

opposition:[英 [ˌɒpəˈzɪʃn] 美 [ˌɑ:pəˈzɪʃn] ]



opposition 基本解释

名词(强烈的)反对,敌对; (政府的)反对党,在野党; 对抗,抵抗; 相对,对照


opposition 相关例句


1. We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.


2. The moon is in opposition with the sun.


3. There will be a lot of opposition to that plan of the tunnel across the river.


4. The new tax program met with fierce opposition.


5. opposition

5. The opposition melted away after their leader died.


opposition 网络解释

1. 异议:当事人须持以上相关证明并就学校的性质、地点及本人姓名、职业、住所等向当地学区长(相当于我国的教育厅长)、省长、当地法院总检察长或共和国检察官提交备案并领取回执,此后10日内若没有得到来自上述方面的异议(opposition)即可开课.

2. opposition

2. 反对:3.显然是同意,作者态度题:常问作者对某事是什么态度:主观(subjective)还是客观(objective确定(positive)还是否定(negative同意(approval)还是反对(opposition)等等.

opposition 双语例句

1. In this work, Gladney challenges this simplistic view, arguing instead that the very opposition of majority and minority, primitive and modern, are historically constructed and are belied by examination of such disenfranchised groups as Muslims, minorities, and gendered others.


2. Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities.


3. The opposition between endocentric construction and exocentric construction in compound words is not the same as it is in phrases. Constructions of phrases are endocentric, showcasing not a real opposition between endocentric and exocentric. However, there are many exocentric constructions in compound words.


4. At the same time, the other exiled opposition leader Nawaz Sharif is gaining support by strongly opposing army rule.


5. Some of the issues of deprivation are very easy to seize interms of media and political opposition.


6. opposition

6. The Socialist Workers'Party of Germany, a left split from the Social Democratic Party of Germany founded in 1931, co-operated with the International Left Opposition briefly in 1933 but soon abandoned the call for a new International.


7. opposition的近义词

7. Despite German and French opposition to the American led war with Iraq, the meeting took place without apparent discord.


8. Papist opposition was not lacking. The Catholic priest stirred up the ignorant and superstitious people.


9. opposition的近义词

9. He seems immovable in his opposition to our plan, but I think I detect a chink in his armour.


10. And Tony Pua (tonypua. blogspot. com) were among several successful opposition candidates to have made their names as bloggers.


11. But in Pakistan, opposition parties and the powerful military have strongly criticized the legislation.


12. We wore down their opposition after several hours'argument.


13. Opposition like peas in a gradual long-high red roses, Stretching toward the sun.


14. opposition什么意思

14. The opposition of Mars and Neptune can make it hard for you to relate to others emotionally.


15. Antitrust Government opposition to monopolies in the interest of competition. Established in the U. S. in 1890 by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

反托拉斯政府为了实现竞争而对垄断的限制。1890 年在美国制定了谢尔曼反托拉斯法案。

16. The Party is wary of any unsanctioned organization in China, even if non-political, fearing these organizations could facilitate organized opposition.


17. The only certainty is: the lightness/weight opposition is the most mysterious, most ambiguous of all.


18. In my opinion, if no opposition of Confucius, more our ancestors would be buried alive in tombs.


19. opposition

19. Traditionally, he said, when the opposition seizes power in the United States, it brings about changes in foreign policy, including the policy towards China, which are bound to lead to political volat


20. opposition

20. If it is the world's most beautiful and moving, one of the songs that nobody opposition.


opposition 词典解释

1. (强烈的)反对,不赞成

Opposition is strong, angry, or violent disagreement and disapproval.

e.g. The government is facing a new wave of opposition in the form of a student strike...


e.g. Much of the opposition to this plan has come from the media.


2. (与政府意见相左的)反对党,在野党,反对派

The opposition is the political parties or groups that are opposed to a government.

e.g. The main opposition parties boycotted the election, saying it would not be conducted fairly.


3. (议会或立法机构中的)反对党,在野党,反对派

In a country's parliament or legislature, the opposition refers to the politicians or political parties that form part of the parliament or legislature, but are not the government.


e.g. ...the Leader of the Opposition.


4. (体育比赛中的)对手,竞争者,竞争队伍

The opposition is the person or team you are competing against in a sports event.

e.g. Poland provide the opposition for the Scots' last warm-up match at home.


opposition 单语例句

1. Aso's Liberal Democratic Party faces a tough battle in a general election due by October, with the main opposition Democratic Party now leading in voter polls.

2. While business groups welcomed the report, opposition politicians slammed it for a lack of substance.

3. Both issues are controversial, with the business sector maintaining vigorous opposition.

4. Wu reveals to China Business Weekly that the current trademark opposition has no negative impact on the company's operations in both domestic and overseas markets.

5. Russia accused NATO of breaking the spirit of the UN resolution by picking sides in the Libya conflict and openly backing the opposition.

6. He said the opposition camp was not acting responsibly because it knew that it could take constitutional development forward if they voted for the proposals.

7. The US side has clearly expressed its opposition against unilaterally changing the status quo by either side of the Taiwan Straits.

8. The opposition also said the number of ballot papers distributed differed from the number of ballots cast by several thousand.

9. The offer was swiftly rejected by the opposition as just another plot by the government to gain time.

10. She said it is meaningless for the opposition lawmakers to pursue democratic progress by way of resignation.

opposition 英英释义


1. the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with

e.g. he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens

despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead

Synonym: resistance

2. the act of hostile groups opposing each other

e.g. the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions

the invaders encountered stiff opposition

Synonym: confrontation

3. a body of people united in opposing something

4. an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)

e.g. a soldier must be prepared to kill his enemies

Synonym: enemyfoefoeman

5. a contestant that you are matched against

Synonym: opponentopposite

6. a direction opposite to another

7. the relation between opposed entities

Synonym: oppositeness