

encumber:[英 [ɪnˈkʌmbə(r)] 美 [ɛnˈkʌmbɚ] ]


过去式:encumbered;   过去分词:encumbered;   现在分词:encumbering;

encumber 基本解释


encumber 相关例句


1. She was encumbered with debts.


2. encumber的意思

2. The room was encumbered with old furniture.


encumber 网络解释

1. 阻碍:compass罗盘 | encumber阻碍 | cumber阻碍,v. n

2. 作产权负担:encroachment on government land 侵占政府土地 | encumber 作产权负担 | encumbrance 产权负担

3. encumber

3. 妨碍:encrust 包以外壳表面结皮 | encumber 妨碍 | encumbrance 阻碍物

4. 妨害,阻碍:incumbent 义不容辞的 | encumber 妨害,阻碍 | recumbent 侧卧的,休息的

encumber 双语例句

1. encumber的翻译

1. 16 During the continuance of this security the Borrower shall not assign, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose, part with possession or make any arrangement for the sharing of the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein or accept surrender of any lease or tenancy thereof or cause or permit any second or further legal charge or mortgage to be effected or charging order to be created on the Property or in any way encumber assign or otherwise dispose of the equity of redemption therein or diminish, jeopardise or prejudice the security hereby created to the Lender or permit the same to be done without the prior written consent of the Lender and then only in accordance with such conditions as the Lender may stipulate in such consent

9.16 在本抵押存续期间,未经贷款人事先书面同意,借款人不得将物业或其任何部份或其中权益转让、按揭或设定押记,或以其他形式处置、放弃管有或安排共享物业或其任何部份或其中权益;或就物业或其任何部份接受退租;或促使或容许就物业作出第二或更多押记或按揭,或设定押记令;或以任何方式为物业的衡平法赎回权设立产权负担,或出让或以其他形式放弃物业的衡平法赎回权;或缩减、危及或损害藉本契据向贷款人所作的抵押。即使获贷款人事先书面同意,亦只可遵照贷款人在该同意书所列条件作出


2. Some, like Lucan, make it heavy, and encumber it with a solemnity which it does not possess; others, on the contrary, like Petronius, make life lighter than it is, like a hollow, bouncing ball, easy to toss to and fro in a universe without weight.


3. encumber的翻译

3. 1 Pledge, mortgage, charge or otherwise Encumber any of its Participating Interest or any interest in any of its Participating Interest


4. The glrl's long skirt encumber her while running.



5. In the event either party should desire to sell, encumber, convey or otherwise dispose of or realize upon his or her Separate Property or any part or parts thereof, the other party will, upon request of a request, join in such deeds, bills of sale, mortgages, renunciations of survivorship or other rights created by law or otherwise, or other instruments, as the party desiring to sell, encumber, convey or otherwise dispose or realize upon may request and as may be necessary and appropriate to consummate the sale, encumbrance, or conveyance provided, however, that the other party shall not be obligated under this agreement to sign any agreement making his or her Separate Property subject to any debt, mortgage or encumbrance.


6. For I know he would not encumber me.


7. He never let a woman encumber him for any length of time.


8. encumber的近义词

8. First of all, your life is not so sure as mine, I will encumber your life, if I don`t leave


9. You shouldn`t let those heavy books encumber you.


10. One should not encumber oneself with hire purchase repayment s at the beginning of a marriage.


11. One should not encumber oneself with hire purchase repayments at the beginning of a marriage.


12. encumber

12. Gregory Howell tells the story of the pipefitter, who completes his assignment on time, within budget, and well within specification, only to encumber every downstream contractor on the job.

Gregory Howell讲了管道安装工的故事,他按时按预算按要求完成了任务,只是妨碍了所有后续承包商的工作。

13. The book is a concise treatment of this complex field and does not encumber the reader with a surfeit of potentially distracting institutional details.


14. How unnecessary it has been for you to toil along on foot, and encumber yourself with this heavy load!


15. Before the credit crunch, bank board directors blithely asked themselves a similar rhetorical question: why encumber our bank with overcautious lending requirements when the system was itself deemed safe?


16. encumber

16. Adding the new inhibitor to traditional transitional group element carbides, composite inhibitors become much more effective, obviously induce oriented WC grain growth and evidently encumber plate-like WC grain formation during sintering.


17. To pledge, hypothecate, sell of assign and otherwise encumber items as described above.


18. Objects, such as provisions or baggage, that impede or encumber.


19. encumber的意思

19. Environmental hormone disturb the mechanism of internal secretion, make it malajustment, encumber the procreation of organism or bring the malignancy.


20. But covered bonds encumber bank assets, leaving less for other creditors.


encumber 词典解释

1. 拖累;牵累;妨碍

If you are encumbered by something, it prevents you from moving freely or doing what you want.

e.g. Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore...


e.g. It is still labouring under the debt burden that it was encumbered with in the 1980s.



The rest of the world is less encumbered with legislation...


I'm sure we all wish to be less encumbered by rules which we think unnecessary and restricting.


2. 阻塞;堵塞;塞满

If a place is encumbered with things, it contains so many of them that it is difficult to move freely there.


e.g. The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts.


encumber 单语例句

1. " This is a complicated process that will encumber the economy for many years, " Battipaglia said.

encumber 英英释义


1. hold back

Synonym: restraincumberconstrain