

charter:[英 [ˈtʃɑ:tə(r)] 美 [ˈtʃɑ:rtə(r)] ]


过去式:chartered;   过去分词:chartered;   现在分词:chartering;   复数形式:charters;

charter 基本解释

名词宪章; 包租; 许可证; 纲领

及物动词发给…许可证; 发给特许执照

charter 相关例句


1. They chartered a bus for the trip.



1. You should read the Charter of the United Nations.


2. Those planes are available for charter.


charter 网络解释

1. 營業執照:1.作为一个全国性的组织,ACS是在纽约州注册的,因此其营业执照(charter)规定,学会的理事(directors)必须是纽约州的居民. 这引起了居住在其它地区的会员们的不满. 在认识到这些问题后,ACS做出了一系列的调整. 首先,


2. 租船:在包租船(CHarter)中,又包括定程租船(Voyage Charter)和定期租船(Time Charter)两种方式. 定程租船即指按航程(包拾单程、来回程和连续单航次)租赁船舶,故又称程租船或航次租船. 在定程租船方式下,

3. 章程:CIO应从战略角度掌握项目群资源调度,排定项目顺序,并明确各个项目的范围、目标与可用资源,以章程(Charter)正式赋予项目经理经营该项目的权力. 而且,CIO将适度指导项目计划的制定,审核诸如WBS、CPM、EVM等专业技术的正确性,

charter 双语例句

1. It is one of our war aims, as expressed in the Atlantic charter, that the conquered populations of today be again the masters of their destiny


2. One of the striking things in the %26quot; Atlantic Charter deals with raw materials, and I think that what applies to raw materials will apply largely to certain primary foods like wheat.


3. As a positive result of their meeting on board the warship, the Atlantic Charter came into existence, the principles of which would later basically be embodied in the aims of the United Nations.


4. The joint expression of aims common to the United States and the British Commonwealth of Nations known as the Atlantic Charter includes not only purposes covering war but outlines of moredistant objectives.


5. The idea that tariffs should be reduced through bilateral and multilateral negotiations became part of the Atlantic Charter, the declaration issued by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1941 as a rallying cry for nations opposing the military and economic aggression of fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan.


6. The result may seem to be harsh on the owners who made plans in reliance on the first notice, but it would appear that the High Court was persuaded that charterers should not be deprived of the use of the ship for the full charter duration when the 30 day notice of redelivery was expressed to be approximate.


7. charter的翻译

7. The first documented mention of Hanover dates from the year 1150. Its charter as a city was confirmed in 1241, and in 1636 it was proclaimed the capital of the Welf dynasty.


8. The first doc-umented mention of Hanover dates from the year 1150. Its charter as a city was confirmed in 1241, and in 1636 it was proclaimed the capital of the Welf dynasty.


9. The legislative pattern of sublet has three forms: Laissen-faire, restrictionism, distinctionism, In the three patterns, when the lessee violates the leasing contract, in general, the sub-charter is valid, the sub-lessee may demand the lessee to bear the liability for the breach of sub-charter. According to article 224, contract law of the people`s republic of china adopts restrictionism pattern, but, according to article 51, when the lessee does not get the right of disposition or the lessee does not get the agreement of the lessor after subletting, the sub-charter is not valid, the lessee shall not be liable for the breach of contract to the sub-lessee.


10. Apart from all of these, this paper also elaborate on the advantage and disadvantage of making use of charter-in vessels.


11. That we wish this so to be observed, appears from the fact that of our own free will, before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our barons, we granted and confirmed by charter the freedom of the Church's elections - a right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and importance to it - and caused this to be confirmed by Pope Innocent III.

我们希望这一明显由我们自己的自由意志决定的条款将得到遵守,毋论现在我们和我们的男爵们之间的纠纷,由本宪章确认教会选举自由--这项权利对教会而言是至关重要的--并经教皇Innocent III确认。

12. Major business activities include: Shipping; shipping agent; freight agent; port loading/unloading and warehousing; reexport contracts of large shipments and other goods; vessel charter; quayside delivery; shipping booking; hauling, transfer, split release, lading, clearance, insurance and agent for containers; worldwide intermediate forwarding; issuing through bills of lading and related services.


13. In some cases sellers and buyers refer to commercial practice in liner and charter party trade.


14. charter的翻译

14. Air Polonia, a Polish charter airline that doubles as a no-frills operator, started flying last December from provincial cities to London, and has since added Brussels and Athens.

Air Polonia,波兰的一家飞机租赁公司,作为一个没有架子的经营者,则是加倍努力,从去年十二月开始就开辟了从一些省级城市飞往伦敦的航线,此后还增加了飞往布鲁塞尔和雅典的航线。

15. Our company mainly produce glass charter, sales and enamelled glass envelope aluminum company as a whole.


16. Anticipated Freight if the Vessel sails in ballast and not under Charter A sum not exceeding the anticipated gross freight on next cargo passage, such sum to be reasonably estimated on the basis of the current rate of freight at time of insurance plus the charges of insurance Any sum insured under 2012 to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured

船舶空载航行且未出租时的预期运费:其金额不得超过基于投保时运费率合理估算的下次载货航程的预计总运费,加上保险费。根据第2012 项投保的金额应予考虑,仅其超额部分可以保险。

17. Do you think we should charter a freighter?


18. In my judgment, the most important changes are the codification of the mission of VOA in our charter…


19. The first State of the World Forum was held in San Francisco in October 1995 at the historic Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco where in 1945 the UN Charter was negotiated.

3楼这会议其实不叫费尔蒙特饭店会议,之所以叫这名,只是因为1995年那届是在这个饭店开的,根据网站,它的学名叫:State of the World Forum,译作世界现况论坛。

20. To support his argument he cited Article 68, Chapter 10, of the Charter of the United Nations.


charter 词典解释

1. 章程;宪章

A charter is a formal document describing the rights, aims, or principles of an organization or group of people.

e.g. ...Article 50 of the United Nations Charter.


e.g. ...the Social Charter of workers' rights.


2. (飞机或船只)包租的,包用的

A charter plane or boat is one which is hired for use by a particular person or group and which is not part of a regular service.

e.g. ...the last charter plane carrying out foreign nationals.


e.g. ...frequent charter flights to Spain.


3. (个人、团体)包租,租用(飞机、船只等)

If a person or organization charters a plane, boat, or other vehicle, they hire it for their own use.

e.g. He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland...


e.g. Yesterday, a cargo ship chartered by the UN arrived in the capital carrying 1,550 tons of rice.


4. 对…的纵容(或怂恿)

If you describe a decision or policy as a charter for someone or something you disapprove of, you mean that it is likely to help or encourage them.

e.g. They described the Home Office scheme as a 'charter for cheats'...


e.g. They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education.


charter 单语例句

1. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air.

2. Air attendants wearing traditional costumes specially designed for the charter flights, tried to create a festive atmosphere by preparing a lot of decorations in the cabin.

3. The team charter passed under a water cannon salute after it landed.

4. The congress is scheduled to examine and approve an amendment to the party's charter and elect a new CDL Central Committee.

5. The charter creates the strong presidency that Karzai says is critical to uniting a country torn by almost a quarter century of fighting.

6. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the attacks and appealed for the cessation of hostilities, saying they violated the UN Charter.

7. The final draft has one section under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which deals with threats to peace and security and can be militarily enforced.

8. He said the ASEAN Charter is a crucial step in this process.

9. The agreement allows for 270 regular flights per week between the mainland and Taiwan, a big increase compared to the existing 108 charter flights permitted each week.

10. The first weekend charter flights flew across the straits on July 4, carrying excited mainland tourists and Taiwan residents joyful at the shorter and cheaper journey.

charter在线翻译charter 英英释义


1. a document incorporating an institution and specifying its rights

includes the articles of incorporation and the certificate of incorporation

2. a contract to hire or lease transportation


1. engage for service under a term of contract

e.g. We took an apartment on a quiet street

Let's rent a car

Shall we take a guide in Rome?

Synonym: leaserenthireengagetake

2. grant a charter to

3. hold under a lease or rental agreement

of goods and services

Synonym: renthirelease