and the lakes

6. maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger

e.g. May God keep you

Synonym: keep