

interfere:[英 [ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)] 美 [ˌɪntərˈfɪr] ]


过去式:interfered;   过去分词:interfered;   现在分词:interfering;

interfere 基本解释

不及物动词干预,干涉; 调停,排解; 妨碍,打扰

interfere 相关词组

1. interfere in : 干涉, 干预;

2. interfere with : 妨碍, 乱动, 干涉, 干扰;

interfere 相关例句



1. Don't interfere with him.


2. Come on Sunday if nothing interferes.


3. I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.


4. interfere的翻译

4. We have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.


5. interfere

5. I turned down the radio lest it should interfere with his lessons.


interfere 网络解释

1. interfere什么意思

1. 干涉:2、 球体(SPHERE)增加实体网格线密度(ISOLINES=你输入的数值,默认为4)干涉(InterFere)产生重叠部分,保留原物体. 选择面的方法:全选面(ALL) 删除面(R) 添加面(A)5、 旋转曲面(REVSURF)把指定的二维对象绕指定轴旋转成曲面

2. 介入:近几年来逐渐引起学术界关注与讨论的艺术家进驻,其间所牵涉的议题包括艺术家与观众参与互动 ( audience access)的可能性、异文化交流 (cultural exchange)、艺术家在公共场域 ( artist in public arena)的展演或介入 (interfere)与艺术创作过程(w

interfere 双语例句

1. interfere什么意思

1. Communication war is an important aspect of information war. It is important to destroy enemy抯 communication networks and to interfere enemy抯 data link.


2. If done properly, heat setting does not interfere with other fininshing process such as dyeing, nor does it prevent the formation of permanent pleats or creases in garments.


3. If done properly, heat setting does not interfere with other fininshing process such as dyeing, nordoes it prevent the formation of permanent pleats or creases in garments.


4. If done properly, heat setting does not interfere with other fininshing process such as dyeing, nor does it prevent the formation of permanent pleat s or creases in garments.


5. We didn't want to interfere with your work.


6. Do not illegalize the acquired NIS. Do not interfere or confuse NIS.


7. Tally with relative statutes when transmitting technical information from China to abroad. Do not illegalize the acquired NIS. Do not interfere or confuse NIS.



8. And activities that used to interfere with classes are now held on non-school days.


9. Without appropriate diagnosis and treatment during young adulthood, the disorder can interfere with personal relationships, social life, education and job performance.


10. In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting force majeure, the Contractor shall give notice and full particulars in writing to UNFPA, of such occurrence or change if the Contractor is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in part, to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract. The Contractor shall also notify UNFPA of any other changes in conditions or the occurrence of any event which interferes or threatens to interfere with its performance of this Contract.


11. interfere的解释

11. I do not like him to interfere with my affairs.


12. interfere的解释

12. Liquid phase extraction recombined solid phase extraction was utilized to distill the S-ODNs in the bio-sample, after concentrated; the extracts were determined by the method of NGCE in the presence of internal standard. The validity study showed the method was with good base number specificity; the body fluid and the homogenate do not interfere with the detection and separation of the S-ODNs following the extraction. The limit of quantitation is 0.5μg·mL〓, and the curve plotted as the initial concentrations of PS20 versus the normalized area was linear with the square of the correlation coefficients of 0.992 from 0.5μg·mL〓 to 10μg·mL〓.


13. G roups of reporters and admirers are often on hand to watch the event. There have been no attempts to interfere with the Toaster or to unmask him - most likely out of respect for the tradition.


14. There is some evidence that the pain and discomfort of an episiotomy can interfere with the bonding between mother and child in the early days after birth.


15. interfere的近义词

15. In the home, the husband hits the wife, the father hits the son is legitimate, the others have no right to interfere.


16. Adhesive dots must be high enough to bridge the gap between the PCB surface and the body of the SMD, but not so high as to interfere with the placement head.

胶点必须保证足够的高度以填充 PCB 表面与 SMD 器件之间的间隙,但不能过高,妨碍到贴片头的运动。

17. interfere的近义词

17. Article 30 Children shall have respect for their parentsmatrimonial rights and shall not interfere in their parentsremarriage and postnuptial life.


18. I needed something that wouldn`t interfere with my class schedule.


19. interfere

19. Identify factors likely to interfere with accuracy of pulse oximeter.


20. All patients with secondary osteoporosis caused by all endocrine diseases including Cushing's disease, hyperthyrosis, hyperparathyroidism, capsula glandulae thyroideae or thyroid hypofunction and diabetes, and patients whose bone metabolism was interfered by grave diseases were excluded. Three months before the trial, the patients did not receive any drug that could interfere the bone metabolism or affect endothelin, such as estrogenic hormone, calcitionin, nitrogen monoxidum, glucocorticoid. In addition, the patients suffering from bone fracture within 1 year or grave cardio-cerebrovascular disease, which had intimate correlation with endothelin, liver and kidney disfunction were eliminated.


interfere 词典解释

1. 干涉;干预;介入

If you say that someone interferes in a situation, you mean they get involved in it although it does not concern them and their involvement is not wanted.


e.g. I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone...


e.g. The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country.


2. 妨碍;冲突;抵触

Something that interferes with a situation, activity, or process has a damaging effect on it.


e.g. Drug problems frequently interfered with his work...


e.g. Alexander wasn't going to let a lack of space interfere with his plans...


interfere 单语例句

1. I wish to tell this lady that we are too busy with our own affairs to interfere in others'internal affairs.

2. These indicate that the US government wants to interfere in China's internal affairs by supporting Xinjiang separatist activities in the name of NED.

3. Duncan Hunter of the House Armed Services warned that the bill could interfere with the military chain of command and endanger troops in the field.

4. CNOOC said its bid is superior to the Chevron offer and urged US authorities not to interfere with the deal.

5. They are entitled to stalk any private citizen remotely related to public affairs or some event in the news and interfere with their lives.

6. Drinking has been known to interfere with people's adherence to their medications, but researchers said the consequences of inconsistent use of HIV medications can be more severe.

7. Mugabe accused former colonial power Britain and other Western countries of lying about the violence because they wanted to interfere.

8. Owners gather in front of the letters and complaints office of Shanghai, hoping the government will interfere with the issue of compensation.

9. He said it would not help students'comprehensive development, even though the school is not supposed to interfere in students'personal business.

10. Contrary to the view that emotions interfere with clear thinking, the ability to understand and regulate emotions can result in more effective thinking.

interfere的反义词interfere 英英释义


1. come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle

e.g. Your talking interferes with my work!

2. get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force

e.g. Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?

Synonym: intervenestep ininterpose