

comparable:[英 [ˈkɒmpərəbl] 美 [ˈkɑ:mpərəbl] ]


comparable 基本解释


形容词可比较的; 比得上的


comparable 同义词


comparable 反义词



comparable 相关例句


1. Our house is not comparable with yours.


2. The sets of figures are not comparable.


3. A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.


4. A comparable car would cost far more in Europe.


5. comparable的反义词

5. No horse has a speed comparable to that of his.


comparable 网络解释

1. comparable的解释

1. 可比的:最高法院允许当事人采用三种估价 方法 来决定买主愿意付出的价格:可比销售法 参考 可比的(comparable)同类财产销售价格,总体收入法根据财产的现有价值而计算的净收入来决定财产价值,复制成本法则计算在当前市场上更换或重新购置被征收财产但减去折旧的成本.

comparable 双语例句

1. comparable的近义词

1. To the dyeing with sulfur dye s are discussed, and the dyeing result achieved by these reducing agents are comparable to that by sodium sulphide.


2. comparable的意思

2. Result The difference of DPT in leads placed in the RVOT and RVA was not statistically significant (median: 15 J vs 17.5 J, P=0.48). And, at time of device implantation, pacing impedance, R wave amplitude, pacing threshold were all comparable in the RVOT and RVA. The difference of the incidence of inappropriate detections and therapies was not also statistically significant (4/11 vs 1/8, P=0.267). Conclusion The efficiency of defibrillation and pacing in the RVOT and RVA are similar.

结果 RVA的除颤阈值和RVOT相比,差异无显著性(中位数:15J vs 17.5J,P=0.48);在ICD植入时,两个部位的起搏阻抗、R波振幅、起搏阈值的比较,差异亦无显著性;RVA和RVOT不恰当识别及治疗事件的发生率无显著差异(4/11 vs 1/8,P=0.267):结论 RVOT的除颤和起搏效率与RVA相似。


3. PS surgery may be comparable with surgery under general anesthesia in some special cases.


4. comparable是什么意思

4. A study by researchers at the university found that at low levels comparable to those measured in the Canadian environment, fewer tadpoles reached the froglet stage and the ratio of females to males increased.


5. This medium was used in screening for transformants and got a transformation rate comparable to that using MD medium.


6. comparable的反义词

6. Michael: No, not at all. Becky: corporate world? Michael: Lekmans. Becky: Michael: Well, I can't speak for all universities, but my salary is a definitely lower than at I just don't think the salaries are comparable when you leave a major corporation.



7. In our knowledge of Chinese contemporary and modern history, there are still many fields remaining untouched, whose mystery and abstrusity make us feel confused and helpless, just like when we face heaven and ocean. This knowledge can not even be comparable to our understanding of ancient history.


8. Real estate market and stock market price formation mechanism and price fluctuations of many comparable point.


9. Only one of the four people they will replace shares a comparable background.


10. It requires that adjusts the profit allocation among members of group under the comparable circumstance that independent companies conduct comparable transactions.


11. Thus, all elves are now mortal and have comparable lifespans that can extend as long as several thousand years.


12. It is comparable to glass.


13. comparable的解释

13. It is comparable to the introduction of derivatives in calculus or eigenvalues in linear algebra.


14. To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.


15. comparable的解释

15. It is comparable to the real estate reversal.


16. It is lot more affordable than comparable machines that perform a similar function and comes with a built-in metal detection system, he said.


17. It is a basic spec comparable to the WS-Notification

规范。这是一个基本的规格媲美的WS -通知


18. Is it comparable to anything else in our experience, so learning it is not intuitive.


19. comparable的近义词

19. Teahouse for the comparable monastery's temple.


20. comparable的近义词

20. We believe that this partnership will be an important element in our drive to provide PV cells and modules with'grid parity'capability - producing electricity at comparable cost to fossil fuels - into more areas of the world.


comparable 词典解释

1. 类似的;同类的

Something that is comparable to something else is roughly similar, for example in amount or importance.

e.g. ...paying the same wages to men and women for work of comparable value...


e.g. Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople...



...to assess a number of comparably qualified students.


The rises are the result of a comparability study.


2. 可比的;可比较的

If two or more things are comparable, they are of the same kind or are in the same situation, and so they can reasonably be compared.


e.g. In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly...


e.g. By contrast, the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent...



The result is a lack of comparability between the accounts of similar companies.

结果是同类公司的账目之间缺乏可比性。comparable 单语例句

1. It is comparable to the proverbial intrusion of the camel's nose into the hapless traveler's tent.

2. The historical significance of this righteous action is entirely comparable to the emancipation of the slaves in the American civil war.

3. Commanders said they had no immediate concrete explanation for why the number of wounded increased so sharply without a comparable rise in combat deaths.

4. Xie said such a statement violates the " common but differentiated responsibilities " and is aimed at making developing countries shoulder comparable responsibilities with developed countries.

5. " China's technology is comparable with the world's best, " she said.

6. But some analysts have cautioned that not too much should be read into the strong numbers as the comparable base in 2008 was much lower.

7. But industry and government analysts are voicing concerns about whether the rush to manufacture more new energy vehicles will translate to comparable sales to consumers.

8. He said thinking of space in those terms amounts to revolution comparable to Copernicus's proof of a solar system that orbited the sun.

9. Comparable figures for other sides in these wars either do not exist, or are unclear as to the civilian or military status of those killed.

10. Russia's military said its yield was comparable to the bombs that flattened Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though other estimates have pointed to a smaller blast.

comparable 英英释义



1. able to be compared or worthy of comparison

2. conforming in every respect

e.g. boxes with corresponding dimensions

the like period of the preceding year

Synonym: correspondinglike