

volt:[英 [vəʊlt] 美 [voʊlt] ]



volt 基本解释


名词伏特; [马术]环骑; [剑]闪避

volt 网络解释


1. 伏:可是今天,数码讯源大行其道,有很多CD 机和解码器都有数以伏(Volt)计的输出电平,足以把一台有一般灵敏度的后级推至削波,於是有人质疑今天是滞还需要十倍放大级,换言之,有源前级是否还有存在价值.


2. 福特:锂电的终极修改版也可以用在便携的电子装置中,此技术可以启动长期徘徊不前的电动车市场. 通用汽车对A123的电池很有兴趣,目前,正在一款有汽油发动机的电动车福特(Volt)上测试这种电池,该款车型最早可以在2010年进入批量生产.

3. volt是什么意思

3. 顺时针转身双脚交替剪桩:stroll 正向在桩中间捣脚剪桩 | volt 顺时针转身双脚交替剪桩 | sunnydayspin 一脚原地绕桩另一脚尖在后点起

volt 双语例句

1. Where the volt is too large a unit, we use the millivolt or microvolt.


2. When the batteries in Primus headlamps A and AR have been consumed 90%(under 3 volt), flashing red LEDs from the headlamp send out a warning.


3. After its life in the Volt, the battery will still be able to store about 12 kWh, and GM envisions that it could be used as an energy-storage device in homes once removed from the car.


4. One electron volt is defined as the kinetic energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated by a potential difference of one volt.


5. volt在线翻译

5. Because the activation energy of glass transition is only several thousandth electron volt, the glass transition temperature is adjacent thermodynamics balance temperature of glass and liquid with different energies.


6. volt

6. Tuesday's experiment took place at a record total collision energy of 7 billion billion electron volt s and at a nano-fraction of a second slower than the speed of light in the 16.8 mile Large Hadron Collider.


7. The photon energy is given by, and hc = 1239 (eV × nanometer), where eV stands for electron volt and 1 nanometer is 10-9 meters.

光子能量,其中 hc = 1239,eV 表示1电子伏特,1 nm 等於10-9 米。

8. volt的近义词

8. In ICF ecperiment, the x ray produced by laser plamsa mainly distributes in sub-kilo electron volt region, whose overall energy, energy-spectrum characteristic, projecting time and its distribution in space are basic dataes in theory and experiment.


9. For predicating the Pb concentration in soil, a partial least square regression modelwas established with 6 optimal factors and two closely relevant electron volt ranges: 10.40-10.70 keV and 12.41-12.80 keV.

模型所用的光谱范围为与土壤中Pb元素密切相关的两个波段:10.40~10.70 keV和12.41~12.80 keV;最佳主成分数为6。

10. The ability to have 120 volt power produced from 12 volt batteries is essential when you can not plug your RV into shore power....


11. A Mega high-speed camera(120Hz) synchronized with AMTI force plate(1200Hz) which were used to collect biomechanical data from subject`s wearing different ankle brace landing and treading with a single leg. A Mega high-speed camera were used to record the kinematics data. Two-dimensional coordinates were derived by a video analysis system to gain human kinematics parameters. The force plate data were converted by DASY6.0 analysis system from volt to Newton and the reaction forces expressed in multiples of bodyweight. The inverse dynamics approach was used to integrate the body segment parameter, kinetic and force plate data, and to solve the resultant lower joints forces and torque and further calculate the lower limb joint power and Achilles tendon force.

实验仪器以一部高速摄影机CPL MS25K(120Hz)沿受试者矢状面进行2D拍摄和一块AMTI测力板(1200Hz)同步撷取穿戴不同踝关节护具(Lace-up和Air stirrup型式护具)单脚著地后迅速推蹬动作之生物力学参数,经APAS动作分析系统取得下肢段运动学参数及引用人体肢段参数,最后结合DasyLab 6.0分析软体所得之地面反作用力及压力中心数值,并运用动力学逆过程的方法获得下肢段各关节的受力与力矩,进一步算出下肢段各关节功率与阿基里斯腱之受力。

12. The transmitter operates on one 9-volt battery and has 50'of direct burial wire connecting the probe to the exterior case.

发射器运行在一个 9伏电池,并有50对直接埋葬线连接探针的外部事件。


13. Handing electric control device have two formal of direct control and indirect control, and indirect control is in safe volt of 36V.


14. The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220/380 volt.


15. The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220/380volt.


16. The force plate data were converted by DASY Lab6.0 analysis system from volt to Newton and the reaction forces expressed in multiples of bodyweight. The inverse dynamics approach was used to integrate the body segment parameter, kinetic and force plate data, and to solve the resultant lower joints forces and moments.

测力板讯号透过DASY Lab6.0软体进行量化,得到地面反作用力及压力中心座标,再结合人体肢段参数,利用动力学逆过程方程式进行推导,求得下肢段各关节之受力与力矩资料。

17. Based on this, three methods including chemiluminescence, ratio differential coefficient fluorescence, single scan volt-ampere have been established and used for determining 5-hydroxytryptophan, there is no literature to be discoverd.


18. VL110A HD Head Unit, Spacer, Head Unit Battery (CR2450, 3-Volt), Bladed Spoke Magnet, Bracket Rubber Pad, Wireless Transmitter Shim/Torpedo Shim, Bracket Rubber Pad, Wired Speed Sensor with Mounting Bracket, Wire Securing Tape, Zip-Ties

VL110A高清主管单位,间隔,主管单位电池( CR2450电池,3 -伏特),刀片辐条磁铁,支架橡胶垫,无线传送器沉/鱼雷沉,支架橡胶垫,并安装有线速度传感器支架,电线确保胶带,拉链领带

19. I have used Murata's 4 MHz ceramic resonator with the 90S2313 and 4333 at both 5.0 and 3.3 volt supplies.


20. It ensures comfortable interior acoustics and a pleasant exhaust note during both V-4 and V-8 operationAn electrically driven, 300-volt air conditioning compressor reduces vibration and allows the HVAC system to cool the passenger compartment even when the gasoline engine is shut off.

它确保舒适的内部声学和愉快的排气中的V - 4和V - 8 operationAn电力驱动,300伏空调压缩机可以减少振动和暖通空调系统冷却车厢内的乘客即使在汽油发动机关闭。

volt 词典解释

1. 伏特,伏(电压单位)

A volt is a unit used to measure the force of an electric current.


volt 单语例句volt

1. The Volt has a smaller battery than the Leaf and can't go as far on full electric power.

2. The Volt's internal combustion engine eases that concern by allowing drivers to continue going long after the electric charge is depleted.

3. The Leaf and the Volt will be the first among many electric cars due from mainstream automakers in the coming years.

4. GM shows the Chevrolet Volt electric car to the public in Shanghai on Aug 31.

5. Two women examine a General Motors Co Chevrolet Volt at an expo.

6. Unlike the Leaf, the Volt is not a pure electric car.

7. The Volt is designed to run for 40 miles on pure electric power, making it marketable for everyday family use.

8. Volt buyers will receive through personal service via their dealer to ensure no problems occur with their vehicle.

9. A 200 volt outlet could recharge the car in less than six hours.

10. Workers roll a Chevrolet Volt concept vehicle into position at an auto show.

volt 英英释义


1. a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 watt

equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 ampere of current flows through it

Synonym: V