

artery:[英 [ˈɑ:təri] 美 [ˈɑ:rtəri] ]



artery 基本解释

名词[解剖]动脉; 干线,要道


artery 相关例句


1. This is the place where the three main arteries of West London traffic meet.


artery 网络解释

1. artery

1. 动脉:1.动脉 动脉(artery)可分为大动脉、中动脉、小动脉和微动脉. 大动脉指的是主动脉及靠近心脏的大动脉分支、肺动脉主干及其发出的最大分支. 中动脉主要指从弹性贮器血管以后到分支为小动脉前的动脉管道,其功能是将血液输送至各器官组织,

2. 大动脉:其病理和临床表现与慢性排斥反应难于区别代表环孢素慢性肾病最主要的特征性病理改变是小动脉(arteriole)病变和间质纤维化而慢性排斥反应的三项主要病理改变为肾内较大动脉(artery)的内膜增厚间质浸润


3. 干线:artery 干线 | articulated trolley bus 通道式无轨电车,铰接式无轨电车 | average riding distance 平均乘距

4. 动脉,干道,大道:Civic enterprise 市政企业 | Artery 动脉,干道,大道 | Land developer 土地开发商

artery 双语例句

1. artery的解释

1. the transverse process segment of vertebral artery shows a left side predomiance. the results have important reference value for the excision of vertebral artery.



2. Methods TCCS brachiocephalic artery in 21 cases of intracranial arteries in patients with type TA middle cerebral artery, anterior cerebral...


3. Brachiocephalic artery Takayasu intracranial artery and ophthalmic artery blood flow velocity of the ultrasound study...


4. artery的近义词

4. Brachiocephalic artery Fluff cervical vein cervical trachea in front of the bow was 100%.


5. artery

5. Objective transcranial color Doppler ultrasound of brachiocephalic artery Takayasu arteritis in patients with intracranial artery and ophthalmic artery...


6. Brachiocephalic artery bypass and combined coronary artery perfusion, respectively in the..., in order to ensure the brachiocephalic artery and the right coronary artery branches are...


7. To collect the blood of radial artery at the time of Controlled Hypotension(T1), 30 minutes after Controlled Hypotension(T2), and 30 minutes after Controlled Hypotension stoping (T3), and to analyze it, using American i-STAT(9+ analoids).The date of the viscosity of lactic acid PH, PaCO2, Hb, operation time, the time of wakeing up after surgery, the quantity of blooding were all recoded, and analyzed the according statistice.


8. The pulmonary artery pressure and tricuspid valves regurgitation and pericardial effusions of these patients after operation were also related to the before.

结果 术前肺动脉压高病人右心室前后径增加(r=0.8227,n=6),右心室射血分数减少(r=-0.7361,n=6)。

9. Moreover, ELISA protocol has been established with the two kind of antibodies.1 Preparation and identification of anti-hBLyS polyclonal antibodyJapanese big ear white male rabbits (2~3 kg) were injected with soluble hBLyS emulsified with Freund's adjuvant every two weeks. The rabbits were bleed from the ear artery on the 11~th day since the third time immunization, and the titer of antisera was tested by indirect ELISA. Antisera titer reach to 1:5 × 10~5. Rabbits were killed, and blood was collected. Antisera was prepared and purifid with saturated ammonoium sulfate.


10. artery什么意思

10. The method determines 31 COPD alleviate period the patient's TCPCO2, TCPO2 and SpO2, with pacing parameter of courage and uprightness mixes calm artery undertake lobar function parameter determine.


11. artery

11. METHODS The preparation of pig isolated coronary artery strips.


12. We examined structural changes of heart and aorta by histological method and computer image analysis and functional changes of aorta by isolated artery preparation in rats after 4, 8, 16 and 32 weeks of SAD.



13. Results The basilar artery could be demonstrated clearly in 2379 out of 2658 on multi-slice spiral CT images which were obtained by reconstruction at 3mm slice thick using images of 8mm slice thick.

结果 2658 例全部按常规8mm多层CT容积扫描并行3mm 重建,2379 例能清楚显示BA ,共发现16 例符合Smoker 等定义的VBD 的病例,其CT 与临床表现与文献报道相似。

14. Objective To determine endothelial function in the brachial artery of patients with hypertension.

目的 多普勒超声检测高血压病患者的肱动脉内皮细胞的功能。

15. Objective: To find a new way for treatment of the subclavian artery steal blood syndrome.


16. artery的意思

16. Because of the potential effects of assessing the degree of arterioscle rosis in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as non-invasive indexes of assessing the degree of artery stiffness and artery obstruct, the Pulse Wave Velocity and the Ankle-Brachial Index are causing the attention day by day too.

考虑到动脉硬化程度评估在心脑疾病方面的潜在作用,脉搏波速度(Pulse Wave Velocity,PWV)和踝臂指数(Ankle-Brachial Index,ABI)作为无创的评估动脉僵硬度和动脉阻塞程度的指标,其作用也正日益引起重视。


17. Hypertension and glucoregulation dysfunction are the precipitating factor of arteriosclerosis, atherosclorosis is the key pathogenesis links to cardiovascular events, because of the potential effects of assessing the degree of arterioscle rosis in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as non-invasive indexes of assessing the degree of artery stiffness and artery obstruct, the pulse wave velocityand the ankle-brachial indexare causing the attention day by day. this paper will discuss the promotion of arteriosclerosis in hypertension and glucoregulation dysfunction, and the significance of advanced arteriosclerotic evaluation.


18. For example at the lateral arm flap cut on the application of the ulnar artery side branch artery and the torsion between the branch line to expand the area cut flap, just above the two vessels as a vascular access of蒂切upper arm circumference range of 3/4 of the free flaps survived after transplantation, in which case more than the distribution of blood vessels supplying that part of the scope of the Organization on the blood supply from vascular anastomosis.


19. Objective: To investigate the relationship between carotid artery atherosclerosis of Uigur and cardiovascular risk factors.


20. LI group and cerebral thrombosis: there are differences in age, hypertension history, diabetes history, fasting blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, fibrinogen, existence of carotid artery plaque or not, type of plaque, plaque scale, stenotic degree of carotid artery.

二LOgistic逐步回归分析 LI发病的主要影响因素是高血压史和高密度脂蛋白;年龄、胆固醉水平及颈动脉斑块类型是LF脑血栓形成发病的主要影响因素。

artery 词典解释

1. 动脉

Arteries are the tubes in your body that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.

e.g. ...patients suffering from blocked arteries.


2. 主干路;干线;要道

You can refer to an important main route within a complex road, railway, or river system as an artery .

e.g. Clarence Street was one of the northbound arteries of the central business district.


e.g. ...the point where the Ohio River, itself a great artery, joins the Mississippi.


artery 单语例句artery的反义词

1. It is also more affordable and more clinically effective than standard coronary artery imaging.

2. Some have theorized that erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease may be caused by the same underlying problem.

3. Cook Medical Group announced on Thursday it will introduce its new artery surgery device in China.

4. Coldness itself could also cause coronary artery spasms and lead to angina or heart stroke.

5. The West Coast Main Line is the busiest rail artery in Europe and links London and Glasgow.

6. Ultrasound was used to measure the thickness of the aorta and of the carotid artery in the neck.

7. The new line will be an important section of China's coastal railway artery.

8. The Tuojiang River feeds into China's main shipping artery, the Yangtze River.

9. A newborn had to have a leg amputated after an intravenous needle penetrated his artery and cut off circulation to his leg.

10. When he had an examination at another local hospital four months later, the metal wire was found in an artery near his heart.

artery 英英释义


1. a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic

2. a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body

Synonym: arteriaarterial blood vessel