

bovine:[英 [ˈbəʊvaɪn] 美 [ˈboʊvaɪn] ]


bovine 基本解释


bovine 相关例句


1. Her bovine face gave no response.


bovine 网络解释

1. 牛:硫酸软骨素以鲨鱼(Shark)牛(Bovine)猪(porcine)的软骨为原料,每月产量50吨,含量85%、90%和95%三种规格. 透明质酸采用细菌发酵法制得,有食品级、化妆品级、滴眼液级和注射级四个规格,每月产量1吨,含量95%以上,分子量50万--200万.

2. 牛的:boutonneuse fever 南欧斑疹热 | bovine 牛的 | bovine heart 巨心

3. bovine的意思

3. 迟钝的:bovine vaccine 牛痘苗 | bovine 迟钝的 | bovril 肉汁

4. 牛的,迟钝的:infest v.骚扰,群居于,大批出没 | badger 獾 | bovine 牛的,迟钝的

bovine 双语例句


1. An ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.) was developed for detection of bovine brucellosis by using LPS as antigen purified by Heating - phenol recommended by OIE (office international des epizootics).


2. bovine在线翻译

2. Four soldiers to the business field, and for the bovine species, as were times of its capital Nang, and then year-old generation.


3. bovine什么意思

3. Objective To investigate the developmental changes of neonatal bovine retinal horizontal cells in vitro.


4. The agglutination for rabbit was the highest among erythrocytes of human, rabbit, common carp and crucian carp. The hemagglutinating activity for rabbit could not be inhibited by D-fructose, D-mannose, D-galactose, glucose, sucrose, manrmn, gamma-globulin and egg albumin, but inhibited by bovine-thyroglobulin, and the minimum inhibitory concentration was 3.10 mg/ml.


5. I would like to ask you a big bovine eyes as long it is true?


6. In this study, we evaluated the effect of bFGF on bovine lens epithelial cell growth with the MTT assay method.


7. According to the former experience in the registration tests of some TEMPs, some suggestions about the utile removal and accurate detection of residual bovine serum albumin in TEMPs, together with the test repeatability were approached.


8. Methods:Combining NG and Bovine Serum Albumin to gain Norgestrel-3-carboxymethyl oxime-Bovine Serum Albumin(NG-3-CMO-BSA), manufacturing poly-clone antibody of NG, then using Sephadex-GLucose200 to separate radioiodine. Results: The concentration of serum NG can be tested using the RIA kit of NG within 3 hours with non-pretreatment. The reagent can be stored at 4~8℃ for 60 days with no more than 10% activity reducing.

近十年来,国内外许多研究发现NG长期在体内存留能产生月经紊乱,出血倾向[2~ 5] ,迫切需要能准确、方便地检测血清中NG微量水平的分析方法;同时以改进NG不同剂型为目的的药代动力学研究、人群普查及扩展NG的治疗应用等也对NG的分析方法提出了更高的要求。

9. bovine

9. Classical swine fever virus, Bovine viral diarrhea virus, Border disease virus, and Giraffe pestivirus are members of the pestivirus genus within the family of Flaviviridae.


10. Estrone (E1) was bound to bovine serum albumin to get a complete antigen (E1-BSA).


11. RESULTS: Following 1 or 2 days primary culture, NSCs were round, scattered, with small bodies and good refraction. Following 3 days, several NSCs formed cell spheres. After passage, adherent cells mostly were spindle or flat glial cells. At day 10, abundant cells formed large cell spheres, and its growth speed was identical to primary cultured cells. Immunofluorescence staining showed NSCs were positive Nestin. Following induction of fetal bovine serum of 10% volume fraction.

结果:原代培养一两天细胞散在分布,胞体较小,呈圆形,折光性较好,3 d后逐渐形成由数个细胞组成的细胞球;传代后贴壁细胞多数分化为长梭形或扁平形的胶质细胞,10 d时可见大量由数十至数百个细胞组成的较大细胞球,其生长速度基本与原代培养相同,但成球速度明显加快;免疫荧光染色呈巢蛋白阳性反应。

12. The result showed that it is more easier to culture tissues and cells from embryo at mediat-anaphase than the other three, for it isolated more tissues and cells adhered to the bottom of bottle and which could survive more longer, moreover, the combination made up of a copy of Grace, a copy of MM medium and 20%FBS would maitain the time of growth of tissues and cells adhered to bottom live for longer time than other conbinations, especially the time of growth of tissues and cells from embryo at mediat-anaphase adhered to bottom could maitain above two monthes. Thus, we had optimized culturing conditions for tissues and cells from small brown leaf hopper. The different result of culture of these four tissues from small brown leaf hopper and the different form of cells indicated that the expression of genes was different in these four tissues.

并以较常用的昆虫培养基Grace培养基为基础,试验了胎牛血清(Fetal Bovine Serum,FBS)和新生福建农林大学硕士学位论文灰飞虱四种组织原代培养及其cDNA RAPD分析牛血清(New Bovine serum,NBs)、水解乳蛋白(Hydrolysate lactalbumin,HL)、酵母抽提物(Yeast extract,YE)等添加因子的各种水平的组合对分离组织细胞培养的影响:结果表明,在同样的条件下,中后期胚胎较其它供试材料都易培养,表现在分离出的贴壁组织细胞多,贴壁生长期较长;而且,以配方:等份Grace和MM培养基再添加20%FBS,维持胚胎组织细胞培养时间最长、效果最好,表明实验获得了适合灰飞虱组织细胞、特别是胚胎组织细胞生长的较好的培养基配方组合,从而使培养的理化条件(pH、渗透压、各种营养因子等)获得了优化。

13. Then they were covalently conjugated to bovine serum albumin or ovalbumin to prepare antigens and coating antigen The conjugates were identified and their molecular ration of hapten to carrier protein were determined by UV spectrophotometry.


14. These results suggest that the bovine Oct-4 promoter is functional and that its embryonic expression activity is similar in different mammalian species.


15. bovine是什么意思

15. In this work, the interaction between umbelliferone and bovine serum albumin was studied by performing two different kinds of titration modes. The two spectroscopic data matrices were augmented, and then the information of experiment data was increased. The augmented experiment data matrix was analyzed by the MCR-ALS method. This procedure allowed the recovery of the concentration profiles for each species and the calculation of the ∶ ratio in the complex and the apparent equilibrium constant.


16. One good example of the importance of public perception is the controversy around the marketing of bovine somatotropin, a hormone that stimulates increased milk production and can be produced by a recombinant DNA process.


17. The genetically engineered growth hormone Bovine Somatotropin, which is widely used to boost milk yields, is plainly linked to mastitis.


18. The substance, one of the first applications of genetic engineering to make its way into food production, is a synthetic version of a natural cow hormone called bovine somatotropin, or BST.

这种激素刺激奶牛生产的牛奶是最初采用基因工程手段得到的食用产品。该激素是人工合成的天然牛激素,称作bovine somatotropin,简称BST。

19. Under multi-frequency condition, electrical impedance characteristic of postmortem Bovine muscle was researched by four-electrode method.


20. Objective to study the effect of immune bovine milk on blood glucose of normal and diabetic mice.

目的 研究免疫初乳对正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶致糖尿病小鼠血糖的影响。

bovine 单语例句

1. Most of the gas comes from bovine burps, which are 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.

2. Bovine colostrum is the milk produced by healthy cows during the first seven days after they give birth.

3. Mad cow disease is the common name for bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE.

4. The complete synthesis of bovine insulin the first time that human beings have synthesized the protein was a breakthrough in life sciences.

5. One was the total synthetic crystalline bovine insulin achieved by Chinese scientists in 1965, after seven years of research.

6. Mad cow disease is formally known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE.

7. Mad cow disease is medically known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE.

8. Beibei was cloned using epidermal cells taken from a frozen bovine fetus.

9. The Ben & Jerry's label already says its farmers don't use bovine growth hormone.

10. The two ministries ordered animal quarantine departments to strengthen their inspections of cows and bovine embryos imported in recent years from the United States.

bovine什么意思bovine 英英释义


1. any of various members of the genus Bos


1. dull and slow-moving and stolid

like an ox

e.g. showed a bovine apathy

2. of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)

Synonym: bovid