

pharynx:[英 [ˈfærɪŋks] 美 ['færɪŋks] ]


  复数形式:pharynxes; pharynges;

pharynx 基本解释


pharynx 网络解释

1. 咽:消化系统消化系统由口、前咽(prepharynx)、咽(pharynx)、食管(esophagus)和肠管(intestine)组成. 肠管通常分为左右两个肠支(cecum). 肠壁为单细胞层,其外周为肌细胞层所包围,肠细胞含有丰富的粗面内质网与线粒体,还常有高尔基复合体与各种包涵物,

2. 咽头:3.咽 头(PHARYNX) 位於食道之上端,为不正腔管状. 4.食 道(OESOPHAGUS) 呈肌管状,富扩张性. 5.嗉 囊(CROP) 位於颈基础部,微偏於右侧,嗉囊一般作模囊状,很小,正中宽约二公分,长约五公分,不如鸡发达.

3. 咽喉:(一)咽喉 (pharynx)是前肠最前端部分,位于额神经节后方,背面常附有起源于额区的咽喉背扩肌. 在咀嚼式口器昆虫中,咽喉仅是吞食食物的通道,但在刺吸式口器昆虫中,咽部常附有强大扩肌而特化成咽喉卿筒,吸食时与食窦卿筒交替伸缩,

pharynx 双语例句

1. They are tongue, lips, pharynx, mandible, and velum.


2. pharynx

2. Methods:①Make clinical scale of the magnitude of the tongue and the palate to the group of the OSAHS and the normal control②Successive scanning of the upper airway at the states of the normal inspiration and under the Müller action on both normal controls and the OSAHS patients with multi-slice spiral computed tomography. The scope of scanning was from the roof of nasopharynx to the level of hypohyal, bonding multiplate volume reconstruction, using the image workstation to survey the cross section area, sagittal diameter, coronal diameter on the soft tissue thickness in the lateral pharyngealwall and posterior wall of the pharynx, and the postzone of soft palate, uvula palatine, tongue and epiglottis.

采用高分辨率多排CT(multi-slice spiral computed tomography,MSCT)对正常人和OSAHS患者的上呼吸道分别在平静吸气状态下以及Müller动作下进行连续扫描,扫描范围从鼻咽顶部至舌骨下缘,图象进行三维重建,应用图像工作站测量正常人和OSAHS患者的软腭后区(retropalatal region,RP)、悬雍垂后区(uvula region,UV)、舌后区(retroglossal region,RG)和会厌后区(epiglottal region,EPG)气道横截面积(cross section area,CSA)、矢状径、冠状径、咽侧壁和咽后壁软组织厚度以及舌体大小(包括舌体长度、舌体最宽处的宽度、中纵切面面积,舌背高度)。

3. We analyzed the regular pattern of daily medicine cost change of operation inpatients during hospitalization in every group. the results indicated that the median line of daily medicine cost had similar regular pattern in operations on the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, the nose, mouth, and pharynx system and the female genital organs system: the top of daily medicine cost median emerged on the day of operations; the median of daily medicine cost was low in the period after operation, and the lowest in the period before operation. the median line of daily medicine cost of operations on the digestive system and the integumentary system keeped at a high level in the period of 1 - 6 days after operations

手术病人日药费随住院时间的变化规律按icd - 9 - cm类目表的15个系统大类将住院手术病人分为15组,分析了各系统手术病人住院期间日药品费用的变化规律,结果显示:神经系统、肌肉骨骼系统、鼻口咽系统和女性生殖系统手术的日药费中位数线图具有相似的变化规律:手术病人住院期间的日药费硕士学位论文中位数的峰值位于手术当日,且手术当日的日药费变异最大;术后住院日的日药费中位数明显降低;术前住院日的日药费中位数很低;消化系统和体被系统手术在手术当日及术后1 6天内的日药费中位数维持在较高的水平。

4. For instance red liver mosses of a dry pharynx dry, tongue waits for phenomenal person less.



5. If so, is your lack of milk in the baby to eat when you hear the baby in the pharynx?


6. Even the absorption of the pharynx and will not look like I hate people.


7. pharynx是什么意思

7. In cases of sleep apnea, there is partial of complete blockage of the pharynx tube while sleeping.


8. Surgical removal of part or all of the pharynx.



9. I must closely block the destiny the pharynx and larynx; he cannot cause me to submit completely.


10. This narrowing is enough to cause vibration of soft tissues in the pharynx, and this produces the noise of snoring.


11. pharynx

11. The blue black despaired the card in the pharynx and larynx, could not make any sound.


12. The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.


13. Pathogeny of 1 eardrum CG and the pathogeny that send CG of ill mechanism eardrum and hair ill mechanism are current still ambiguous, discuss the matter that eardrum CG forms before, provide functional barrier around pharynx beat more, consider as pharynx to rouse tubal block to cause secretion retention to caused eardrum negative pressure to cause the formation of eardrum CG.


14. Results The pharynx, larynx, epiglottic cartilage, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, hyoid bone, vocal cord, artery, and vein were successfully restructured and displayed.

结果 成功重建并显示了咽、喉、会厌软骨、甲状软骨、环状软骨、杓状软骨、舌骨、声带、动脉、静脉、环杓肌、咽缩肌、甲状舌骨肌等结构,形成三维立体模型,使其可以任意角度旋转、切割、观察。

15. Proliferator-mast: the proliferation of precursors are located in the nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue, also known as the pharyngeal tonsil, the general routine inspection can not see the pharynx.


16. Our discovery is on a lot of more clinical T2DM patient does pharynx dry, body without clear opening Gong Tai of dry and hard of angular, defecate, tongue the deficiency of yin with irritability such as fine number of little, arteries and veins is hot and dry sign.


17. Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is a branch of clinical medicine growing with the development of Otorhinolaryngology. The course mainly discusses the phenomenon of anatomy, physiology and disease of ear, nose, pharynx, throat, trachea, head and neck including the feeling organs of the hearing, equilibrium, and taste and the locomotory organs of breathe swallow, pronunciation and language.


18. Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is a branch of clinical medicine developed from Otorhinolaryngology. Its main subject is to study the phenomenon on anatomy, physiology and disease of ear, nose, pharynx, throat, trachea, head and neck including the feeling organs of the hearing, equilibrium, and taste and the locomotory organs of breathe swallow, pronounciation and language.

耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科学(Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery)是由耳鼻咽喉科学逐步发展而来的临床医学二级学科,主要研究耳、鼻、咽、喉、气管、食管及头颈部与听觉、平衡、嗅觉各感觉器官以及呼吸、吞咽、发音、语言各运动器官相关的解剖、生理和疾病现象。

19. pharynx的解释

19. Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is a branch of clinical medicine developed from Otorhinolaryngology. Its main subject is to study the phenomenon on anatomy, physiology and disease of ear, nose, pharynx, throat, trachea, head and neck including the feeling organs of the hearing, equilibrium, and taste and the locomotory organs of breathe swallow, pronunciation and language.

耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学(Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery)是由耳鼻咽喉科学逐步发展而来的临床医学二级学科,主要研究耳、鼻、咽、喉、气管、食管及头颈部与听觉、平衡、嗅觉各感觉器官以及呼吸、吞咽、发音、语言各运动器官相关的解剖、生理和疾病现象。

20. pharynx的意思

20. While sucking excrement and urine of human and livestock, secretion of nose, pharynx and eyes as well as vomits, it's hairy body surface, especially tarsi, pulvilli and labella pollute food and household utensils and thus spread diseases.


pharynx 英英释义


1. the passage to the stomach and lungs

in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone

Synonym: throat