

teem:[英 [ti:m] 美 [tim] ]


过去式:teemed;   过去分词:teemed;   现在分词:teeming;

teem 基本解释

不及物动词充满,富于; 倾注


teem 相关例句


1. Fish teem in that river.


2. The rain was teeming down.


3. teem

3. Fish teem in the river.


4. The lake is teeming with fish.


5. teem的反义词

5. The swamp teems with mosquitoes.


teem 网络解释

1. 大量出现:output redirection 输出重定向 | teem 大量出现 | build-up 内建的


2. 充满:tantalize#折磨;使着急 | teem#充满 | temporize#见风使舵

3. 倾泻:Yankee 美国的北方人 | teem 倾泻 | teeter 踉跄行走


4. 倾住, 倾泻; 倒出; 把注入模具 (动):tee 搁在球座; 准备 (动) | teem 倾住, 倾泻; 倒出; 把注入模具 (动) | teen 青少年#悲哀; 痛苦 (名)

teem 双语例句


1. This, along with several related studies from the same period, contrasts with some of the artists` brasher pictures, which teem with life and activity.


2. Cities always teem with evil and decay. Let's give it a good shake and see what falls out!


3. At noon, underground walkways teem with nurses and doctors buying lunch.


4. That is because readers immersed in a storyline want above all not to be interrupted, and all online media teem with distractions (even a hyperlink is an interruption).


5. Reasonable and valid salary system can not only validate to stir up the initiative and activity of employees, promote employees to work hard to realize enterprises'targets, and increase enterprises'performance, but also can attract and reserve a employee teem with good qualities and competition abilities under the knowledge-based economy where the competition is increasingly fierce.


6. The rivers here teem with fish.


7. The technology of electric information is developing very fast and make much more and more electric products teem, which develop in the direction of handy and miniaturization, such as mordern times communication equipmen、handy electric product、luggable computer、electric car、moonlet, and so on. it is used at large that the power supply make use of storage battery. hower most of storage battery can but use appropriative chargers, that need long time in the electrification and can`t judge the electrification parameter and spare electrification time. thus it need a have much function and handy intelligent charger device that is a far-ranging application different kinds and types. the text integrate upwards request that will introduce a device and system of intelligent charger base on singlechip. in the power supply loop, the transformer take the voltage from 220v to 12v, then the rectifier circuit take the voltage turn to 14v, it is by way of the voltage of electrification power supply.


8. Sites like YouTube teem with videos that are duplicates or are so bad as to be unwatchable.


9. teem的意思

9. Let the waters teem with an abundance of living animals, and let the birds fly above the Earth.


10. By the way, the waters off Australia seem to teem with all kinds of monsters.


11. teem什么意思

11. The captin of the football teem


12. For those with earthier tastes, the streets along the wharf teem with whorehouses, taprooms, and casinos.


13. Then God said, Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.


14. Change the mood at the moment; face the life again. Though short, it is teem with well-being.


15. teem的解释

15. The icy caverns of Mazthoril in Winterspring teem with blue drakes, whelps, and dragonspawn.


16. teem的解释

16. For instance, CITIC Prudential set up a branch, leasing 1, 300 sm in Poly Fengxing Plaza; China International Capital Corporation Limited took up 700 sm in Teem Tower; and a subsidiary of Ping An Group leased 600 sm in Development Centre.



17. Patterns in Nature: Coral Coral reefs teem with life, covering less than one percent of the ocean floor, but supporting about 25 percent of all marine creatures.


18. Coral reefs teem with life, covering less than one percent of the ocean floor, but supporting about 25 percent of all marine creatures.


19. In addition, we develop a productivity factor model which reflects the productivity of a software test organization and can be used to adjust test efforts calculated by TEEM. The authors discuss the time-transparency problem and test organization issues with a test method proposed and described in detail.


20. Fish teem in the Chinese waters. The sea bed is rich in mineral.


teem 词典解释

1. 充满,充斥(人或动物)

If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot.

e.g. For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists.


teem 英英释义


1. move in large numbers

e.g. people were pouring out of the theater

beggars pullulated in the plaza

Synonym: pourswarmstreampullulate

2. be teeming, be abuzz

e.g. The garden was swarming with bees

The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen

her mind pullulated with worries

Synonym: pullulateswarm