

oblivion:[英 [əˈblɪviən] 美 [əˈblɪviən] ]


oblivion 基本解释


名词遗忘; 淹没; 赦免

oblivion 相关词组

1. be buried in oblivion : 被忘掉;


oblivion 相关例句


1. Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion.


2. The city has long since passed into oblivion.



3. I sank back into oblivion.


oblivion 网络解释

1. 遗忘法师:Quote: Pugna,遗忘法师(Oblivion) 衰老(Decrepify) 该技能被完全且完美地抵抗. 幽冥守卫(Nether Ward) 守卫的魔力之焰被完全且完美地抵抗. 生命汲取(Life Drain) 该技能被完全且完美地抵抗. 若林肯在生命吸吮持续期间结束冷却,

2. oblivion在线翻译

2. 忘却:刚刚在日本山形电影节上凭借新片(Oblivion)获得山形市长奖(最优秀影片奖)的荷兰导演海蒂?霍尼曼(Heddy Honigmann)正式确定参加iDOCS国际纪录片论坛. 在荷兰属于国宝级大师的海蒂?霍尼曼,在全球纪录片界属于众人膜拜的偶像,

oblivion 双语例句

1. oblivion

1. How many after being celebrated by fame have been given up to oblivion; and how many who have celebrated the fame of others have long been dead.


2. Large projection curtain wall, fantasy INTERNET VJ is confusing; The large hydraulic pressure ascend and descend T pattern stage, always present fascinating and choreographic performance, fashionable dresses show... It makes you to dance yourself into oblivion following the music rhythm...

到处可见INTERNET VJ大型投影屏幕墙,梦幻迷离;大型液压式升降T型舞台,时时上演精彩的舞蹈表演,缤纷的时装彩秀……让您置身其中,真实感受到强劲震撼的一流视听效果,不由自主地会随着音乐节拍翩翩起舞,令您流连忘返

3. It is like there is a desire for oblivion people who constantly defy death and need that kind of adrenaline high.


4. Thus my life is a flight and I lose everything and everything belongs to oblivion, or to him.


5. He unknownly gibbeted himself into infamy, when he might have otherwise quietly retired into oblivion.


6. The exposure to an abnormal minatory or catastrophic traumatic event may result in posttraumatic stress disorder, which is characterized by a complex symptomatology, such as symptoms of reexperiencing the trauma, hyperarousal, persistent alert augment and eschewal, selective oblivion for traumatic event, losing confidence, and so on.


7. However, the unique quality educational standard was in oblivion going with the development of history.


8. Any festival is contingent, ephemeral, something of a pseudo-event. When it is over, there is a brief flurry of evaluation — Toronto was strong this year, Sundance was disappointing, whatever — but those judgments tend to fade as the movies themselves, the ostensible point of the whole enterprise, make their way in the world, or into oblivion, or onto the next festival.


9. The Mages Guild was on the verge of destruction when Oblivion starts, but unless you know what the guild should have looked like, most the damage would appear like normal daily routine kind of stuff to you.


10. oblivion什么意思

10. You become a vampire the same way in Oblivion, or you can accept the offer to become one through a dialogue with a certain character.


11. Let her identity, her connection with yourself, be buried in oblivion:you are bound to impart them to no living being.


12. oblivion

12. The 莫翁 gets the 斯 to once say: what to dominate the human nature is main absolute being of the oblivion.


13. The nerve root pressed, displaced, thicken was 28 cases. the nerve root falled into oblivion and oedema was 16 cases. the compained schmarlnot was 13 cases.


14. Books that are planned for rapid oblivion probably make some kind of economic sense to publishing houses, but as contribution to literature they amount to a contradiction in terms word count: 159


15. Likely, they're simply using a version of super sampling antialiasing with hdr which has been done before in titles like age of empires iii. the negative effect of this, which is clearly visible in that screenshot is the performance hit. so sure, if i really wanted to play oblivion with hdr and antialiasing on my geforce 7 series card


16. And more, there were Carters having nothing in common with earthly life, but moving outrageously amidst backgrounds of other planets and systems and galaxies and cosmic continua…Merging with nothingness is peaceful oblivion; but to be aware of existence and yet to know tat one is no longer a definite


17. oblivion的翻译

17. You don't know these people by name, of course, because they enter oblivion.


18. Someone says that tolerance will change into overindulgence, but i feel proper tolerance is magnanimousness and humanity; someone says oblivion means tergiversation, but i feel proper oblivion means a better future.


19. oblivion

19. If you think about it too much, they float off into oblivion.


20. An Act of Grace; Bill of oblivion general amnesty


oblivion 词典解释

1. 无意识状态;沉睡;昏迷

Oblivion is the state of not being aware of what is happening around you, for example because you are asleep or unconscious.


e.g. He just drank himself into oblivion...


e.g. Within the hour he had slipped once again into deep and dreamless oblivion.


2. 被遗忘的状态;湮没

Oblivion is the state of having been forgotten or of no longer being considered important.

e.g. It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.


3. 被摧毁;被毁灭;被夷为平地

If you say that something is bombed or blasted into oblivion, you are emphasizing that it is completely destroyed.

e.g. An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion.


oblivion 单语例句oblivion的翻译

1. That doesn't mean shoulder pads should be banished into fashion oblivion.

2. One of the rapids is called'Oblivion'and is said to flip more canoes than any other on the planet.

3. His spiral towards lonely oblivion continues, while Kate is surrounded by loved ones determined to shield her from his negative influence.

4. The Memorial Day for Lei Feng on March 5 is consigned to oblivion.

5. What this picture of pride misses is the rate at which economic development is bulldozing tangible cultural sites into oblivion.

6. But while people are obsessed with its magic tricks such as " Changing Face ", the opera form as a whole is inevitably slipping into oblivion.

7. This group of people should not be left in oblivion because they will matter to many poor countries in the future.

8. The actress spoke to a women's publication just weeks before she announced she was to divorce the'Oblivion'actor.

9. With the wholesale migration of manufacturing activities to the mainland, domestic exports have slipped into economic oblivion.

10. The most deadly blow to someone like Song is total oblivion - as if he doesn't exist.

oblivion 英英释义



1. total forgetfulness

e.g. he sought the great oblivion of sleep

Synonym: obliviousness

2. the state of being disregarded or forgotten

Synonym: limbo