

conqueror:[英 [ˈkɒŋkərə(r)] 美 [ˈkɑ:ŋkərə(r)] ]



conqueror 基本解释


conqueror 网络解释

1. 征服者牌汽车:Conpernik 康珀尼克铁镍基软磁合金 | Conqueror 征服者牌汽车 | conquor paper 正江古纸

2. 征服者 征服XXX颗星球:colonist 殖民者 设置XXX座殖民地建筑 | conqueror 征服者 征服XXX颗星球 | diplomat 外交官 缔结XXX个同盟

3. 郡主:Lord 领主 | Conqueror 郡主 | Member 会员

conqueror 双语例句

1. That's why, with 3.2, Coliseum bosses all drop one of three universal armor tokens -- the Regalia of the Grand Protector, Vanquisher, or Conqueror.

这就是为什么,3.2 ,体育馆的老板都下降三个普遍装甲令牌-的雷加利亚大保护者,胜利者,或者征服者。

2. For example, ataman Ermak, the conqueror of Siberia, was a Cossack.


3. conqueror的解释

3. 814 King of the Franks; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons.


4. conqueror

4. He, the Noble, the Excellent, the Heroic, the Great Sage, the Conqueror, the Passionless, the Pure, the Enlightened one — him do I call a holy man.


5. They rejected their Saviour, because they longed for a conqueror who would give them temporal power. They wanted the meat which perishes, and not that which endures unto everlasting life.{DA 393.1


6. conqueror的意思

6. Our factory's beriberi paste is a real conqueror of beriberi, which is colorless, odorless, greaseless, and exceptionally effective.


7. conqueror的近义词

7. On my request the conqueror questioned the man who jumped the qu eue.


8. conqueror

8. His bulk, his easy pace and the solid sound of his boots had something of the conqueror in them.


9. Is there not something contagiously valorous in the vision of one who is greatly tempted, but is more than conqueror?


10. Do you think it likely the conqueror will place on me two sets of panniers? "


11. The unendurable oppression of the lungs -- the stifling fumes from the damp earth -- the clinging to the death garments -- the rigid embrace of the narrow house -- the blackness of the absolute Night -- the silence like a sea that overwhelms -- the unseen but palpable presence of the Conqueror Worm -- these things, with the thoughts of the air and grass above, with memory of dear friends who would fly to save us if but informed of our fate, and with consciousness that of this fate they can never be informed -- that our hopeless portion is that of the really dead -- these considerations, I say, carry into the heart, which still palpitates, a degree of appalling and intolerable horror from which the most daring imagination must recoil.


12. The first Norman King, William the Conqueror, was crowned in 1067 in Westminster Abbey.


13. He is the conqueror of Mt. Everest.


14. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown


15. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.


16. Columbus was known for his avarice, ruthlessness and insidiousness as characteristic of a conqueror. He maltreated the aborigines, traded in black slaves, committed genocide and used hounds to hunt down living beings.


17. Duke Willian of Normandy, the Conqueror, Willan 1st.


18. If there exists something more dreadful than the perpetual darkness that enshrouds the forest like the mighty hands of Yama himself, an impenetrable veil ensconcing all things sinister to be unleashed upon his clan, it must be the thought of a well-executed ambush commanded by the most feared warrior in the known world: a man with a reputation to loot, to kill, to plunder, a conqueror of the entire continent, a harbinger of death, the herald for doomsday to exterminate man like puny ants via fire and steel!


19. conqueror的解释

19. Current Europe cup reveals no less than in that way, choice of every two team is same a competition ground, the conqueror of the match is qualified the competition that takes, and stationmaster and netizens, balance a dot with respect to what seek a network in the antagonism of this one field.


20. I'm not his whore, I'm his conqueror!


conqueror 词典解释

1. 征服者;占领者

The conquerors of a country or group of people are the people who have taken complete control of that country or group's land.


e.g. The people of an oppressed country obey their conquerors because they want to go on living.


2. (比赛的)胜利者

The conqueror of a person or team is the person or team that beats them in a game or contest.

e.g. He easily overcame Garcia, Saturday's conqueror of Ernie Els...


e.g. Her conqueror, Senator Pete Wilson, is a diffident, moderate man.


conqueror 单语例句

1. The Tower of London was first built in 1078 by William the Conqueror.

2. How and why could a nomadic warrior be a conqueror and a defender?

3. He plotted the downfall of his conqueror as soon as he was released.

4. In the heyday of the Persian Empire, it was ruled by Darius I and then the conqueror Alexander the Great.

5. French forces from Normandy were led by a man known as William the Conqueror.

6. French conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte famously said, " Greatness be nothing unless it be lasting ".

7. It is said that the first hotpot was invented when the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan reputedly boiled some lamb in his helmet.

conqueror是什么意思conqueror 英英释义


1. someone who is victorious by force of arms

Synonym: vanquisher