

allegation:[英 [ˌæləˈgeɪʃn] 美 [ˌælɪˈɡeʃən] ]



allegation 基本解释


名词指控; 陈述,主张; 宣称; 陈词,陈述

allegation 相关例句


1. The lawyer's allegation was proved.


allegation 网络解释


1. 断言:但是IAS 27 准则中惟独没有出现的词是change.所以当企业股东方断言(ALLEGATION)其股东利益受到侵害时,CFO 要善于借助历史审计报告和审计信息为企业经营者的尊严和利益进行正当辩护和有理由的申诉.

2. allegation的翻译

2. 指控:O IG首先接收信息, 可以被分类为申诉( comp laint) 、指控( allegation) 或提交( referral) . 这类信息数全国劳动关系委员会提供得最多. 提供信息者可以要求不透露其身份. 根据第7 ( b) 条, 总监察官将为其保密,

3. 起诉:everybody 所有人 | allegation 起诉 | in the suite 在庭上

4. 辩解:allecret 半身薄铠甲 | allegation 辩解 | allege 声称

allegation 双语例句

1. A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit.


2. Law A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit.

反驳:在诉讼中对提出的指控事实提出正式的否认 adj。


3. Mobile sacked Olive in June 2008 for sub dealing with a black-listed company; an allegation Olive refutes.

- Mobile公司解雇橄榄在2008年6月分处理的是一个黑色的上市公司;指控橄榄驳斥。

4. If mishandled, an allegation can gravely damage the person charged, the one who makes the harge, the institutions involved, and science in general.


5. Defendant denie s the allegation s in Paragraph l of Plaintiff's Complaint



6. Judge Restani ruled that Commerce must decide how far back to go based on the facts of each subsidy allegation.


7. The allegation against Poll was made during consultations with Chelsea`s lawyer over the official`s display two weeks ago.


8. allegation

8. An averment includes a statement or allegation made in an indictment, presentment, or information.


9. allegation

9. If I do not have a requirement inside 3 days allegation, averment or hold hearing of witnesses, be about to accept punishment.


10. Law an allegation in legal form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal proceeding.



11. It is an allegation that has gained credence from neutral observers.


12. It is a serious allegation and should be investigated.


13. S allegation that it and more than 20 other companies were breached by Chinese hackers.


14. This association has set forth it, and these foreign companies should have waked up to it before their allegation of the No.


15. But another employee researched it and found that the allegation was indeed true, and that both URLs and other Solid Oak code, including DLL files, were part of Green Dam.



16. The brand wishs the expression of scene can be an a word, phrase or a simple and strong word, but it is not a simple advertisement catchphrase or it is the profit drop allegation on originality brief sentence, however the politic soul of a brand.


17. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Customer from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, awards, costs, fees, and expenses, including all incidental and consequential damages (including, but not limited to, attorneys'fees and costs of investigation) incurred by Customer resulting from or relating to any claim, notice, allegation, complaint, demand, action, lawsuit, investigation, proceeding, or other process or procedure of any kind (including, but not limited to, those based in whole or part on negligence, product liability, willful misconduct, breach of express or implied warranties, strict liability, deceptive or unfair trade practices, advertising liability, governmental statute or regulation, and the like) between Customer and any third party, parties or any other entity and caused by, arising out of or in any way resulting from the goods, materials, products, or services provided, shipped, furnished or delivered or services performed by Contractor to, for, or on behalf of Customer.


18. The reason for the vacancy of the rules on the allegation of charges of status crime and non-status crime lies in the undiscriminating structural differences between the articles on the crime of malfeasance and the bribery and corruption crime by taking advantage of duty.



19. Accordingly, choose a summary sentence when, should as far as possible draw-out allegation sentence, and the sentence that should avoid the form such as question, exclamatory sentence enters a summary.


20. Such a conception is to be sharply distinguished, therefore, from certain legal fictions or presumptions which have no relation to fact and are often in truth false deductions or conclusions—such as the fiction of a lesase in the old suit of ejectment, the fiction by which the english Court of Exchequer usurped jurisdiction by permitting an allegation that the plaintiff was the King`s debtor and an then allowing no one to deny it, the fiction that all of the stockholders of a corporation are residents of state where it was incorporated, the fiction of a lost grant and the like. Such fictions or presumptions are obviously purely arbitrary and are often in truth contrary to fact, and were invented by the courts for the perpose of being able to administer justice without expressly disregarding a rule which literally applied would produce results opposed to justice.

这样一种看法是要大幅度杰出的,因此,从某些法律的小说或想法,没有关系,并经常在真理中扣除或虚假的小说中conclusions-such lesase旧西装,小说的ejectment由英国法院管辖的金库篡夺通过允许的指控原告是国王的债务,然后不允许任何人否认它,小说,所有的股东的股份有限公司是国家的居民那里成立,小说失落的奖助金,喜欢…这样的小说或想法显然是纯粹的武断的,通常是在真理与事实,并由法庭被发明的辩护是能够以断案没有明确地无视规则会产生结果,字面上的应用与正义。

allegation 词典解释

1. 指控;指责

An allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.

e.g. The company has denied the allegations...


e.g. Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army.


allegation 单语例句

1. The office eventually released a statement on Thursday morning categorically denying the allegation.

2. Basing its objections on this allegation, it calls the SAR administration a " lame duck " government.

3. They prod her to confess to plans to stage a suicide attack, but she denies the allegation.

4. After all, motive and context are legitimate questions in any serious criminal allegation.

5. Much of the information about the allegation has been sealed, including the arrest affidavit and court records that could provide clues to the evidence.

6. Brucker also disputed the report's allegation that an alert system would have made a substantial difference in the scope of the disaster.

7. And the allegation that the prolonged waiting caused the miscarriage lacks scientific evidence.

8. Washington denied the allegation and reacted by expelling the envoys of both Venezuela and Bolivia.

9. The motives behind the allegation might have been out of protectionism, the results of the quality inspections were factual.

10. Yahoo confirmed the allegation last week, but calling Thompson's false resume " an inadvertent error ".

allegation 英英释义



1. statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove

Synonym: allegement

2. (law) a formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law)

e.g. an allegation of malpractice