

disguise:[英 [dɪsˈgaɪz] 美 [dɪsˈɡaɪz] ]


过去式:disguised;   过去分词:disguised;   现在分词:disguising;   复数形式:disguises;

disguise 基本解释

及物动词掩盖; 化装; 隐瞒,掩饰; 伪装,假装

名词伪装; 伪装品; 用作伪装的东西; 托辞,借口

disguise 相关词组

1. in disguise : 乔装着;

disguise 相关例句


1. disguise

1. She disguised herself as a man.


2. It is impossible to disguise the fact that finance is bad.


3. disguise什么意思

3. He disguised himself as a woman.



1. He has tried all sorts of disguises.


2. disguise在线翻译

2. Her happy smile was only a disguise for her sadness.


disguise 网络解释

1. disguise的翻译

1. 掩饰:藉由强化我们的视觉、听觉、触觉与嗅觉,这项新技术,称为扩增实境(augmented reality)或 AR,将更进一步掩饰(disguise)真的与电脑所产生的东西. 到目前为止,AR 已广泛用於电影中而且绝大部分都局限在好莱坞. 今日,

2. 假扮:真糟糕 阅读 第一篇是讲相关南极大陆(antartic)的文章第三篇是讲伪装(camouflage)和假扮(disguise)的差别,举一些动物做例子长篇-- 考飞机的上升原理,飞机起飞时要克服的两个问题:1.

3. 伪装大法:"可我不会伪装大法(Disguise)啊!"这些杀千刀的NPC!它们为了利用天赐神兵提高军团生物的产量,竟然要拿女玩家做祭祀品来祭祀战神阿瑞斯. 这下触犯了众怒,广场上的玩家们现在都群情激愤,正在向主持祭祀的克鲁罗德公爵及其麾下第一悍将约克(Yog)大人讨说法.

disguise 双语例句


1. Lust, Caustion is such an elevated piece of art under the marketing disguise of sexuality that might go well beyond the genuineappreciationof themass.


2. But how could we disguise the fact that I was not fifteen years old?


3. But how could we disguise the fact that I was not fifteen years old I had claimed to be sixteen in the letter.


4. disguise的解释

4. Women do not rely on force, but rather rely on tricks, which they rely on instinct and Jiaxia hypocritical nature, like a lion Lichi sharp claws, like a wild boar with fangs, cattle have Kok, a smoke-like squid ink, naturally God gives women a defensive weapon is the perplexing changes in disguise.


5. I wait for you. I'm mesmerized this love is like a potion in disguise.


6. The treatment of vitiligo is difficult, and many affected people use cosmetic creams to disguise the affected skin.


7. It may be the Cat who was close to the hat is now out strolling along the way seeing the sights and smells along the waters edge as it is now all ears open listening to beautiful young lady and dashing handsome young man with much interest in each other, the Cat now intent as he hears dashing young man say as Cat remembers, the man said as the three strolled along the way, there's a sparks of magic in your eyes, candy land appears each time you smile, never thought dreams come true but they come true when I'm near you, all the wonder and surprise, If I could I'd caught a falling star to shine on you so I would know were you are, pull a rainbow down in all your favorite shades to show I love you, your the one I've been waiting for forever, ever my love will keep growing strong, keep growing strong, as Cat sat just for a moment he could hear her say as she turn to dashing handsome young man strolling around the way of this beautiful lake on this late Autumns day, as Cat remembers she said your a genie in disguise, I see the magic in your eyes, and your smile make me smile in candy land with all the wonder and surprise, the moon and stars move across your face, shades of color touching my heart, your the one I've been dreaming of and my love is ever growing stronger, near to you writing our names in the sky, you bring me such joy and happiness forever...


8. I didn't recognize him: he was in disguise.


9. Xiu: The only thing I can say is: According to my medical knowledge, these two both haven`t accepted any disguise process or appearance-modifying surgery.


10. Besides this, all his missions, Chalarm loves to dress himself in disguise, to fool his targets.


11. She was trained to use explosives, to fight in close combat with improvised weaponry such as a hatpin, and taught about disguise and communications.



12. Sorrow without hurt is favorable which is better than struggle in pain and disguise in gay.


13. Most of th e notes of《Dongpozhilin》are causual, and without disguise. They really show the idea, personality, temperament and cultivation of the author.


14. I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise.


15. disguise

15. Chu Feng is祝融the ancestors of birds in disguise.


16. She is in disguise of a man, but she can't change her voice.



17. Bibot would look at his prey as a cat looks upon the mouse, play with him, sometimes for quite a quarter of an hour, pretend to be hoodwinked by the disguise, by the wigs and other bits of theatrical make-up which hid the identity of a ci-devant noble marquise or count.


18. disguise

18. I$HFd|sDr0 Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise. Sometimes it arrives in a form.

U_1c9Y0 有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴儿。

19. Shen Shanbao's breaking with her role as a daughter is no less than a blessing in disguise, which enables her to live on her own with self-assuredness. Her marriage with Wu Lingyun brings her subjectivity to full play. Her sons and daughters reward her spontaneous motherly love with heartfelt adoration.


20. Under the influence of phenomenological methodology, Van Steenberghen ingenuously brought the phenomenological methods of consciousness analysis into the reinterpretation of Thomas Aquinas's epistemology to build an epistemological system in the disguise of phenomenology, which actually is an development based on Thomas Aquinas's epistemology combining the ancient truthfulness and the modern creativity.


disguise 词典解释

1. 假装;装扮;伪装

If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you.

e.g. You'll have to travel in disguise...


e.g. He was wearing that ridiculous disguise...


2. 假扮;化妆;乔装

If you disguise yourself, you put on clothes which make you look like someone else or alter your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you.

e.g. She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.



The extremists entered the building disguised as medical workers...


I was heavily disguised.


3. 掩盖;掩饰

To disguise something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognize it.

e.g. He made no attempt to disguise his agitation...


e.g. Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods...



This is lust thinly disguised as love.


4. a blessing in disguise -> see blessing

disguise 单语例句

1. He can by no means conceal the separatist nature of his activities no matter what by whatever disguise and whatever florid rhetoric he may use.

2. Pyramid selling groups are well organized and some operate under the disguise of corporations or chain stores.

3. Many citizens don't know if beggars are legitimately in need of help, or trying to cheat them out of their money with a pathetic disguise.

4. I still remember her wisdom whenever I have a kitchen disaster, and I still cheerily disguise the mishaps so my guests are none the wiser.

5. It was an attempt to circumvent the problem of insufficient financial resources under the disguise of copying the " small government " formula of the US.

6. Lu cautioned not to classify all corporate behavior as layoffs in disguise.

7. Complex transactions were designed to move risk and disguise the sliding value of assets.

8. Everyone wants to show what's good in oneself to win popularity or admiration, but disguise should be limited and for a good purpose.

9. The allegations of the Dalai Lama were only disguise for his separatist stance and violent criminal activities.

10. I realize that so much extra time and freedom can be a curse in disguise to young children.

disguise 英英释义


1. the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance

e.g. he is a master of disguise

Synonym: camouflage

2. any attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity

3. an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something

e.g. the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories

Synonym: camouflage


1. make unrecognizable

e.g. The herb masks the garlic taste

We disguised our faces before robbing the bank

Synonym: mask