

fern:[英 [fɜ:n] 美 [fɜ:rn] ]



fern 基本解释


fern 相关例句


1. There are many different types of fern, none of which produce flowers.


fern 网络解释


1. 蕨类植物:消失的印尼雨林 Hutan Indonesia Hilang 要爱惜地球! 蕨类植物(Fern)生态解说@西温哥华灯塔公园海岸原始森林

2. 蕨:11月23日 蕨(fern) 花语:诚实花占卜:您是个爱好思考的人,当您板著脸孔一面冷傲的时候,正是您陷入沉思的时候. 您严肃的外表常被人误会,而且考虑得太多,不易重新站起来. 记住,多笑一笑,您的人际关系会好得多.

3. 羊齿:2月5日 羊齿(Fern) 花语﹕迷人 花占卜﹕您有迷人的风采,个性真诚而善解人意,广受朋友欢迎,人缘蛮不错呢!有些人装腔作势扮纯情,但您与生俱来的腼腆形态,非常可爱,异性朋友更因为您独有的气质而深深迷恋您. 花箴言﹕迷人的风采,

fern 双语例句

1. An enclosing membrane, as that covering the sorus of a fern.


2. A closed, spherical ascocarp. An enclosing membrane, as that covering the sorus of a fern.


3. Indusium The flap of tissue, derived from the placenta, that encloses the developing sporangia in the sorus of a fern.


4. In the study on the fern population structure, we through the analysis of the variation in height structure, leafstalk diameter structure and age structure in various forest communities, found the rule of variation of population, and discussed the reasons of variation of population structure, and explored the suitable habitat of various forest ferns.


5. fern是什么意思

5. Any flowerless plant such as a fern or moss in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem.


6. In this paper the authors reviewed the characteristics in the different phases in the life cycle of ferns. Special attentions were given to the effect of light, plant growth regulators, water and temperature on the fern gametophyte development, and the effect of antheridiogen, light, calcium and other plant growth regulator on the formation and differentiation of fern sex organ.


7. fern

7. Fern of the Canary Islands and Madeira.


8. fern

8. Relatively good results have asparagus fern plants, Chlorophytum, money, orange


9. The window of the asparagus fern basin, fall into a Seed.


10. They have never lived in asparagus fern bearing with dignity aside and enjoy every inch of the sun, every drop of rain to nourish.


11. Carnation is the excellent cut-flower varieties, beautiful patterns, with fragrant, long flowering period, the demand for a variety of flower arrangements, often with Gladiolus, asparagus, Asparagus, fern bouquet and beautiful composition.



12. Perhaps the character dictates, in many flowers, the favorite flower is also a few, has been particularly love the lotus out of dirt instead of dye, indifferent bloom asparagus fern, stout ourselves up, Seclusion indifferent fragrance of plum and quietly, quietly withered orchids.


13. L The Chinese type classicism, this kind of style living at home by fresh is elegantly simple primarily, the broken flowers window blind, the insightful antependium, rich green plants and so on reel calligraphy and painting as well as narcissus, asparagus fern have become the Chinese type classicism indispensable soft decoration.

l 中式古典主义,这种风格的家居以清新淡雅为主,碎花的窗帘、通透的帷幔、书香浓郁的卷轴字画以及水仙、文竹等绿色植物已成为中式古典主义不可或缺的软装饰。

14. Charlotte watched in delight. Like Fern, she was truly fond of Wilbur, whose smelly pen and stale food attracted the flies that she needed, and she was proud to see that he was not a quitter and was willing to try again to spin a web.


15. North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds.


16. Fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary Islands.


17. fern什么意思

17. Fern of North Africa and''.


18. Night time Journey to the moon On the back Of a big firefly Take me up above the city Your hair Picks up all the light Tropical fish in sky Take a ride take a ride take a ride take a Come on Take me for a ride Open window's the sign Staining blue, soaked into my cotton skin See now tinkerbell's in bloom Leave your room for the sky Take a ride take a ride take a ride take a ride Nightline glowing from the wall Little god Scare away, keep at bay Elfish shadows want to fool me Dimly, dimly lt's the road Creatures move very slow Coming close coming close coming close coming close Join them underneath the fern Lit right through from the moon Looking down, I don't mind if she can see me

夜间 月球之旅背面一个大萤火虫请带我去了城市上空你的头发拿起所有的光线热带鱼的天空坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐采取来吧以我的车打开窗口的标志染色蓝,湿透了我的棉皮看到现在的Tinkerbell在盛开给您房间的天空坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐夜线从墙上发光小神吓跑,保持海湾如小精灵的阴影要骗我昏暗,隐约失怙的道路生物移动速度很慢逼近逼近逼近即将结束加入他们的行列下方的蕨类通过点燃权从月球展望未来,我不介意,如果她能看到我


19. Fern: Kayla showed us the burn mark on her arm.

Kayla 给我们看了她手臂上的烧伤。

20. Fern fronds uncurling in the spring air.


fern 词典解释

1. 蕨;蕨类植物;羊齿植物

A fern is a plant that has long stems with feathery leaves and no flowers. There are many types of fern.

fern 单语例句fern

1. She says each evening she would eat delicious local dishes of fresh bamboo shoots, mountain mushrooms and fern noodles.

2. Chen's brake fern project has taken heavy metals recovery into account.

3. But human beings are not dinosaurs and have found little practical use for this fern tree.

4. This oldest and rarest fern variety dates back some 200 million years.

5. This includes a species of fern said to be among the most ancient on the planet.

6. With all that heat and massive freshwater lakes forming in the Arctic, a fern called Azolla started growing and growing.

7. Since then, they have been developing ways to clean up arsenic polluted soil by planting brake fern.

fern 英英释义


1. any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward

reproduce by spores