

vent:[英 [vent] 美 [vɛnt] ]


过去式:vented;   过去分词:vented;   现在分词:venting;   复数形式:vents;

vent 基本解释

名词排气孔; 通风孔; (感情等的)发泄,吐露; (鸟,虫,鱼的)肛门

及物/不及物动词表达,发泄(感情,尤指愤怒); 给…开孔; 放出; (通过排泄等)减轻压力

vent 相关词组

1. give vent to : 发泄;

vent 相关例句



1. He vented his anger on his wife.




1. The floods found a vent through the dykes.


2. They gave vent to their rage.


3. The news has taken vent.


vent 网络解释

1. 放空:5.450GC配备了1177/FID,当分流比为1:50,柱流量为5ml/min时,其它各路气体的流量, 包括分流放空(vent)、隔垫吹扫(Septum Purge)、尾吹(Make Up)是多少?

2. 通风口:最简单的方法是先到控制塔台(control tower)开门,不过外面到处都是探照灯及巡逻的军人,探照灯可以用枪打破,一但站在探照灯下太久或干掉两个人以上,门就会关起来而必须改从通风口(vent)进去,而要从通风口进去要先破坏它的铁栅(vent grate),

3. 出口:向左走回山谷矿坑入口前,将水管放到汽球上,再放到天然气排出口(vent)将汽球充满,于是便可驾着汽球离开Thera. 3.当汽球在飞行时,可以选丢沙袋(dopballast)让汽球上升,也可以选排出氢气(venthydrogen)让汽球下降,


4. 通风:现象:起动车待水温上升后,将温度控制钮拨到暖风(WARM)位置,打开鼓风机开关,无论将方式选择拨钮拨到热风(HEAT)位置、通风(VENT)位置还是除霜位置,除霜风口始终吹热风到前窗,而其他出风口无风吹出.

vent 双语例句

1. vent什么意思

1. It is equipped with asphalt return tube, anti-puffing pressure vent valve, anti-aging overhead nitrogen valve, thermometer, volumeter and output asphalt rapid discharge valve and coupling.


2. vent的意思

2. But it was such a vibrant democracy to Li and his peers that, during the Cultural Revolution, a working-class citizen could freely vent his anger towards the direct boss by posting the allegations in public and parading him or her through the street!


3. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to pass the time, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.

南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。

4. vent在线翻译

4. We had a guy came up here two years ago, snatched a little boy from a rest stop, dropped him into a mine vent.


5. Perforating spanner, tyre spanner, crowing spanner, spanner, crossing spanner, universal spanner, spark plug spanner, inner hexagonal spanner, bidirectional oil core spanner, ball puller, refined chain stripper, vent-pipe tools, bearing tools, valve tools, clutch tools, gear stripper, stripper, curving pole, connecting pole, slipping pole, spanning pole, striking spanner, striking sleeve, short sleeve, double-claw puller, trinal-claw puller, magnetoelectric machine puller, spring.

宁波市鄞州佳欣工具厂 Ningbo Yinzhou Jiaxin Tools Factory 4C72 穿孔扳手、轮胎扳手、撬杠扳手、T型扳手、十字扳手、万向扳手、火花塞扳手、内六角扳手、三爪双向机油芯扳手、球头拔卸器、精品拆链器、排气管工具、轴承工具、气门拆装工具、双向离合器工具、正时齿拆卸工具、拆卸器、撞批嘴、批咀、弯杆、接杆、滑杆、扳杆、冲击起子、冲击套筒、短套筒、二爪拉具、三爪拉马、二爪拉马、磁电机拉马、螺丝批。

6. vent的翻译

6. On Tuesday they walked a fine line between confronting the Han protesters - keeping them separate from the Uighur community at a time when there was a real sense of blood lust in the air - and allowing them they chance to vent their legitimate anger and frustration.


7. vent的解释

7. It also has core technology of sink mark vent and welding line which are important to surface of bumper door panel and instrument board.


8. The energy consumption and the infection on the displacement ventilation system are studied for the displacement ventilation system with a exhaust outlet on the ceiling and a backwind vent on the wall.


9. The quantity of the saving energy is related to the height of the backwind vent, when height of the backwind vent hoist, the infection of the air distribution change on the occupied zone decrease, ventilation efficiency become larger, comfort is improved, but the saving energy is become small, this is a interrestrict relation, need to be balanced in practice.


10. vent是什么意思

10. The result indicate:Compared with whether the displacement ventilation system with a exhaust outlet on the ceiling or the mixing ventilation, the effect of saving energy of the displacement ventilation system with a exhaust outlet on the ceiling and a backwind vent on the wall is better.



11. The lids of the boxes shall be provided with filler and vent plugs identical in form, number and location with those on the cells.


12. vent

12. The method of recovering the gas of vent was discussed using technology of the film separation on the glycol device.

介绍了在 10 0kt/a乙二醇装置上,采用膜分离技术回收利用工艺放空气。

13. In this article, the methanol plant of the Northwest of Sichuan Gas Production Division is used as an example to study the comprehensive utilization of the vent gas.


14. vent在线翻译

14. When Kilauea volcano's Puu Oo vent was active I visited it often.

当基拉韦厄火山的Puu Oo洞口出现活动时,我经常去会去那里。

15. vent

15. City sound effects On a bitter cold late winter night in March, just outside the nation's Capitol, a group of homeless people slept on the rusty metal grate s over a city steam vent.


16. Results 11 vent ricle cysts, 4 septa pellucidum cysts and 10 obst ractive hydrocephalus were t reated by EN. Of them, 20 cases were achieved success and 1 recurrenced. Among 18 cases of vent ricle parenchymatous tumors, 16 of them were totally removed and 2 of them were subtotally removed.

结果 对颅内囊肿、透明隔囊肿和脑积水用EN治疗,20例获得成功,1例半年后复发。18例实质性肿瘤,全切除16例,次全切除2例。


17. Imagine, even if if your complain your anger and need only polar region to hip to chest, don't goes to vent, you can only turn bad at most you.


18. There is a side vent on her skirt.


19. vent什么意思

19. Finally will have the fragrance and high quality air to discharge by way of inlet vent.


20. Transmitters are designed for flowing samples, equipped with 1/8''bulkhead tube fitting connections on the side of the unit(unless otherwise indicated, either fitting can serve as inlet or vent) and are intended to operate at positive pressure regulated to between 5-30psig.

分析仪为流动样本设计,设备的两边都配有1/8''的堵水管件(除非特殊标明,这些配件可以作为出口或进口)使其调节在正压 5-30psig范围内。

vent 词典解释

1. 通风孔;排气口

A vent is a hole in something through which air can come in and smoke, gas, or smells can go out.


e.g. Quite a lot of steam escaped from the vent at the front of the machine...


e.g. There was a small air vent in the ceiling.


2. 发泄,宣泄(情感)

If you vent your feelings, you express them forcefully.

e.g. She telephoned her best friend to vent her frustration...


e.g. The rioters were prevented from venting their anger on the police.


3. 发泄,宣泄(情感)

If you give vent to your feelings, you express them forcefully.

e.g. She gave vent to her anger and jealousy.


4. (尤指突然地或作为回应)发出(声音)

If you give vent to a noise, you make a particular type of noise, especially suddenly or as a reaction to something.

e.g. He squatted on the floor and gave vent to a deep sigh...


e.g. The cabby gave vent to an angry shout.


vent 单语例句

1. In order to vent off tensions in the area, police officials are in talks with Jewish and Muslim community leaders to prevent additional escalation.

2. It is comprehensible for people to vent anger in the face of tragedy, but it is not logical and fair to blame the tragedy on anyone.

3. Police said Guan tried to vent his unfounded resentment towards Wang Zhiping, and he falsely confused personnel decisions with personal woes.

4. Some fans of losing teams said they were going to cook up an octopus to vent their anger.

5. Previous radioactive emissions have come from intentional efforts to vent small amounts of steam through valves to prevent the core from bursting.

6. An electrical problem however was complicating its operation since sharing the vent required the device to be turned off for days at a time.

7. The man argued he robbed the woman only to vent his frustration of a sinking business.

8. The mother is likely to vent to her resentment on the child, which may engender future social problems.

9. He urinated near an air vent and the wind blew his urine through the vent into the cell block.

10. The video showed an air vent and fan inside the hole to allow Saddam to remain hidden for an extended period.

vent 英英释义


1. activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion

e.g. she had no other outlet for her feelings

he gave vent to his anger

Synonym: releaseoutlet

2. external opening of urinary or genital system of a lower vertebrate

3. a hole for the escape of gas or air

Synonym: ventholevent-holeblowhole

4. a slit in a garment (as in the back seam of a jacket)

5. a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt

Synonym: volcano


1. expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen

e.g. air the old winter clothes

air out the smoke-filled rooms

Synonym: ventilateair outair

2. give expression or utterance to

e.g. She vented her anger

The graduates gave vent to cheers

Synonym: ventilategive vent