

monotone:[英 [ˈmɒnətəʊn] 美 [ˈmɑ:nətoʊn] ]


过去式:monotoned;   过去分词:monotoned;   现在分词:monotoning;   复数形式:monotones;

monotone 基本解释


形容词发单调音的; 单色的


monotone 网络解释

1. monotone的意思

1. 单调:在数学中在有序集合之间的函数是单调(monotone)的,如果它们保持给定的次序. 这些函数最先出现在微积分中后来推广到序理论中更加抽象结构中. 尽管概念一般是一致的,两个学科已经发展出稍微不同的术语. 在微积分中,

2. 单音调:与指挥者、司琴者有密切联络,关怀圣歌队的工作,并且自己更应看重会众唱诗的部分. 也许可以说,教会礼拜音乐的水平之提高端赖牧师(传教者)在教会生活中对音乐重要性与地位的推崇. 11、单音调(monotone)是指平音,或音调无变化,近于「音病」之意.


3. 单调的:monotheistic 一神论的 | monotone 单调的 | monotonous 单调的

monotone 双语例句

1. Using monotone iterative method, some existence theorems of fixed points are concluded without any hypothesis of continuity and compactness.


2. There were altogether twelve connection specimens, which including four kinds of beam sections, were tested under monotone loading. Bolt force was measured by the strain gauges affixed to notched bolt shanks. Such parameters as end-plate thickness and end-plate stiffener were introduced.



3. According to the contrast test of monotone once short period feed between identical section using different ratio of reinforcement and craft specimen with CFRP, analyse the influencing factors on the structure bearing compacity and tensibility, etc; and utilizing the relation between force balance and material constitutive relationship, establish the calculated mechanical model of the structure bearing capacity.



4. In the analysis of dynamics cutting angle, the following phenomenon is discovered first time: the minimize of dynamics clearance angle is not monotone decreasing with the vibration frequency, and appear peak value periodically, which exist is the disseparation region and approach the separation region.


5. monotone的反义词

5. In the second part, we create a new method in comparing the limit set ω with some special fixed point p and construct an integer-valued function M. Using such a function, we first prove the convergence to fixed point for subhomogeneous and monotone discrete-time dynamical system, and then the convergence to steady state of quasimonotone reaction-diffusion systems, which are either subhomogeneous, or weakly-subhomogeneous or with an first integral, without the irrducibility hypothesis.


6. monotone的翻译

6. The second chapter mainly concentrates on obtaining some operator monotone function.


7. monotone在线翻译

7. This article, based on the hypothesis of the response of monotone dosage, through defining the lowest possible dosage matrix, has established a mode of causal effect in connection with the above cases and made statistical conclusion on the related causal effect with Bayesian method.


8. The main tools are the iterative method of monotone operator and the cone-compression theory of completely continuous operator.


9. I wanted some focus in this monotone world and I was playing around with some color matting and saw that the feather was such a vibrant orange, so I keyed that color out and overlayed it back on top and it ended up working really well.

我想- 在这个单调世界的某一焦点,并且我-调和了一些颜色的框边,羽毛是这样-个充满活力的橘色,所以我抠出了它-颜色并且覆盖了它的上面。当工作结-束是,它看上去很好。

10. Second, in the forth part, the writer used relationshipin quasi--variat iona1 inequal ity, pseudo-variational inequality and monotone variational inequality and used the solution of monotone GVIP to solute quasi? variational inequality, pseudo? variational inequality. Also some important conclusion were given.


11. In Chapter 1 and 2, the mixed monotone operator is general operator, but in Chapter 3, the operator is t -α mixed monotone multivalued model operator.


12. There's nothing more you can learn from pain, but here it comes again—with its monotone, its idiot drone, like a brick wall against which thinking smacks its big skull until it's juiceless fruit the devil reams clean with red teeth and razor-blade tongue.


13. monotone是什么意思

13. And I drew a basket and some cloth in the layout as a whole in the picture will not be too monotone.


14. The results show that FF sensitivity is high at both 350 °C and 500 °C. The higher the temperature is, the more sensitive the FF failure of the alloy. Creep is the important factor which influences FF failure process of Ti811 alloy at elevated temperature. The FF life of the alloy doesn't change in a monotone way with the increasing slip amplitude and contact pressure. This is due to the fact that slip amplitude affects the action of fatigue and wear in fretting process, the nominal contact pressure affects the distribution and concentration of stress and fretting slip amplitude value at contact surface, further influences crack initiation probability and propagation driving force.

结果表明:350 °C和500 °C的高温下,Ti811合金微动疲劳敏感性较高,且随着温度的升高,微动疲劳的敏感性增强,蠕变是高温下Ti811合金FF失效的重要影响因素; FF的寿命随着接触压力和位移幅度的变化均呈现出非单调的变化规律,原因是名义接触压力的变化改变了接触区应力分布、应力集中状况和微动位移幅度大小,进而影响FF裂纹萌生几率和扩展驱动力;位移幅度变化影响了疲劳应力因素和磨损在FF过程中所起作用和机制。

15. monotone在线翻译

15. When the nonlinear term is non-monotone, we considered the related problem with another method.


16. Monotone refers to a sound, for example speech or music, that has a single unvaried tone.


17. Man came from forest to establish modern cities. However, the noisy and crowed cities have made people feel tired, people start to yearn for walking out of the noise and worry, walking out of the tenseness and monotone.


18. The results were as follows: 1 There were 7133 trees, belonging to 23 species and 18 genera and 13 families, and their average DBH, crown and height were respectively 27.59 cm, 4.10 m and 6.94 m. In general their average crown was relative small. 2 S, H (Shannon-Wiener index), and D of biodiversity index were small, and there were the obvious difference in those indexes among different streets, which suggested that there were certain monotone of the tree species and structure layer. 3 The dominant species mainly consisted of evergreen trees that were Ficus virens var. sublanveolata, Ficus benjamina, Roystonea regia, Terminalia hainanensis, T.



19. Topri's voice was an insistent monotone in the room.


20. In contrast, change in liquid flow rate were accommodated by smooth and monotone change of pressure without temporary flow pattern different from that of initial and final state.


monotone 词典解释

1. 单调的语调;一成不变的声音

If someone speaks in a monotone, their voice does not vary at all in tone or loudness and so it is not interesting to listen to.

e.g. The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.


2. (声音或外表)单调的,无变化的

A monotone sound or surface does not have any variation in its tone or colour.

e.g. He was seen on TV delivering platitudes about the crisis in a monotone voice.


monotone 单语例句monotone

1. The team incorporated fengshui principles, monotone color schemes and other elements based on Chinese art.

2. Once inside, the trendy monotone facade gives way to a wealth of Tibetan art and stylish minimalism.

3. Cloth bags are designed to pack well and give monotone outfits a funky finishing touch.

4. The natural beauty and the monotone of the temple drums and prayers had a calming effect on him.

5. So thinks the content of the comic should be more exciting instead of a traditional and monotone story.

6. " Be prepared to feel like a monotone robot those first couple of weeks, " she says.

monotone在线翻译monotone 英英释义


1. an unchanging intonation

Synonym: dronedroning

2. a single tone repeated with different words or different rhythms (especially in rendering liturgical texts)


1. sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch

e.g. the owl's faint monotonous hooting

Synonym: flatmonotonicmonotonous

2. of a sequence or function

consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value

Synonym: monotonic