

ureter:[英 [jʊ'ri:tə] 美 [jʊ'ri:tə] ]


ureter 基本解释



ureter 网络解释

1. 输尿管:胱氨酸在肾(Kidney)、输尿管(ureter)、膀胱(urinary bladder)中结晶形成结石(Calculus, calculi),结石会导致疼疼、发炎甚至尿血. 大量服用青霉胺(Penicillcemine)能降低肾中胱氨的含量,因为青霉胺与半胱氨酸形成的化合物比胱氨酸易溶解.

2. 尿管:尿路范围包括四大部位,肾脏(kidney)、输尿管(Ureter)、膀胱(Urinary bladder)和尿道( Urethra). 它们可以单独一个部位受感染,也可以互相牵连,演变成尿路上多处同时感染. 肾盂肾炎( Acute pyelonephritis) 严重肾脏感染所引发,

3. 尿管/输尿管:ureotelism /排尿素代谢/ | ureter /尿管/输尿管/ | ureteralgia /输尿管痛/

4. 输管:Unproven therapy 未经证明的 法 | Ureter 输管 | Urostomy 道造口术

ureter 双语例句

1. Methods 25 specimens of the ureteral ending and dilated segments were obtained from children with POM who were referred for surgeries (aged 2 months to 10 years, mean 2.5 years). Control group: inferior segments of the ureter specimens were taken from 15 cases of renal neoplasm and the tissues were histologically confirmed as unaffected. Samples were immunostained using multiclone antibodies specilic for S-100 and C-kit.


2. ureter的意思

2. A Satinsky clamp, inserted through the suprapubic port is placed across the hilum, medial to the ureter and renal pelis to preent urothelial crush injury.



3. The 112 cases review analyses outpatient services are applied curing the clinical data of ureter disease patient through the trans-urethral ureteroscope, and among them cure in next section 97 cases in the middle and lower ureteral stone combination the going on nephralgia, blocking nature kidney, the ballistic lithotripsy etc through the trans-urethral ureteroscope, other is for diagnosis 15 cases URS.


4. ureter

4. When blockage occurs, a procedure (usually lithotripsy, which uses a surgical instrument or shock waves) is required to break it into small enough fragments to pass through the thin ureter.


5. An orthotopic renal transplantation model of rat is constructed by ext-ext anastomosis and reconstructed urinary passage by implanting ureter into bladder.


6. To the recipients, the left kidney was removed, and renal blood vessel was anastomosed by ext-ext anastomosis and reconstructed urinary passage by implanting ureter into bladder.



7. Results: All of 19 patients who received simple insertion and regular change of ureter stents experienced consistent improved renal function. Of 5 patients treated with antegrache or retrograde endoscopic ureterotomy/dilation and long-term indwelling of Di stent, 4 showed recovered and stable renal function, and 1 changed to nephrostomy because of unsatisfying outcomes. Three patients received permenant nephrostomy after unsuccessful endoscopic attempts and remained functionally uneventful.


8. Results Among of 152 patients who suffered from ureteral calculus, 147 patients broken stone by holmium laser at first time, 5 patients received lithothrypty successfully after operation 15 days because of ureter edema. Among of 26 patients who underwent PCN, 22 cases successfully at first time, 4 cases broken stone by holmium laser at different time because of complicated renal calculus.107 patients who received HoLEP, 103 cases successfully, 4 patients to display TURS during operation, and then stopped operating, to finish at different time.70 cases of bladder tumor, 57cases resected successfully at the first time, 9 patients who suffered from multiple tumors adopted resetcted by stages and in batch.

结果 152例输尿管结石患者147例单次钬激光碎石成功,5例因输尿管口水肿无法置入输尿管镜术后半月再次行钬激光碎石成功。26例PCN患者,22例一次钬激光碎石彻底,4例因复杂肾结石保留肾造瘘管分次碎石。107例HoLEP术,103例手术一次成功,4例患者因术中类似表现TURS,手术暂停分期进行。70例膀胱肿瘤切除,57例一次成功。

9. The reconstruction with mip show that the percent of excellent was 67.2% and the worse was 32.8%.the accuracy of diagnosis respectively was 86.7%, 50.0%, 80.0%, 77.8% and 50.0%.conclusion according to ureteral tract brightness, high image quality and high success rate with correctly reconstruction can delineate ureter cubicity, which is helpful in diagnosing and instructing clinical treatment.


10. Results Conservative treatment was carried out for 4 patients, ureteroureterostomy for 7 patients, ureteroneocystostomy for 22 patients, bladder valve-ureter anastomosis for 2 patients, vermiform appendix-ureter replacement for 2 patients, and nephrectomy for 1 patients.

结果 4例行双J管保守治疗,7例(9侧)行输尿管端端吻合术,2 2例行输尿管膀胱再植术,2例行膀胱壁瓣输尿管吻合术,2例行阑尾代右侧部分输尿管术,1例行肾切除术。

11. ureter的反义词

11. A 13-month-old male baby had an operative history of intravesical right ureteroneocystostomy at age 7 months and presented with progressive right hydroureteronephrosis. At exploration, the cecum was penetrated through-and-through by the right ureter and we retroperitonealized the ureter with a double-J stenting. There was regression of right hydronephrosis on sonographic follow-up postoperatively.



12. METHODS: Fresh human amnions were clipped to pieces which were sutured in a shape like muff by utilizing epidural tubes as a stent. When 4 cm section of ureter in length was excised to replace the defected ureter. 36 rabbit models were divided medially into the 1-month therapy and 3-month therapy groups. At the end of study, all amnion-ureter were sliced and examined with pathologic method or immunohistochemistry to check expressions of α-actin in smooth muscle cells and CKAE1/AE3 in transitional epithelial cells.

新鲜人羊膜裁剪成片状,以硬膜外导管为支架,做成袖套状,替代4 cm的大白兔输尿管缺损。36只成模大白兔均分为1个月治疗组和3个月治疗组,实验结束时,取羊膜输尿管行病理学检查和免疫组织化学检查平滑肌细胞α-Actin和移行上皮细胞CKAE1/AE3的表达情况。

13. Methodological summary uses ureter lens to issue baric and ballistic lithotrity to treat ureter stone 1360 (1464 side) clinical data.


14. ureter safety of method of baric and ballistic clastic rock is effective below lens.


15. During the peroid of applying the tube, the urocystic stimulus syndrome and indisposition on renal region appeared in 21 cases, three cases were urinary system infection, there was no urinary fistula, obstruction of ureter and stoma stenostomia in all patients.


16. After being registered accurately with Photoshop 7.0 software, the male urological and reproductive organs such as kidney, adrenal, ureter, bladder, male urethra, prostate, spermaduct, seminal vesicle and the adjacent organs such as abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, thoracic duct, the lymph nodes beside abdominal aorta, the nephritic artery and vein, the intrailiac artery and vein, pelvis, the prostatic plexus and internal obturator muscle can be segmented and surface rendering three-dimensional reconstructed with 3D-DOCTOR software.

断面图像数据集经Photoshop 7.0软件精确对位、配准后,应用3D-DOCTOR 4.0软件,分别对男性泌尿生殖系统的肾脏、肾上腺、输尿管、膀胱、男性尿道、前列腺、输精管、精囊腺和泌尿生殖系统的毗邻器官腹主动脉、下腔静脉、胸导管、主动脉旁淋巴结、肾动静脉、髂内外动脉、骨盆、前列腺周围静脉丛、闭孔内肌等进行数据分割和三维面绘制重建。

17. objective:to evaluate the feasibility of laparoscopy assisted radical rectal excision. methods:radical rectal excisions assisted by laparoscopy were performed in 3 patients, included 2 mile`s operations and 1 park`s operation. results:the total mesorectal excisions were all performed successfully in the three cases, with no rectal rupture, ureter damage. the surgical times were 180min, 150min and 190min, and the hospitalization were 12, 14 and 17 days, respectively. there were no residual tumor in the mesorectum and the cut end of rectum.


18. ureter

18. Methods: 386 cases were treated by the double J tubes as inner-stent and inner-elicitation because of the stricture at the pontes of ureter and pyelo, poly-kidney stone, ESWL and so on.


19. ureter

19. Among the 13 blood vessel diseases were 6 arteriovenous malformations, 2 vessels embolism, 2 vessels of being pressed and eroded by tumor, 1 gastric bottom varix, 1 high- level jugular glomus and 1 moyamoya.14 osteoarticular diseases included 5 cranial fossa fracture, 2 articular surface fracture, 2 articular dislocation, 2 protrusion of intervertebral disc. Subtle fracture, articulatio atlanto- axialis dislocation, intervertebral disc and meniscus can be clearly showed, while the same good effect can not be obtained by CT crossing scan or X- ray plain.7 other part cases were 2 hydrocephalus, 1 bronchial lung cancer, intracerebral hematoma and 1 malignant gastric- ulcer. They can only be showed by VR. As for the l renal pelvis outside kidney and 1 calculus of ureter. their effects are far better by VR.


20. Non-perfectibility or ureter placket for bladder of perfectibility both-ureter anamorphosis and calculus use ureteroscopy atmospheric pressure trajectory classic rock cure hurt for a while、cicatrize fast.


ureter 英英释义


1. either of a pair of thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder