

capacity:[英 [kəˈpæsəti] 美 [kəˈpæsɪti] ]



capacity 基本解释

名词容量; 性能; 才能; 生产能力


capacity 相关例句


1. This can has a capacity of four quarters.


2. The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars.


3. I have come in the capacity of a legal adviser.


4. That bowl has a capacity of two pints.



5. He said that in the capacity as mayor.


capacity 网络解释

1. 容量: 52 微型计算机硬件组成 下载 (5) 容量(Capacity) 存储容量是指软盘所能存储的数据字节总数.一张双面高密度软盘存 储容量为:容量 =面数×磁道数×扇区数×扇区字节数.

2. capacity

2. 容积:5.容积(Capacity) 如公升、加仑、蒲式耳等. 粮食及部分液体商品按容积计算. 6.体积(Volume) 如立方米(立方公尺)、立方英尺、立方码等. 按体积单位成交的商品不多,仅应用于木材及化学气体等少数商品. 由于各国度量衡制度不同,

3. 资格:把财产转移(Transfer)给作为受托人的另一人;(2)财产所有人宣告其作为受托人持有可识别的(identifiable)财产;(1)委托人有资格(capacity)设立信托;(b)如果在现行反永续规则(rule against perpectuities)规定的范围内,

capacity 双语例句

1. The bad geology conditions of watershed are usually scoured by the rain that brings lots silt into the reservoir and cause serious silting. After observation over the variation of reservoir`s capacity, below the elevation 37m, it is almost filled with silt and the effective capacity is beyond 1.3 million cubic meter.



2. Finally the paper gives suggestions on how to bring up and improve the company s independent innovation capacity.


3. This method has the capacity to identify gearbox noise source, and has broad prospects for application.


4. capacity

4. Experiments are conducted on the effect of different types and different molecular structures of polymers on HPAM removal existed in solution or sewage. It is found out that only cationic polymer has a better removal effect of HPAM among the non-ion, amphoteric ion and hydrophobical cation polymers, especially the DMDAAC cationic polymer has an optimal result. The removal capacity to HPAM can be further improved by using appropriate molecular weight and cationic capacity and gas floatation technique.


5. capacity

5. Novels People often stay in a different environment, through their different experiences, in his capacity as to the performance of their different character and different path of resistance.


6. Leading products, including machine, leveling machines, axle pressure capacity, shears and other forging products.


7. The wind speed of this generating plant is controlled by a computer chip, and can be set according to the car speed and charge capacity.


8. capacity的近义词

8. As SACMI`s business expands in China and neighbouring regions, the original production capacity can no longer meet the demand of our clients. As a result, SACMI Group decided to set up the SACMI Machinery Co., Ltd., in Chang Shu Economic Development Zone.


9. capacity的解释

9. The company has formed an annual output of 900, 000 Tang various Fangqiao Men's production capacity.


10. capacity的解释

10. Glossarial capacity lays a solid foundation for our writing ability.


11. Therefore, the ultimate load capacity analysis of transmission tower structure is important both in theory and engineering practice.


12. The company's total investment in four million yuan, covers an area of 13, 000 square meters, including construction area of 8000 square meters, 4, 1200 tons storage capacity, 2300 square meters underground repository, storage capacity of 600 tons, 2300 square meters of processing workshop with advanced processing equipment and rich processing experience and currently employs 100 people, the annual processing capacity of 20, 000 tons, processing of the main products have fresh ginger, Wind Dried Ginger, garlic, carrots, onion, potatoes, sweet potatoes and so on.


13. capacity的翻译

13. Chinese traditional medicine pharmacy with its long history and unique features has a good competitive capacity in the medicine market in China and even in the world.


14. capacity的解释

14. This world is filled with people who are anxious to function in an advisory capacity!



15. this paper develops a new type of on large battery capacity real-time detection technology. ATMEGA8L as the core of ampere2hour meter with the input signal at ±100mV and the measurement of electrical isolation. Using the least-squares algorithm identify the system`s model with the MCU code rarely achieved the least-squares algorithm. Analysis of the test results shows reliable performance, high precision.


16. capacity

16. Beaumont also has capacity to produce 176 million pounds per year of finished waxes and 62 million pounds per year of unfinished waxes.

博蒙特工厂的 I 型基础油的总生产能力是每天 12500 桶、成品蜡的年生产能力是 7.99 万吨、半成品蜡是 2.81 万吨。


17. The product that is just like factory production needs to be saleable satisfy the need, the graduate that the university fosters also wants can base oneself upon at the society, have the capacity of earn one's own living.


18. Methods Using analysis method, make on analysis of the water environment bearing capacity of eco-industrial park.


19. Study of theory and practice of the regional water resources bearing capacity.


20. Submarine escape capsule is a collective of independent, self-contained new safe devices, which can effectively increase the rescue capacity of the submarine crew to ensure the safety of personnel officers, superiority to the past any one of escape equipment.


capacity 词典解释

1. 能力;才能

Your capacity for something is your ability to do it, or the amount of it that you are able to do.


e.g. Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited...


e.g. Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.


2. (工厂、企业、地区的)生产量,生产(或运输)能力

The capacity of something such as a factory, industry, or region is the quantity of things that it can produce or deliver with the equipment or resources that are available.

e.g. ...the amount of spare capacity in the economy...


e.g. Bread factories are working at full capacity...


3. (设备的)容量,功率,马力

The capacity of a piece of equipment is its size or power, often measured in particular units.


e.g. ...an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 454 kg.


e.g. ...a feature which gave the vehicles a much greater fuel capacity than other trucks.


4. (容器的)容积,容量

The capacity of a container is its volume, or the amount of liquid it can hold, measured in units such as litres or gallons.

e.g. ...the fuel tanks, which had a capacity of 140 litres...


e.g. Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml (5-6 fl oz) capacity.


5. (建筑、地方、车辆的)可容纳人数,载客量

The capacity of a building, place, or vehicle is the number of people or things that it can hold. If a place is filled to capacity, it is as full as it can possibly be.

e.g. Each stadium had a seating capacity of about 50,000...


e.g. Toronto hospital maternity wards were filled to capacity.


6. 座无虚席的;满场的;挤满的

A capacity crowd or audience completely fills a theatre, sports stadium, or other place.

e.g. A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at Wembley football stadium for the event.


7. 身份;职责;职位

If you do something in a particular capacity, you do it as part of a particular job or duty, or because you are representing a particular organization or person.

e.g. Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef...


e.g. This article is written in a personal capacity...


Do not confuse capacity with ability and capability. If someone has a particular capacity, a capacity for something, or a capacity to do something, they have the qualities required to do it. Capacity is a more formal word than ability. ...their capacity for hard work. ...his capacity to see the other person's point of view. You often use ability to say that someone can do something well. He had remarkable ability as a musician. ...the ability to bear hardship. A person's capability is the amount of work they can do and how well they can do it. ...a job that was beyond the capability of one man. ...the director's ideas of the capability of the actor.

不要混淆 capacity,ability 和 capability。capacity 比 ability 更加正式, 表示具有做某事所必需的特质: their capacity for hard work (他们能吃苦耐劳), his capacity to see the other person's point of view (他理解他人观点的能力)。ability 常用来表示能够做好某事: He had remarkable ability as a musician (他拥有杰出的音乐才华), the ability to bear hardship (承受苦难的能力)。capability 表示能完成的工作量及工作质量: a job that was beyond the capability of one man (个人力所不及的工作), the director's ideas of the capability of the actor (导演对那个演员演技的评价)。capacity 单语例句

1. The decrease in the loan business would reduce the future expansion capacity of the banks, Zhu says.

2. Voith sees potential for its hydropower business, which comprises about a quarter of the installed capacity in the sector in China.

3. Its capacity and the total volume of business ranked the second in China.

4. Some analysts warned during previous price wars that frequent promotions may overstretch consumers'buying capacity.

5. The European Union is growing in size and in its capacity to act on the world stage.

6. I was fascinated then by the entrepreneurship of small farmers and their capacity to apply new technology.

7. Those with a capacity of less than 275 MW will be closed by the end of this year.

8. Constructed by the GD Long Yuan Power Technology & Engineering, it has a gross capacity of 150 MW.

9. Their attempt to maintain market share by further increasing manufacturing capacity must be weighed carefully in view of their real competitive edge in the market.

10. He underwent bypass surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in April 1999, after Turkish doctors said his heart was working at 25 percent capacity.

capacity是什么意思capacity 英英释义


1. a specified function

e.g. he was employed in the capacity of director

he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary

2. the maximum production possible

e.g. the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity

3. tolerance for alcohol

e.g. he had drunk beyond his capacity

4. capability to perform or produce

e.g. among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism

limited runway capacity

a great capacity for growth

5. the power to learn or retain knowledge

in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior

Synonym: mental ability

6. an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored

Synonym: capacitanceelectrical capacity

7. (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive

e.g. the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes

8. the amount that can be contained

e.g. the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons

Synonym: content

9. the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment

e.g. the capability of a metal to be fused

Synonym: capability