

curator:[英 [kjʊəˈreɪtə(r)] 美 [kjʊˈreɪtə(r)] ]



curator 基本解释


名词(图书馆等的)馆长; 监护人; 管理者; (大学)学监,校董会中的财务保管员


curator 网络解释

1. curator

1. 保佐人:将亲权人(guardian)、监护人(tutor)、保佐人(curator)〖*38〗的意志加以归属,对二者来说都是同样容易的. 是否应允许为这种归属,或者是否应否认胎儿得行使法律权利,是任何法律体系都必须自为解决的一个重大问题. 罗马法和普通法上,

2. 研究員:常设展缘起 美国自然史博物馆拥有二百名科学家,其中约有四十位博物馆研究员( curator),分别任职於人类学、天文学、地球科学、昆虫学、无脊椎动物学、哺乳动物学、鸟类学、古脊椎动物学、分子生物学研究室、生物多样性研究中

curator 双语例句

1. However, we would like to address special thanks to the curator-organizer and Chairman of Xylon, Sweden, artist Chun Lee Wang Gurt.


2. Apart from living in a stable and prosperous society, there were at least three other criteria necessary for a successful curator of books.


3. But he shall select by lot no person who is seventy years of age or older, or is serving in some magistracy or office, or is presiding over a court of justice, or is curator for the distribution of grain, or is prevented by illness from performing this compulsory public service, after he has taken oath to that effect in the Senate and has given three members of the Senate to swear to his incapacity, or is a cognatic or agnatic kinsman of the defendant, so that he is exempted by the Julian Law on judiciary matters from testifying as a witness in public court against his will, or if the defendant takes oath in the presence of the Senate that such a person is his personal enemy, provided that he does not reject more than three in this way.


4. curator的翻译

4. The Centre was depleted by the Yang Di Chuan Master Li Yu Chi-tang three III only Mr. Li Dingxin chairman, South China University of Technology from the School of Architecture Engineering, Dr doctoral tutor Professor Cheng Jianjun and Shenzhen Nanshan Folk Museum of Art as curator of Mr. Long Hui Vice Chairman. The Centre has also hired a director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography Mr.


5. His fater is the curator of our school.


6. It is a mix of quality, strategy chosen by the gallerist and/or artist, fashion, curator- and media attention and in particular being part of one of the networks driving the process.



7. Mizzou has a grant program for international students. The Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good grades and take part in university activities. Graduate students who receive a grant get nine free credits to take courses. Undergraduates receive between one thousand and five thousand dollars in support.

Mizzou 提供一项针对留学生的补助金计划,这项管理者补助金计划是专门针对那些成绩优良并且积极参与大学活动的留学生,接受这项补助金的研究生将获得 9 分的免费选修课程,而本科生将获得 1000 至 1500 美元的直接经济资助。

8. From 1992-2003 he was based in Australia where he worked first at the Biennale of Sydney, then as Director of the Canberra Contemporary Art Space, and from 1997-2003 as Curator of Contemporary Art at the Art Gallery of Western Australia.


9. I left it just south of the courtyard outside the B. T. A. P., and it was pushed around the corner the following day (after we had eaten a celebratory meal of mushroom hotpot with our Japanese hosts, and I had left for Guangzhou to work on the triennial that would open the following month) by a young curator and his artist girlfriend, two of the factory`s first loft residents.


10. His father is curator of our school.


11. His father is the curator of our school.


12. As a curator, Bas Vroege has been responsible for a number of cross‐media festivals and exhibitions.


13. Led by the curator Bas Vroege, the round table conference was a mix of presentations and interaction with the specialized media and photography lovers, it gave a deeper insight to the artists and their work.

在策展人Bas Vroege的主持下,整个圆桌会议气氛热烈,既有别开生面的介绍,又有专业媒体和摄影爱好者的趣味互动。


14. Note: administrators at four categories: library administrators, book manager, editorial manager, the Assistant Curator readers have the greatest volume library books had not returned before it can operate for the library.


15. This exhibition is presented by the well-known curator Fan Di An as the academic chair, and Zhu Qing Sheng, Huang Du, Dau Zi and Lui Ju De as the academic member of the committee. In the opening, there`re the well-known art critics Huang He Qing, Huang Du, Wang Lin and artist Wang Xiao Song, they will communicate face-to-face with art lovers and carry out the academic seminar.


16. Peter Shilling is a brilliant jade carver, as well as the curator of the Harvard Museum Jade Collection.

Peter Shilling 是一个出色的的玉石雕刻者,同时也是哈佛大学博物馆玉器收藏馆馆长。

17. While in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum.


18. curator在线翻译

18. You're looking at the new Junior Assistant Curator!


19. I hear it's just one easy step up to Senior Assistant Curator.

我听说 要升到高级馆长助理是轻而易举的事呢

20. curator的翻译

20. So the assistant curator job's really perfect for me.


curator 词典解释

1. (博物馆或美术馆的)馆长,负责人

A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery.

e.g. Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.


curator 单语例句curator

1. " Traveling and painting are effective ways to nurture children's imaginations and activate their creative potential, " says curator Hong Xing.

2. " Zhang's art is similar to Arte Povera, " curator Huang Du says.

3. The eminent curator also points out that although he is famous in Venice now, no one made a fuss of anyone called Marco Polo at the time.

4. The museum curator Andrew Bolton said that the item had been partly designed to " reveal the moral discourse surrounding blood sports and fur fashions ".

5. The main thing that strikes the curator is that traffic is just as bad more than 100 years ago as it is today.

6. The show tackles people's efforts to retain their own identities in an increasingly globalized world, says key curator Huang Du.

7. As the curator of the first year 798 Art Festival in 2007, Zhu recalls that the first year was " a total chaos ".

8. But the curator forgot to acknowledge the contribution of the 200 migrants attending the exhibition.

9. Deputy curator Guo Qinglin said the museum would house a collection of archaeological findings from the Liangzhu cultural site.

10. Her voice exudes the pride of a curator introducing her favorite pieces in a museum.

curator 英英释义



1. the custodian of a collection (as a museum or library)

Synonym: conservator