

rotate:[英 [rəʊˈteɪt] 美 [ˈroʊteɪt] ]


过去式:rotated;   过去分词:rotated;   现在分词:rotating;

rotate 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使某物)旋转; 使转动; 使轮流,轮换; 交替

形容词[植]辐状的; 有辐射部分的

rotate 相关例句


1. Farmers rotate crops in the fields.



1. The earth rotates from west to east.


2. The earth rotates once a day.


3. rotate

3. The seasons rotate.


rotate 网络解释

1. 旋转 旋转:接受缺省的旋转旋转旋转旋转 (Rotate ) 和X 轴轴轴轴 (X axis)10. 在值 (Value) 区域中键入 [90] 然后单击确定确定确定确定 (OK)11. 单击预览预览预览预览 (Preview ) 参照模型已被旋转 并在参照零件中12.

2. 旋转命令:(1)旋转命令(Rotate). 快捷键:Ctrl+R 为了使构造的电路美观,连接方便整齐,可以使用 Rotate 命令将被选择组件顺时针旋转 90 度,和组 件关联的文本,如标识,数值和模型等信息可以重定位,但不可以随着旋转.仪器库中的测试仪器,

rotate 双语例句


1. You can hit the brakes, pull up hard to almost stall out, then as your plane starts to rotate over, accelerate to pull off a very sharp loop-the-loop.

术语解释 loop-the-loop:就是指推/拉飞行杆做垂直跟斗,包括向上翻跟斗和向下翻跟斗有时都会直接被叫做loop-the-loop

2. A wheel is constrained to rotate on its axis.


3. Chose different rotate speeds and forms of adjusting speed motor to meet different feeding amount.


4. Supported effects which can be processed in batch mode include: Adjust HSL, Adjust RGB, Blend, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Depth, Contrast, Crop, Draw Text, Motion Blur, Mosaic, Perspective, Pinch, Posterize, Resample, Resize, Ripple, Rotate, Sharpen, Soften, Solarize, Swirl, Auto Contrast, Blur, Diffuse, Dilate, Emboss, Equalize, Erode, Flip, Median, Mirror, Negate, Outline, Replace Colors, Colorize, Merge.

支持的影响可以处理在批处理模式包括:hsl调整,调整的RGB ,共混物,亮度,buttonize ,颜色深度,相反,作物,制定文本,运动模糊,马赛克,角度来看,箍缩,posterize ,重采样,大小,纹波,旋转,锐化,柔化,曝光,漩涡,自动调整对比度,模糊,弥漫性,扩张,emboss ,平衡,削弱,倒装,中位数,是一面镜子,否定,纲要,取代的颜色,colorize ,合并。

5. rotate的解释

5. Available features: Auto-Trim, Crop, Deskew, Flip, Mirror, Resample, Resize, Rotate, Shear, Add Noise, Anti-Alias, Average, Bending, Border Remove, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Resolution, Colored Gray, Contour, Contrast, Cylindrical, Despeckle, Dilate, Dot Remove, DPI Resolution, Edge Detector, Emboss, Erode, Etch, Gamma Correct, Gaussian Blur, Glow, Gradient, Grayscale, Half-Tone, HistoContrast, Hole Punch Remove, Hue, Impressionist, Intensity Detect, Invert, Invert Text, Laplacian, Line Remove, Line Segment, Max Filter, Median, Min Filter, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Multiply, Oilify, Old Photo, Pixelate, Polar, Posterize, Prewitt, Punch, Radial Wave, Ripple, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Sobel, Solarize, Swirl, Unsharp, Wave, and more!

可用的功能:自动修剪,作物,deskew ,倒装,是一面镜子,重新取样,大小,旋转,剪切,添加噪音,抗混叠,平均而言,弯曲,边界消除,亮度,buttonize ,色彩解析度,色灰,轮廓,对比度,圆筒形,despeckle ,扩张,点删除,dpi解析度,边缘检测,emboss ,侵蚀,腐蚀,Gamma修正,高斯模糊,辉光,梯度,灰阶,半色调,histocontrast ,孔冲床删除,色调,印象派,强度检测,反转,反转文本,拉普拉斯,删除线,线段,最高过滤器,中位数,闵过滤器,马赛克,运动模糊,乘,oilify ,旧照片,pixelate ,极地,posterize ,prewitt ,冲床,径向波,涟漪,饱和度,锐化,平滑,索贝尔,曝光,漩涡,锐化,波浪,及其他更多功能!

6. Main features is the use of high-intensity magnetic field, through a certain distance, and to penetrate some substances to pass rotate or translational energy of the body armed.


7. rotate

7. Tap a piece and then use pinch and rotate gestures to change the size and orientation of a piece.


8. An equimolar mixture of the and forms does not rotate plane -polarized light.


9. An equimolar mixture of the and forms does not rotate plane- polarize d light.


10. rotate的翻译

10. The critical part of the design of the mould is to ensure the6 threaded core shaft to rotate simultaneously towards the same direction.


11. I rotate my body shell very often when painting; this is why I prefer using coat hanger as my stand.



12. The bottom end of the shaft has a worm gear that rotate s as the wheel is turned.



13. The lower first molar moved and rotated to distal, the mesial rotate to buccally and the distal rotate to lingually.


14. This section describes the mechanisms that are available in Impress to move, resize and rotate a graphic object.



15. The special features of this new type of generator include a hubless blade rim which absorb water』s kinetic energy and rotate, and an integrated design procedure of hydrodynamic and electromagnetic design.



16. Within the drum rotation rotary record images on a single chip, support in the exposure of the rollers in the supratrochlear, driven by a synchronous motor, because it is located in the center of the drum, with sencitivity keeping distance rotate and move back and forth exactly isolinetic (exposure drum and sencitivity stay), thus making a reflection of the laser beam can be uniform, equally spaced and vertically onto photographic materials on the geometry of always the same.


17. In order to improve dynamic performances of variable speed constant frequency in constant power output running area, research situation of variable pitch control is studied, based on RBF neural network tuning PID control, wind turbine and variable pitch control model is built, generator rotate speed measurements and speed error as input contoller.


18. rotate的翻译

18. The instability originated in the upper R_B-like convection zone develops to larger region with the increase of Grashof number, and the number of non-axi-symmetric circulations decreases. When Grashof number exceeds another critical value, cooling air may invade the cavity and flow toward the shroud, the circulations decrease to one pair occupying the whole cavity in radial, thus these two zones are merged into one. The core structures in the cavity rotate against the disks, while the structures keep no change at the case of periodic oscillatory flow. With the Grashof number rises, the flow undergoes stable, periodic, periodic with cool air invading, quasi-periodic and ultimately to chaos.


19. rotate的解释

19. This paper introduces the structure, work laws and process of overfall valve and rotate speed control valve in a lately devel oped cleaner.


20. Citi's Alternative Workplace Strategy allows employees to rotate the days in which they come to the office.


rotate 词典解释

1. (使)旋转;(使)转动

When something rotates or when you rotate it, it turns with a circular movement.

e.g. The Earth rotates round the sun...


e.g. Take each foot in both your hands and rotate it to loosen and relax the ankle.


2. (使)轮流;(使)轮换

If people or things rotate, or if someone rotates them, they take it in turns to do a particular job or serve a particular purpose.

e.g. The members of the club can rotate and one person can do all the preparation for the evening...


e.g. They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules which rotate the leadership.



The European Union's rotating presidency passed from Sweden to Belgium.

欧盟轮值主席国由瑞典换成了比利时。rotate 单语例句rotate

1. The statue's skin is glossy like the real thing, and its eyeballs actually rotate.

2. It's ideal to introduce something new or rotate your dog's chew toys every couple of days so that he or she doesn't get bored.

3. Then rotate your neck slowly in a clockwise direction and then counter clockwise direction five times.

4. Computer technology allowed them to scan, rotate and calculate images regardless of their orientation in the paintings.

5. They even divide the seabed into sections to rotate farming and allow for fallow seasons so the environment can restore itself.

6. The Council agreed on Tuesday that its presidency would rotate among nine members, ending two weeks of heated discussion over who should be in charge.

7. It is also hoped that the job holder and the 12 other bureau ministers, form the core of the cabinet and can rotate with one another.

8. Rotate your neck in a circle, with your ears touching your shoulders.

9. The benchmark requires 100 turbines to rotate for one year, maintaining a minimum operation rate of 98 percent.

10. But Knox explained that it's just not necessary to rotate the displays.

rotate的反义词rotate 英英释义


1. plant or grow in a fixed cyclic order of succession

e.g. We rotate the crops so as to maximize the use of the soil

2. perform a job or duty on a rotating basis

e.g. Interns have to rotate for a few months

3. turn on or around an axis or a center

e.g. The Earth revolves around the Sun

The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire

Synonym: revolvego around

4. turn outward

e.g. These birds can splay out their toes

ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees

Synonym: turn outsplayspread out

5. cause to turn on an axis or center

e.g. Rotate the handle

Synonym: circumvolve

6. exchange on a regular basis

e.g. We rotate the lead soprano every night