

downplay:[英 [ˌdaʊnˈpleɪ] 美 [ˈdaʊnˌple] ]


过去式:downplayed;   过去分词:downplayed;   现在分词:downplaying;

downplay 基本解释

及物动词不予重视; 贬低,轻视; 将…轻描淡写

downplay 网络解释

1. downplay在线翻译

1. 低估,贬低:status quo 现状 | downplay 低估,贬低 | radical 词根,激进分子; 根本的;激进的

2. 低调处理:钓鱼岛Diaoyu Islands | 低调处理downplay | 跌幅range of a price drop

3. 对...轻描淡写;贬低:debut 初次登场, 开张 | downplay 对...轻描淡写;贬低: | underplay 轻描淡写,一笔带过表演角色不充分


4. 不予重视:founding father 开国者;创立人 | downplay 不予重视 | underscore 划线于...下, 强调;(名词)下划线

downplay 双语例句

1. Mr Rod Beddows CEO of Hatch Corporate Finance does not attempt to downplay the difficult period for the sector.

加拿大HATCH公司的首席执行官Rod Beddows 先生则持悲观预期认为,短期内,金融危机对全球钢铁业的打击不会淡化。

2. In this way, not only between the main slave to downplay the individual colors, and increase community involvement.


3. downplay是什么意思

3. Heer assiduity, pure focus, downplay of latitudinarianism, it shalt end, lest perchance it should begin.


4. Jovetic was quick to downplay any suggestions of unrest within the camp.



5. This creates pressure to downplay the results and lower the standards, otherwise the necessary changes will cause the product schedule to slip dramatically and significant effort and costs will be wasted not exactly the sort of report a manager wants to give to her superiors.


6. The second stage, from the late 80's to 90's at the end of liberalism in general to downplay its color and turn to radical and conservative at the same time, the criticism of reality into the decentralization of economic freedom to the rule of law system for content design, in a species found on the extent of state power with the meeting point.



7. Some people appear to downplay positive aspects of their situations to limit their expectations and help them feel less pressured.


8. To facilitate conciliation and be persuasive, judges use various information processing means such as information repetition, information addition, information omission and information transition to intensify the favorable information and downplay the unfavorable.


9. I often did just the opposite: I`d downplay the difficulty of some job, in the belief that I was being encouraging—say, by telling my daughter, Come on, honey, zipping up your coat isn`t hard.


10. He and other Chinese scholars downplay Li Yundi's and Lang Lang's stardom.


11. The British and Japanese emperor kindheartedness receives male behavior to contain stanza and its power has been already downplay and has another explanation.


12. However, this is not to downplay the almost 400, 000 aggravated assaults, 51, 000 rapes and sexual assaults, 84, 000 robberies, and nearly 1, 000 homicides reported each year.


13. downplay

13. On my way up north up on the ventura i pulled back the hood and i was talking to you and i knew then it would be a life long thing but i didn't know that we we could break a silver lining and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you things you said that day up on the 101 the girl had come undone i tried to downplay it with a bet about us you said that- you'd take it as long as i could i could not erase it and i ride along side and i rode along side you then and i rode along side till you lost me there in the open road and i rode along side till the honey spread itself so thin for me to break your bread for me to take your word i had to steal it and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you i could pick back up whenever i feel down new mexico way something about the open road i knew that he was looking for some indian blood and find a little in you find a little in me we may be on this road but we're just imposters in this country you know so we go along and we said we'd fake it feel better with oliver stone till i almost smacked him seemed right that night and i don't know what takes hold out there in the desert cold these guys think they must try and just get over on us and i was ridin'by ridin'along side for a while till you lost me and i was ridin'by ridin'along till you lost me till you lost me in the rear view you lost me i said way up north i took my day all in all was a pretty nice day and i put the hood right back where you could taste heaven perfectly feel out the summer breeze didn't know when we'd be back and i, i don't didn't think we'd end up like like this

在途中提高北方在 ventura 上提高我向后地拉头巾而且我正在和你说话而且我知道然后它会是生活长的事物但是我没有知道那我们我们可以休息一个一线希望而且我很这么忧愁同类一本善行书我不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你你说那个日子的事物在 101 上提高女孩有来未完成的我试验过的不予重视它藉由一个打赌有关我们你说那-你将会拿它只要我可以我无法消除它而且我乘坐向前边而且我向前骑边你然后而且我向前骑边直到你失去的我在那里在开着的道路中而且我向前骑边直到蜂蜜传布它本身如此瘦的因为我对休息你的面包因为我拿你所说的话我必须偷它而且我很这么忧愁同类一本善行书我不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你我可以精选向后地向上的每当我感觉??落新的 mexico 方法关于开着的道路某事我知道他是找寻一些 indian 血和稍微在你里面稍微找发现在我里面我们可能是在这一条道路上除了我们只是 imposters 在这国家中你知道因此我们向前去和我们说我们有假货它以脚踏铁槌石头感觉好很多直到我几乎有味道他似乎是权利哪一夜晚和我不知道什么控制向那边在那沙漠寒冷这些人认为他们一定尝试而且仅仅在我们身上克服而且我是 ridin'被 ridin'向前边一阵子直到你失去的我而且我是 ridin'被 ridin'向前直到你失去的我直到你失去的我在那后面视野你失去的我我说方法向上的北方我花了我的日子极其重要的是一相当好的日子和我放头巾正确地背面哪里你可以味道天堂完全地感觉夏天微风没有知道当我们将会回来而且我我做不没有想我们有结束在同类上面同类这


14. It would be irresponsible for me to downplay the magnitude of this crisis or assure you that everything is under control.


15. Since we have to understand their special feelings of love can not have too much, nor have the time due, but to downplay and belittle love.


16. downplay的翻译

16. Certainly both the Olsens and Mrs Beckham have worked very hard to downplay their own celebrity in their lines (the Olsens going so far as to remove their names from their brand) and up-play the clothes, which are very good.


17. To downplay this bottleneck effect, the pluralization of fund raising channels can be an objective and realistic alternative.


18. At lengthways up the farmer died down the ancestry adoration and joss stick consciousness. They downplay clansmen to inherit idea. People's clansmen idea and the household consciousness is fading away.


19. Coming from a government that usually strives to downplay bad news, this is a clear indication of a truly dire situation.


20. downplay的近义词

20. In regard to the adornment of the bronze vessels Pattern, be the symbol content of the bronze vessels Pattern because the history turn into and change of time but downplay gradually, the form meaning, adornment that the diagram type structure have is usually the first of.


downplay 词典解释

1. 对…轻描淡写;使轻视;贬低

If you downplay a fact or feature, you try to make people think that it is less important or serious than it really is.

e.g. The government is trying to downplay the violence.


e.g. ...to downplay the dangers of nuclear accidents.


downplay 单语例句

1. But those officials did nothing to downplay the importance of the problem.

2. Moussa took pains in his speech to downplay controversial elements of the declaration, saying the summit's main point is to strengthen regional ties.

3. Despite the woes of Japanese carmakers such as Nissan and Honda, industry heavyweights are unlikely to downplay the importance of establishing a strong presence in China.

4. Fan predicts that both sides will downplay the row to bring bilateral relations back to normal as soon as possible.

5. Kelly said the administration wanted to engage China as an important global player but would not " downplay " disagreements over human rights.

6. The US had wished to downplay the salience of the move, portraying it as " a regularly scheduled 2011 western Pacific deployment ".

7. The White House both underscored the magnitude of the problem and tried to downplay it in the space of seven words.

8. China's government also wants to downplay the case in order to avoid further infringement on bilateral ties.

9. MADRID - The Spanish government on Tuesday tried to downplay Russia's recent decision of expelling two Spanish diplomats.

10. Moreover, supporters of alternative energies systematically downplay their negative environmental impact.

downplay 英英释义


1. understate the importance or quality of

e.g. he played down his royal ancestry

Synonym: backgroundplay down

2. represent as less significant or important

Synonym: understateminimizeminimise