

rectangle:[英 [ˈrektæŋgl] 美 [ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡəl] ]



rectangle 基本解释


rectangle 相关例句


1. rectangle的意思

1. He folded his newspaper into a neat rectangle.


rectangle 网络解释

1. rectangle在线翻译

1. 长方形:在程序当中设计相关的类,能够实现对于直角三角形(Triangle) ,长方形(Rectangle) 以及圆形(Circle)的周长和面积的求解.

2. 矩形工具:工具箱中的笔刷工具(Brush)、铅笔工具(Pencil),矩形工具(Rectangle),和椭圆工具(Ellipse tools)等是即可以作矢量mask工具又可以作位图mask工具,而钢笔工具只能做矢量mask工具.

3. 矩形 矩形:矩形 矩形(Rectangle)又叫箱形,也是一种典型的整理形态. 价格上升到某水平时遇上阻力,掉头回落,但很快便获得支持而回升,可是回升到前次相同高点时却再一次受阻,而挫落到上矩形(Rectangle)又叫箱形,也是一种典型的整理形态.

rectangle 双语例句

1. rectangle的意思

1. First, the integral equation of an infinite phased array of rectangle waveguide with rectangle grid was deduced and its solution by moment method was presented either. And then, another applied widely analysis method - mode matching method was introduced. Following, the paper represented the analysis method of triangle grid phased array. Moreover, the infinite phased array with WAIM (added with metallic iris plate on each aperture of waveguide element and covered with dielectric sheet) in front of the array was analysised and its property of wide-angle matching was studied, too.


2. Crystals with rectangle-like, cube-like and discus-like morphology were obtained in addition to microspheres by adjusting the experimental parameters.


3. Flag surface for red, the rectangle, its long and high is three and two ratios, the flag surface upper left side decorates decadent five pointed star five.


4. rectangle

4. This is also how some add-on 3D-rendering cards work, dropping the video into any chosen rectangle of the display.


5. The maximal rectangle correction is introduced in the horizontal correction, also considering that the resist absorbed energy density distribution is different at different depth.


6. This paper carries the experimental study on the phase-change heat transfer and the two phase flow with the rectangle micro-grooves surface at different inclination angles.


7. This paper carries the experimental study on the phase-change heat transfer and the two phase flow with the rectangle micro-grooves surface at different inclination angle s.



8. The special effective field equation of rectangle field is supposed in this paper according the experimental result.


9. rectangle的翻译

9. The mathemetical models of electromagnetic force and movingvelocity of inclusion particles are presented in molten aluminium with an electromagnetic field by rectangle coil and 50Hz current according to the basic theory of magnetohydrodynamics.

姚广春 ,孙中祺,翟秀静,李明军根据电磁流体力学的基本理论,建立了在采用矩形电磁线圈和工频电源的条件下电磁分离铝熔体中夹杂颗粒的体积力、颗粒运动速度等数学模型。

10. In this paper, w e put forward the conceive of multi-free dom degree piezoelectric motor using uni que vibrator, analyze their working princ iple, design and make out the real multi- freedom degree piezoelectric motor using rectangle plate type vibrator and ring type one.


11. In this paper, the precise-ly formula of magnetic induction of t he coil of rectangular carrying current by an point in space is obtained, and analyze the distributive properties by magnet field of the rectangle and the square.


12. This will make a selection of the rectangle.


13. The only source of light in the chamber—and with the topmost hatchway now closed, the only source of illumination at all—was a strange, glowing rectangle that shone against the far wall, a misty door painted on the wall in fitful yellowish light.


14. The process is characterized in that, the zoomed image being defined by its horizontal and vertical homothety ratio with respect to the coded image (1, 7), it performs the following steps: calculation of the horizontal and vertical sizes of an initial display rectangle (8) from which would be obtained the sizes of the target display rectangle (2) as defined by the profile and level information by applying the horizontal and vertical homothety ratios, storage in the display_horizontal_size and display_vertical_size fields of an MPEG2 video data stream of the horizontal and vertical sizes of the initial display rectangle.



15. The next step is to create a selection of the thing we want to txture, ill make a somkind of metal box with some stuff on it, therefore i pick the rectangle selection tool (or the polygonal lasso, since you can get this shape) and draw a selection.



16. List the minimum effectual reinforcement ratio of the tension region on section of the member in bending, and obtain the aim of simplification on calculation for reinforcement for crack-resistance checking computation of rectangle storage cistern.


17. rectangle

17. The main products are: stainless steel plate shield, flexible organ-style shield, armor guard, automatic telescopic guard, towline engineering plastics, aluminum towline, DGT protective kits catheter-based, IR-2 type rectangle metallic hoses machine Sizing Block, handle, Chip Conveyor CNC machine tools and other accessories.


18. This invention relates to a circular small UHF antenna with high dielectric constant and its processing method, among which, the UHF antenna characterizes that 1, it is composed of a radiation plate, a feed point and a medium chip, 2, the radiation plate is closely adhered to the top surface of the medium chip, the bottom surface is the metal ground face, the chip and the radiation plate is rectangle or square, 3, the feed point is at the 1/3 place of the diagonal line of the rectangular or square radiation plate apart from the top point.


19. Introduction was made to the design method of digital filter based on window function, basic concept and category, co- mparing the performances of band-stop filter with rectangle window and Hamming window, giving out simulation results.


20. You can use a board instead, or even just draw a rectangle with chalk on the ground. One side starts the ball; the other plays it back. And there goes the game. Nor is the net indispensable. You can make do with a pole, or a few bricks, or simply use a line drawn with chalk.

甚至专修英语的人彼此之间也不太可能或不习惯处处说英语,总感觉不自然或不好意思,常有一种思维惰性,稍微复杂的句子常常是 Chinglish ,发音问题也很多,而且已经厌倦了那些无关自己的生僻的课文和老师的照本宣科。

rectangle 词典解释

1. 长方形;矩形

A rectangle is a four-sided shape whose corners are all ninety degree angles. Each side of a rectangle is the same length as the one opposite to it.


rectangle 单语例句

1. Cut the puff pastry into a rectangle about 30 cm by 40 cm, add the filling and fold over.

2. A patron wishing to see the menu is represented by an index finger drawing a rectangle in the air.

3. The favorite of one city official was a pointy white pole next to a wavy white marble rectangle on a platform.

4. The rectangle locating the offspring was contained in the image provided by source.

5. They would contain the name of the pavilion in a circle or rectangle.

6. There were long rooms on each side, forming a perfect rectangle.

7. Spread out basic dough on an oiled baking tray into a rough rectangle and poke out dimples with your fingers.

8. The trade area is a large rectangle of dusty earth bordered by a brick wall and metal poles form shopping aisles.

rectangle的解释rectangle 英英释义



1. a parallelogram with four right angles