

lark:[英 [lɑ:k] 美 [lɑ:rk] ]


过去式:larked;   过去分词:larked;   现在分词:larking;   复数形式:larks;

lark 基本解释

名词云雀,百灵鸟; 玩笑,嬉戏

不及物动词嬉戏; 捉云雀

lark 相关例句



1. Stop larking about!


2. The boys are larking about behind the house.



1. Sitting in the sun, I listened to larks sing.


2. lark

2. What a lark!


lark 网络解释

1. 百灵:异地,由货运公司送货,邮产品说明 品牌名称:百灵(LARK) 产品名称:磷铜小号 Product Name:Trumpets cinnamon 调别:降B调 型号:M4015-P 表面处理:镀磷铜表面 包装:仿皮箱包 价格:如需批发,价格另议.

2. 百灵鸟:蛇snake)可以代表阴险狠毒,驴(ass)代表蠢笨,天鹅(swan)代表优雅,百灵鸟(lark)代表欢快. 猴子(monkey)比喻顽皮淘气,蜗牛(snail)比喻缓慢,鹦鹉(parrot)比喻学舌. (2)相反地,一些词在英语里能产生特定的联想意义,在汉语中则没有.

3. 百鸟,云雀:large prawn 大对虾 | lark 百鸟,云雀 | leopard 豹

lark 双语例句

1. From 1983-86, I was a visiting scholar in the Art and Art Theory departments under the professor Joan Brown and Professor Peter Selz.

我在加州伯克利大学的东亚研究所基金的资助下,由艺术系Joan Brown教授为我在系里拨出工作室进行艺术实践,Sylvia Lark教授对我各方面做出帮助,之后又得到Peter Selz教授的指导,在艺术系及艺术理论系任访问学者三年。1986年-1992年,我在旧金山艺术学院任导师时,促成了院长Fred Martin及浙江美院肖峰院长之间首次艺术教育交流项目。

2. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying. It rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale.


3. As many as 15 children after the death of Lark, Mia was on December 30 in Brooklyn, a Catholic church for the funeral to be held beloved daughter, Lark of the two daughter about the entire process with the grandmother.

儿女多达15名 Lark逝世后,米亚已于12月30日在布鲁克林一天主教教堂为爱女举行丧礼,Lark的两个亲生女儿全程伴在外婆左右。

4. She's as cheerful as a lark.


5. She lived in the village with her grandparents as cheerful as a lark.


6. The old man became as cheerful as a lark when he heard that his grandchildren were coming for a visit.


7. lark什么意思

7. Light-winged Smoke, Icarian bird, Melting thy pinions in thy upward flight, Lark without song, and messenger of dawn, Circling above the hamlets as thy nest; Or else, departing dream, and shadowy form Of midnight vision, gathering up thy skirts; By night star-veiling, and by day Darkening the light and blotting out the sun; Go thou my incense upward from this hearth, And ask the gods to pardon this clear flame.


8. It is cruel to confine lark in cage.



9. There are several dozens scenic spots and historic resorts, such as Shunshui Cliff, the Hawk Mouth Waterfall, the General Cliff, Senkaku Islands, the Wild Duck Bay, the Virtuous Young- woman Peak, the Lark Crosses, Starts the Stone, the Coffin Towering Boulder on Mountain Top, the Ear Eye Hill, Limu Mountain and so on.



10. When the quiet water of the Songari River just melts, and the biting northeast wind just shows slight restraint, the MSTC of Harbin Institute of Technology, like the *** rising with the lark, has sounded the first voice in the association campaigns of 2006, on April 2, holding the general meeting of the new year.


11. When the quiet water of the Songari River just melts, and the biting northeast wind just shows slight restraint, the MSTC of Harbin Institute of Technology, like the *** rising with the lark, has sounded the first cry in the association campaigns of 2006, on April 2, holding the general meeting of the new year.


12. And, dying, it rises above its on agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale.


13. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale.


14. He said he only did it for a lark.


15. I am not used to rising with the lark.


16. I, said the Lark, If it's not in the dark, I'll be the clerk.


17. Today, I am as happy as a lark.


18. Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark.


19. lark的翻译

19. Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.


20. lark

20. I was as happy as a lark just strolling along the lanes and looking at the flowers.


lark 词典解释

1. 百灵鸟;云雀

A lark is a small brown bird which makes a pleasant sound.

2. (可能带有淘气或危险性质的)玩乐,玩耍,嬉戏

If you say that doing something is a lark, you mean that it is fun, although perhaps naughty or dangerous.


e.g. The children thought it was a great lark...


e.g. The chances are that the thief will be under 21 and doing it for a lark...


3. (用于幽默地表示好笑、愚蠢或多余)演戏这玩意儿/耍笔杆子这一行

You use lark in expressions such as this acting lark and the writing lark to indicate humorously that you think an activity or job is amusing, foolish, or unnecessary.

e.g. He got the part, and eventually decided the acting lark wasn't half bad.


相关词组:lark around

lark 单语例句lark的意思

1. Actually, we " Hotpot " contributors aren't in this lark for the money.

2. Many students who pick unconventional names do it as a lark, having no interest in using them outside of class or of going abroad.

3. Williams had not gone far before he startled a Mongolian lark, a rare bird in the region and a blue throat.

4. So, why is our work culture biased towards the rhythms of the average lark?

5. Whether you are an owl or a lark, the market is definitely worth visiting.

lark 英英释义


1. any carefree episode

Synonym: escapade

2. any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing

3. a songbird that lives mainly on the ground in open country

has streaky brown plumage

Synonym: pipittitlark

4. North American songbirds having a yellow breast

Synonym: meadowlark


1. play boisterously

e.g. The children frolicked in the garden

the gamboling lambs in the meadows

The toddlers romped in the playroom

Synonym: frolicrollickskylarkdisportsportcavortgambolfriskromprun aroundlark about