

evade:[英 [ɪˈveɪd] 美 [ɪˈved] ]


过去式:evaded;   过去分词:evaded;   现在分词:evading;

evade 基本解释

及物动词规避; 避开; 逃脱; 逃避,躲避

不及物动词逃避; 规避; 逃脱

evade 相关例句



1. They evade paying taxes by living abroad.


2. The released criminal always tries to evade the police.


3. You needn't evade the question.


4. evade

4. Tim tried to catch her arm but she evaded him.


5. Give me a direct answer, and stop evading the issue.


evade 网络解释

1. 回避:但它对群敌没有MS那么从容和有效;对boss它又几乎k不动. 而且对ar要求很高. 最致命的是,它在使用后有小段时间的移动不能. 内视(InnerSight),慢速箭(SlowMissiles),诱饵(Decoy)回避(Evade)建议也到14级这个坎;

2. 躲避:分配一些技能点数给像是内视(Inner Sight)、闪避(Dodge)、躲避(Evade)等被动技能也是十分重要的,因为亚玛逊女战士在许多时候都可能会陷入守势状况. 玩者也得要认真地考虑发展女武神技能,因为它可以召唤出一位强大的战士与亚玛逊并肩作战.

3. evade的解释

3. 閃避:敏捷能增加你闪避(Evade)和招架(Parry)的能力. 能为你增加爆击概率和远程武器的伤害. 同时还能降低你失误(Miss)的概率. 活力能增加你的血量上限和为战斗状态下的回血速度. 增加你对于受伤(Wound)、疾病(Disease)和中毒(Poison)的抵抗能力.

evade 双语例句

1. Thus the temptation arises to deny, or to evade, the comprehensive character of politics and to treat politics as one compartment among many.


2. Farmers are particularly angry at plans to ban triangulation – oilseed and grain sales between a company`s headquarters and its subsidiaries – a widespread practice that the government suspects is used to evade or elude income tax by understating tonnage or prices.


3. If you try to evade paying your taxes you risk going to prison.


4. If you try to evade paying your taxes, you risk being fined heavily once found out.


5. They evade paying taxes by living abroad.


6. It`s appalling that so many people evade paying taxes.


7. He always tries to evade paying taxes.


8. evade的意思

8. This gives them a wider range of attack and allows them to evade a melee at will.


9. The fuel, the designation and the manufacture method have been making rapid progresses during the past ten years, foe example, precisely auto location by pc through satellite-aided GPS, and by use of sensor, intelligence automobiles can evade qite a few accidents.


10. For organ transplantation, apoptosis is related with its biological behaviors for example IR injury, immune rejection and immune tolerance et al. As above, it was difficult for VBAT to evade IR injury. So, it is necessity to explore the role of apoptosis during IR injury.


11. According to basic theory of overvoltage caused by reclosure and some on-site experiences, the authors prove that under specific condition the overvoltage caused by opening-closing-opening test of circuit breaker is within the range from 2.0 pu to 3.0 pu, thus the existence of risk is circumstantiated, and some suggestions to evade such technical risk are proposed.

作者根据重合闸过电压的基本理论和一些现场实际经验证明了在特定条件下,分合分试验过电压在2~3 pu之间(1 pu=550 kV),证实了风险的存在,最后提出了规避分合分试验风险的建议。


12. Lorian managed to evade one strike and parry the next, but it cost him. He stumbled with the effort.


13. To evade this trouble Professor Tung Tse-pin switched it to 1111 B.


14. I am a flight from reality's person, has the courage to evade, does not have the courage to face


15. Friends, to know that if you want to make the blood pressure down, we can not evade this issue.


16. You just do whatever you want to do and you evade.


17. As hemibiotrophs, the two species are expected to produce gene products that enable them to evade or suppress the plant_s defense responses during early biotrophic infection and to produce gene products that kill and destroy plant tissue during later necrotrophic growth.

作为hemibiotrophs ,两个品种,预计可提供基因产品,使它们能够逃避或压抑plant_s防御反应,在早期biotrophic感染,并产生基因产品,杀戮和破坏植物组织在后来的necrotrophic增长。

18. In order to successfully evade the market risk, Chinese enterprises should make an intensive study of future market, take an active part in future transaction and hedge by futures market, so as to dispel market risk.


19. They were one of the two or three sides to evade but if you want to win the Champions League you have to beat the top sides.


20. I always found something or other to say to evade the thing.


evade 词典解释

1. 规避;逃避

If you evade something, you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do.

e.g. By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator...


e.g. Delegates accused them of trying to evade responsibility for the failures of the past five years.


2. 回避,避开(问题、话题等)

If you evade a question or a topic, you avoid talking about it or dealing with it.

e.g. Mr Portillo denied he was evading the question...


e.g. Too many companies, she says, are evading the issue.


3. 躲避;避开

If you evade someone or something, you move so that you can avoid meeting them or avoid being touched or hit.

e.g. Under the pretence of lighting a candle, she evades him and disappears...


e.g. She turned and gazed at the river, evading his eyes...


4. (成功、光荣、爱情等)与…无缘

If something such as success, glory, or love evades you, you do not manage to have it.


e.g. Happiness, which had been so elusive in Henry's life, still evaded him...


e.g. When she sat down at her desk she found that the words evaded her.


evade 单语例句

1. Some even include their personal incomes in business turnover to evade personal income taxes, which are usually higher than corporate taxes.

2. That would fix another loophole that has allowed Internet users to evade child pornography laws by not downloading or saving the images.

3. Most of those accused of " white collar crimes " have the money and connections to evade the law and escape overseas.

4. But analysts say investors might tap into commercial properties to evade the higher cost of the residential realty market.

5. Some propose the country shift its enormous foreign reserve investment to Europe to evade possible financial risks caused by its concentration in the US.

6. These businesses evade credit caps on one hand and virtually sidestep the interest rate control on the other.

7. " No criminal suspect can evade legal punishment where he or she flees, " the statement said.

8. Carl said the money had been turned black to evade customs and could only be cleaned with special chemicals that Polo was in possession of.

9. The majority of incidents took place at drunken driving checkpoints, as drivers attempted to dash through them and evade capture.

10. The US Department of Justice is also investigating whether UBS may have helped clients evade American taxes.

evade 英英释义


1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

e.g. He dodged the issue

she skirted the problem

They tend to evade their responsibilities

he evaded the questions skillfully

Synonym: hedgefudgeput offcircumventparryeludeskirtdodgeducksidestep

2. use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid

e.g. The con man always evades

3. escape, either physically or mentally

e.g. The thief eluded the police

This difficult idea seems to evade her

The event evades explanation

Synonym: eludebilk

4. practice evasion

e.g. This man always hesitates and evades