



requirements 基本解释

需要;所需的东西;必要条件,必备的条件;要求( requirement的名词复数 );必要条件;需要的东西;


requirements 网络解释

1. 要求:如果我们就预定旅馆房间作进一步的听辨分析,听者如具备预定旅馆房间通常采取的几个步骤的图式知识如:(1)开场白(opening):引出预定房间的话语;(2)目的(Orientation):表明预定房间的意图;(3)要求(Requirements):明确预定的时间、人数、价格标准以及有无特殊请求;

2. requirements

2. 需求:如果缺少了变更咨询会议(Change Advisory Board - CAB)由可向变更管理小组提供专家意见的人项目内容( Baseline)= 客户所有 需求( Requirements) – 非本项目范 围的需求ITIL 论坛(itSMF)组织策划者和成员,积极推广和发展ITIL 理念.

3. 职位要求:具体要求: 招聘要求: 职位要求(Requirements) 1、无寿险从业经验; 2、年龄25-40岁; 3、有销售经验者优先; 4、有积极进取的精神及接受挑战的性格; 5、具有良好的协调、管理、沟通能力.

4. requirements是什么意思

4. 任职要求:任职要求(Requirements): 学历和专业: 大专以上学历、计算机或美术类专业毕业, 相关工作经验: 一年年以上工作经验, 对时尚潮流有敏锐的感知度, 有电子商务网站工作经验者优先.

requirements 双语例句

1. Wells, well drilling technology is extremely important to have the requirements for large-diameter steel tube-wells.



2. Easy Installation- Integral valve flanges mate with many different classes of pipeline flanges, satisfying a variety of piping requirements.


3. requirements的近义词

3. Easy Installation- Integral valve body flanges mate with many different classes of pipeline flanges, satisfying a variety of piping requirements.


4. At the same time I can also meet the Secretary for customers, according to the customer requirements, development of other shoulder strap width and thickness, and the shoulder strap on the printing, iron flower, flower nails, coloring, such as product development, new fashion design so charming woman from a more glorious.


5. And a precise feedback circuit based on TL431 and resistors network is devised to meet the requirements of high voltage and high precision of the power supply.


6. Current aerial engine instrument technology and future requirements for engine parameter display are presented.


7. At first, the basic requirements of numerical control cutting of plate material in manufacturing enterprises are analyzed, on the basis of which, the total design plan of integrated optimized cutting system was put forward. Meanwhile, the structure and function of the system were designed in the plan, and design thoughts and processes of each function model were analyzed.


8. Users according to their own requirements to generate self-definition of the shape buttons.


9. Packaging: PP bag, carton size of foreign trade in accordance with customer requirements.

包装:PP 袋,外贸纸箱尺寸大小可以根据客户的要求。

10. These screens such as gadolinium oxysulfide have the advantage of much lower cost and greater flexibility in that the sc reen can easily be changed to match the resolution requirements of the application.


11. requirements

11. The system will also be available to State, Territory and local governments, so that the ABN will eventually reduce the number of registration and reporting requirements across the three levels of government.


12. requirements什么意思

12. Time as well as of the requirements of theology, the Encyclical


13. The study indicated that ultraviolet treatment and hypochlorination with subsequent dechlorination are the most promising options, based uponsite-specific hazards, environmental impacts, land requirements and cost considerations.


14. requirements的解释

14. Integrated production of activated carbon was 3000 tons; mercury catalyst production using advanced vacuum adsorption, the main equipment has: Enamel Reactor Units 2, 4 sets of drying equipment, vacuum pump 4, a closed two screening machines, at an annual rate 1000 tons, our factory can be based on user specific requirements for processing operations.


15. Special requirements apply to products with higher levels of automated production line, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd, Li-ion battery has a large area of the user.


16. We usually think of a high-quality prodcut as one that exactly meets the requirements placed on it.


17. From the present, China`s land-use system has been gradually perfected, the establishment of land tenure, land use control, land planning and resource protection requirements to ensure that the interests of the people is not impaired.


18. requirements

18. A suspended roof: the roof bearing structure hanging below a variety of folded plate, flat or other forms of ceiling, which is often the top order to meet the acoustic and lighting requirements or to pursue some special decorative effects, commonly used in the gymnasium, cinema and so on.


19. For the application of specific provisions of this Directive scientific and technological progress, set forth in Annex I A breakdown products Waste Electronic Electrical Equipment available in the processing, storage and disposal of technical requirements.


20. Indirect discrimination can occur if there are rules or requirements which apply to everyone, but which have the effect of disadvantaging one group and are not reasonable in the circumstances.


requirements 单语例句requirements的近义词

1. MetLife is working with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on business registration and other requirements related to the new entity.

2. The Business Park was actively adjusting the strategy and style for investment to suit the requirements demanded by industry development.

3. Effective policies should reflect today's business travel requirements, and managers need to make adjustments and recommendations whenever necessary.

4. Such clubs all have strict requirements about members'social status, business influence and wealth.

5. Cedric Allen said the company already owned several large farms overseas and more than met the requirements of New Zealand's Overseas Investment Act.

6. Today's sophisticated financial engineering can render the calculation of margin and capital requirements extremely difficult, if not impossible.

7. The President's call highlights the urgency for building a better social security system that is in tune with the requirements of a flexible labor market.

8. Reservoirs should keep adequate storage capacity for flood control according to the requirements of flood control planning.

9. Their balance sheets remain intact and their capital ratios are comfortably above requirements.

10. The company wants to boost its balance sheets and meet regulatory requirements over capital adequacy ratios.