

strife:[英 [straɪf] 美 [straɪf] ]



strife 基本解释


名词冲突; 斗争; 争吵; [古]奋斗


strife 同义词




strife 反义词



strife 相关例句


1. She was unhappy because of the family strife.


strife 网络解释

1. 不和女神:这三位女神在人出生时就给了他们善或恶的命运爱女神(Friendship)、可恨的年龄女神(Age)和不饶人的不和女神(Strife). (ll.226-232)恶意的不和女神(Strife)生了痛苦的劳役之神(Toil)、遗忘之神(Forgetfu之神(Battles)、谋杀之神(Murders)、杀戮之神(Manslaughters)、争吵之神(Quarrels)、谎言之神(Lying Words)、争端之神(Dis

2. (生死关头):ak) 抗日-血战上海滩正版光盘镜像 抗日-血战缅甸正版光盘镜像 抗日-血战缅甸正版光盘镜像 64.洛杉矶倒霉日-洛城大灾难( Bad Day L.A) 动作类 神偷-暗黑计划(Thiefthe Dark Project)黄金版WIN98 生死关头(Strife)WIN98 邪教巫

3. 争吵:stride 大步走 | strife 争吵 | strike 打击;罢工

strife 双语例句

1. Be a hero in the strife!


2. In the market competition, to improve the products level is the key of upgrade strife.


3. strife是什么意思

3. What Luo Zhanglong actually did was to engage in factional strife, split the Party and form another central committee.


4. strife

4. Others engage in factional strife merely for personal gain and fame



5. One of the most important political changes in China over the past 30 years has been a move away from the vicious factional strife of the Maoist era, a tendency that persisted well into the 1980s and fuelled the pro-democracy upheaval of 1989. In 2002, for the first time in China`s communist history, power was smoothly transferred from one set of leaders to another without killings or purgings.


6. Here, does not have any mortal world troubled; does not have, in the society common to engage, factional strife and fight manipulated strategically; does not like in NCC research unit such everywhere receives incompetent boss's impeding; also does not have any extra worries.


7. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lienot against the truth.


8. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.

雅3:14 你们心里若怀著苦毒的嫉妒和分争、就不可自夸、也不可说谎话抵挡真道。

9. But if all of you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.



10. The Uighur Khanate collapsed in 840 because of natural disasters, internal strife and attacks by the ancient Jiegasi tribe. Consequently, most of the Uighur migrated westward.


11. Strife has arisen within their ranks, and many wish to ignore their obligation and remain isolated in their desert fortress.


12. Woe is me, my mother, because you bore me, A man of strife and a man of contention to the whole land.

15:10 我的母亲哪,我有祸了,因你生了我作与遍地相争相竞的人。


13. Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth!


14. Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth!

15:10 我的母亲哪,我有祸了。因你生我作为遍地相争相竞的人。

15. I see that behind the daily annoyances and intrusions, behind the cheap, glittering malice of the feeble and inert, there stands the symbol of life's frustrating power, and that he who could create order, he who would sow strife and discord, because he is imbued with will, such a man must go again and again to the stake and the gibbet.


16. The sectarian chasms remain deep, the wounds of strife raw.


17. Unbelieving Spouse (12-16): No Christian should intentionally foster strife in a marriage and thereby pressure the unbelieving spouse to seek to end the marriage.


18. A careless word may kindle strife a cruel word may wrede on life, a timely word may levelstress. A loving word may heal and bless



19. There is pain and strife in all our relationships, except in the act of sex.


20. strife的解释

20. Whoever thinks that the aforesaid things should not be observed while the council is meeting, and disturbs it with noise or dissensions or jests, contrary to the things forbidden here, shall leave the assembly, dishonourably stripped of the right to attend, according to the precept of the divine law (whereby it is commanded: drive out the scoffer, and strife will go out with him), and he shall be under sentence of excommunication for three days.

谁认为上述的东西,不应该遵守安理会开会,并且干扰,它与噪音或纠纷或jests ,相反的东西,严禁在这里,留待大会,不名誉剥夺有权出席,根据我的信条的神圣法则(即它是指挥者:硬盘出scoffer ,和纷争会走出去,与他),他应下句禁教了3天。

strife 词典解释

1. 严重不和;冲突;争斗

Strife is strong disagreement or fighting.

e.g. Money is a major cause of strife in many marriages...


e.g. The boardroom strife at the company is far from over...


strife 单语例句strife在线翻译

1. During civil strife, skin tone often meant the difference between life and death.

2. However, some warned Saddam's death could worsen the violence and civil strife in Iraq.

3. What about Nigeria, where other risks are amplified by civil strife?

4. Turkey strongly rejects genocide allegations and regards the events as civil strife in wartime which claimed lives of many Turks and Armenians.

5. It is believed that the primary motivation behind the relocation campaign was to bring the Red Guards under control and halt intense civil strife.

6. But 15 years of civil strife have turned this part of eastern Serbia into a tourism and culinary desert.

7. They also learned how important peace and stability are from the horror of the country's many years of civil strife and the Cultural Revolution.

8. The vote represents the country's next step toward democracy after two decades of war and civil strife.

9. It has triggered Israeli political turmoil and stirred warnings of civil strife.

10. Either way, the sides are getting close to losing another season to labor strife.

strife 英英释义



1. bitter conflict

heated often violent dissension

2. lack of agreement or harmony

Synonym: discord