

hasten:[英 [ˈheɪsn] 美 [ˈhesən] ]


过去式:hastened;   过去分词:hastened;   现在分词:hastening;

hasten 基本解释

及物/不及物动词加速; 催促; 使加紧; 赶紧,赶快

不及物动词赶快; 急忙


hasten 同义词



hasten 反义词




hasten 相关例句


1. Warm weather and showers hastened the growth of the plants.



1. I hastened home to tell my family the good news.


2. The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.


3. I hasten to say that he is not hurt.


4. hasten的意思

4. He hastened to apologize.


hasten 网络解释

1. 催促:*催促(Hasten):一场游戏只能使用一次,旗手於其启动时可施展催促. 每一个和旗手同部队的模型启动时必须前进且进行一次近战攻击,紧接著再前进一次. 在战斗行动(Combat Action)后,该部队就不能进行额外的行动.

2. 加快:机会: opportunity;chance;opening | 加快: accelerate;hasten;hurry;quicken;speed up | 间隙: break;interval;interlude;intermission


3. 促进:haste 匆忙 | hasten 促进 | hastily 匆忙地

4. 加速:croak 低啞的說話聲 | hasten 加速 | oblige 不得不

hasten 双语例句

1. I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan


2. Yan Yu of reporter of report from our correspondent reports: Open the hasten of general trends place that is a website, user base is the key of open community platform.

本报讯 记者严钰报道:开放是互联网站的大势所趋,用户基础是开放社区平台的要害。

3. Who say, He should hurry up; He should hasten His work, So that we may see it; And the counsel of the Holy One of Israel Should draw near and happen, So that we may know it!

5:19 他们说,任祂急速而行,赶快成就祂的作为,使我们可以看见;任以色列圣者所谋画的临近成就,使我们可以知道。

4. She started slightly at the announcement, 8ttt8.com told the girl to say that she would come down in a moment, proceeded to hasten her dressing.

嘉莉微微吃了一惊,不过她要女个仆下去说,她马上下来,一边8 t tt8。Com 加紧穿衣打扮。

5. She started slightly at the announcement, but told the girl to say that she would come down in a moment, and proceeded to hasten her dressing.


6. Do not hasten to bid me adieu.


7. hasten的近义词

7. They hasten ed the pace when they saw rain clouds.


8. Besides, the coordination development of bond market is restricted by many exterior conditions, including the perfection degree of all sorts of systems, operation status of market environment and the qualification of the market participates. So, hasten the construction of the above aspects is also essential.


9. If paying the TARP money back is designed to hasten an appointment, BofA`s new boss (tipped by many to be Greg Curl, the bank`s chief risk officer) already carries a very heavy price tag.


10. Only those wish to hasten it who believe not in it: those who believe hold it in awe, and know that it is the Truth.


11. hasten

11. What when once effect luck listens to mom and others to chat in the room in oneself, say the leg aches is fierce, press a hole, then effect luck secretly the medicine that asks to treat a leg to ache everywhere, asked to hasten manage to find time go buying, often still training.



12. Edmund answers his father with careful lies, so that Gloucester ends up thinking that his legitimate son, Edgar, has been scheming to kill him in order to hasten his inheritance of Gloucester`s wealth and lands.


13. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways.


14. Hence, attempts to hasten the significant task is uncalled for.


15. Kill the prince and come back; hasten: do you not see the first red streaks in the sky?


16. What is certain is that Francis was compelled to hasten back to Italy because of various troubles that had arisen there during his absence.


17. I hasten to handle lightning shrink back, and my heart thought: well, my mother has a fever!


18. Though her nephew had had no particular reason to hasten back on her account, she had not lived above six-and-thirty hours after his return.


19. hasten什么意思

19. I hasten to add that he is not hurt.


20. I hasten to add that I am sure that not all the Chinese students at MIT approve of these activities, but I hope you will pay close attention to their implications.


hasten 词典解释

1. 加速,加快(常指不愉快的事)

If you hasten an event or process, often an unpleasant one, you make it happen faster or sooner.

e.g. But if he does this, he may hasten the collapse of his own country.


2. 急忙;赶快;赶紧

If you hasten to do something, you are quick to do it.


e.g. She more than anyone had hastened to sign the contract.


3. (为避免他人误会)急忙(补充说)

If you hasten to say something, you quickly add something to what you have just said in order to prevent it being misunderstood.

e.g. Naturally, it'll go back. But without Murray's little note, I hasten to add...


e.g. 'There's no threat in this, Freddie,' Arnold hastened to say...


4. 赶往;赶去

If you hasten somewhere, you hurry there.


e.g. One of them, the first to alight, hastened with quicksilver steps towards me.


hasten 单语例句hasten什么意思

1. The conciliatory remarks from Obama and other US officials will hasten the healing process.

2. It is seeking to hasten his departure with a countrywide protest campaign this week.

3. The mainstream political parties now joined the Maoists to hasten the end of the monarchy, fuelled by a popular cry for democracy.

4. Decant this wine if you are not used to unfiltered wines, which do hasten digestion.

5. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has insisted that no more troops are required, just that the United States must hasten preparations for Iraqis to take over security duties.

6. Irrigation, chemical fertilizers and pesticides hasten the damage of Great Wall.

7. He said Ruzhou would hasten its pace and seize every opportunity to boost its economy and help Pingdingshan become another economic power in this area.

8. But they do need help now to remove the rubble and hasten the reconstruction of entire villages before the onset of next winter.

9. Increased efforts will be made to improve people's living standards, and the government will adopt new performance evaluations for local governments to hasten economic restructuring.

10. The study also showed that starting to take the vitamin at the first sign of symptoms did little to hasten recovery.

hasten 英英释义


1. act or move at high speed

e.g. We have to rush!

hurry--it's late!

Synonym: rushhurrylook sharpfestinate

2. cause to occur rapidly

e.g. the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions

Synonym: inducestimulaterush

3. move fast

e.g. He rushed down the hall to receive his guests

The cars raced down the street

Synonym: rushhotfoothiespeedracepelt alongrush alongcannonball alongbucket alongbelt alongstep on it

4. speed up the progress of


e.g. This should expedite the process

Synonym: expedite