

mishap:[英 [ˈmɪshæp] 美 [ˈmɪsˌhæp, mɪsˈhæp] ]



mishap 基本解释

名词灾祸; 不幸事故

mishap 相关例句


1. With a little care you could have avoided the mishap.



2. A mishap prevented him from attending the routine meeting of the company.


3. The journey went off without mishap.


mishap 网络解释

1. 灾祸:mishandled 胡乱操作的 | mishap 灾祸 | mishear 听错

2. 意外事故:misguidance错误引导 | mishap意外事故 | mishmash混杂物

3. 不幸事故;灾难:mentor 门特[希神];良师益友 | mishap 不幸事故;灾难 | mob 暴民

4. 不幸的事,灾祸:insurrection起义,暴动,造反(指行动) | mishap不幸的事,灾祸 | mutiny兵变

mishap 双语例句

1. Houston and on shipping quality, not on landed quality. Your claim, in our opinion, should be re- ferred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment.


2. mishap的近义词

2. But Miss Amory was savage at her mishap.


3. America and Russia stopped such anti-satellite tests because both stood to lose: each side's eyes-in-the-skies monitored the other's nuclear weapons, helping to avoid awful mishap.


4. Our country Gao Wei profession mishap happens the frequency to be growd in number, but the production unit frequently as a result of the different reasons, correlation responsibility man is not the opinion is overspreaded, is shuffleing mutually, but on the mass media covers even more is administration punishment which takeed, and causes snffer reach such household not to obtain the proper compensation.



5. He could keep no apprentices, and lost his stock of bows in mishap after mishap, until finally he had nothing.


6. One mishap can destroy a lifetime of kudos making it is easier to fall from graces than to repair a reputation.


7. Only one crew member was killed, in a mishap that occurred during a midair refueling.


8. Leslie: Had a little mishap, and now the other guys are uncomfortable sitting next to him.

mishap:不幸之事,灾祸,恶运 uncomfortable:不舒服的,不自在的发生一些小意外,其他团员怕坐他身边被辐射。

9. We have been able to transship S. E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap.


10. A large group of people, we only need to know the number and color of the order, any mishap railings coordinate grids discipline, in the position where you will find.


11. Evaluation to Tour Climate Resources of Xuefeng Mountain in Hunan and Exploitation of Rural Tourism; 2. about the development of the Phyllostachys-pubescens resource in Xuefeng Mountain in Hunan Province, the author pointed out the mishap and problem about the development of bamboo resource to region economy.


12. I have met with grievous mishap s by sea and land, and have been long held in bonds among the heathen folk, to the southward;


13. 234 Should a mechanical mishap occur and be recognised as valid by the commissaires, the team shall be entitled to a 1.5 km neutralisation (number of laps closest to 1.5 km).


14. Does not have the means, actually each time saw the airplane oil tanker has the accident, warned oneself must certainly learn the swimming to guard against mishap, what a pity as before cannot like hope to the present, this year summer vacation this compulsory subjects still is swimming.


15. Well, it was an entirely unrelated mishap, I knew that, but when you`ve tired after a long day and trying to get home there`s a kind of Doppler effect in the mind, and you think that these disconnects are the trajectory of a collapsing civilization.


16. Their gentle departure with an easy foot on the pedal will ensure that they cruise around the world at a comfortable speed to achieve their goal — not least because just one small mishap or traffic infringement could invalidate the entire record attempt.



17. And if men struggle together, and they hit a pregnant woman, so that she has a miscarriage, but there is no further mishap, he shall surely be fined what the woman's husband shall impose upon him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.

21:22 人若彼此争斗,伤害了有孕的妇人,以致堕胎,却无别害,那伤害她的,总要按妇人的丈夫所要的,照审判官所断的付罚款。

18. mishap的反义词

18. At the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldn't move a step further.


19. I managed to get home without mishap.


20. After being fired from her prestigious job after a mishap relating to being overworked, Rhonda finds herself at the bottom.


mishap 词典解释

1. 晦气;不幸;小灾难

A mishap is an unfortunate but not very serious event that happens to someone.

e.g. After a number of mishaps she did manage to get back to Germany...


e.g. The plot passed off without mishap.


mishap 单语例句mishap是什么意思

1. The mishap occurred when the wall of a cistern collapsed and destroyed a makeshift work shed nearby.

2. One of the victims of the mishap wrote a plea asking clemency for Lau.

3. Although the regional interior ministry still could not confirm the actual death toll, it was feared that several thousand people could have been killed in the mishap.

4. The Lebanon crisis is the latest mishap involving CIA counterintelligence, the undermining or manipulating of the enemy's ability to gather information.

5. However their preliminary investigation did not uncover evidence of criminal activity in connection with the mishap.

6. He said his team arrived at the harbor at the same time as local police and the boat mishap caused no delay.

7. Bush was wearing his bike helmet and a mouth guard when the mishap occurred.

8. A worker was killed and two other injured in an industrial mishap Thursday morning in Tuen Mun.

9. The mishap occurred just two days after another power loss on the line.

10. The mishap occurred on Wong Chu Hang Road during the rush hour Thursday morning.

mishap 英英释义


1. an instance of misfortune

Synonym: misadventuremischance

2. an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate

e.g. if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all

Synonym: bad luckmischance