

infer:[英 [ɪnˈfɜ:(r)] 美 [ɪnˈfɚ] ]


过去式:inferred;   过去分词:inferred;   现在分词:inferring;

infer 基本解释

及物动词推断; 猜想,推理; 暗示; 意指


infer 相关例句


1. People inferred that so able a governor would make a good president.


2. infer是什么意思

2. Ragged clothing infers poverty.


3. I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet.


4. I infer that my proposal has been accepted.



1. infer的反义词

1. Men have observed and inferred in all sorts of ways.


infer 网络解释

1. 暗示:整个考试没有感到难度的突然增加和减少. 数学题霏霏宝典难度偏高. 基金非常好. 语文阅读最短的40 多行,最长的有95-90行. 出现了一个暗示(infer)题. 但是看到这个暗示题我就笑了. 因为我恰好这一段读得比较透彻.

infer 双语例句

1. We should try to infer the meaning of new words.


2. It is not necessary to infer the things happend last year, it has all passed.


3. The work of the expert system is to infer.


4. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that by using the catalyst of prop...


5. This formula can help us to infer how to solve the problem.


6. infer是什么意思

6. From the words that he was going to leave, we could infer that we would not see he.


7. From the context of your letter, I can infer you are a polite boy.



8. I infer as evident from the faith and works of the four sects--which are the caesarean clergy, the various monks, the various canons, and the friars-that nobody belonging to them is a member of Christ in the catalogue of the saints, unless he forsakes in the end the sect which he stupidly embraced.


9. We all know that poker only four colors, and if out of five cards, of which at least two cards is a suit, (the equivalent of four to five apples into a box, at least there will be a box two or more of the apple), above 5 cards the Chinese film A and the side piece 9 on the part of a suit, old Jack is not a license to any given audience, and must have two identical cards in a suit, then he The remaining four cards on the table, we must ensure that the first card and the audience in the hands of the card (side pieces 9) is a flower, to see such a small square piece Jack A, one can infer The suit goes on is out of square pieces license.



10. Predictive effect of the function is so excellent that we can infer it when plan energy strategy.


11. The economist who put it there can infer something about your willingness to accept risk.


12. infer

12. When you come across a new word, or a new meaning of an old word, see if you can infer it from its context.


13. And it also can infer two following aspects: Principle of subrogation and Principle of contribution.


14. infer在线翻译

14. It can be infer red that you lack confidence in a victory over your rivals from the fact that you''re irritable against them.



15. We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.


16. Chapter One discusses the influence of the Evolution Theory on Hu Shi`s linguistic and literary views, based on which we infer that Hu Shi`s illustrations of both Chinese and Western literary history are mainly made with the influence of the Evolution Theory, and it is under this influence that he points out the necessity of a revolution in Chinese language and literature.


17. Based on size, shape, cell division, distribution in colonies of microfossils, we infer that the fossils may be sulfur or iron oxidation chemolithotrophic prokaryotes and fungi.


18. Or NHibernate can automatically infer the name of the table or the type of the column from the class definition.

而且 NHibernate 可以通过类的定义自动推断表名或列类型。

19. infer在线翻译

19. In the expert system, a method which combines the technology of objected-oriented and the method of if-then rule to present knowledge and a construction of knowledge base based on relational database are introduced. And then we use data base technology to built and maintain knowledge base in the part of expert system. In the design of inference machine, display the good man-machine interactive function, using backward and forward ratiocination to infer.


20. infer的意思

20. If this apotheosis of individuation is to be ready in normative terms, we may infer that there is one norm only: the individual—or, more precisely the observance of the limits of the individual: sophrosyne.


infer 词典解释

1. 推断;推定

If you infer that something is the case, you decide that it is true on the basis of information that you already have.

e.g. I inferred from what she said that you have not been well...


e.g. By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.


2. 暗示,暗指,意味着(许多人认为此用法不正确)

Some people use infer to mean 'imply', but many people consider this use to be incorrect.

e.g. The police inferred that they found her behaviour rather suspicious.


Do not confuse infer and imply. If you infer that something is the case, you decide that it must be the case because of what you know, but without actually being told. From this simple statement I could infer a lot about his wife. If you imply that something is the case, you suggest that it is the case without actually saying so. Rose's barrister implied that he had married her for her money.

不要混淆 infer 与 imply。infer 表示在没有被明确告知的情况下,根据已知信息推断某事是事实。例如,From this simple statement I could infer a lot about his wife (从这句简单的话我能够推断出关于他妻子的很多情况)。imply 指不加以明说,但通过暗示表明某事的事实。例如,Rose's barrister implied that he had married her for her money (罗斯的律师暗示他是为了她的钱才娶了她)。infer 单语例句

1. It would be wrong to infer that Chinese business people are by nature parsimonious.

2. It did not infer that Shi would change his ways and he showed his contempt by calling the attack a " joke ".

3. " To infer that the ISI provided cover for Osama bin Laden is absolutely wrong, " he said.

4. It is used as evidence from time to time to infer the copyright holder's identity and determine whether there is plagiarism in registration.

5. It did not actually''see''the toddler planet, but yielded evidence that enabled scientists to infer its existence.

6. Using stock options as a stimulant does not infer that one has to be the sole or majority owner in order to operate a business.

7. " We can only infer what nation people had in mind when they answered that question, " Bouton said.

infer 英英释义


1. believe to be the case

e.g. I understand you have no previous experience?

Synonym: understand

2. guess correctly

solve by guessing

e.g. He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize

Synonym: guess

3. reason by deduction

establish by deduction

Synonym: deducedeductderive

4. conclude by reasoning

in logic

Synonym: deduce

5. draw from specific cases for more general cases

Synonym: generalizegeneraliseextrapolate