

josh:[英 [dʒɒʃ] 美 [dʒɑ:ʃ] ]


过去式:joshed;   过去分词:joshed;   现在分词:joshing;

josh 基本解释


josh 相关例句


1. I am only joshing you.


josh 网络解释

1. 喬許:主角克里斯(Chris)隶属北美分部,因任务需求被派遣到非洲,与西非分部成员合作,除了搭档席娃(Sheva)之外,还包括时而各自行动、时而并肩作战的成员:经验丰富的老兵乔许(Josh) 阿尔法小队队长丹(Dan) 敌后工作员雷纳德(Reynard)


2. 乔希:不久前有一次,我忙了一整天赶时间,但还是没完成我预定的任务,这时我接到乔希(Josh)的电话,我正要尝试的一项新的互联网服务将由他来负责安装. 好几个小时之前我就给他的电话留了言. 当我拿起电话的时候已经很生气了,

3. 回复:嗨您还是没买到回复:(josh)回复:(怒国)呵呵,厦门又到书了哦回复:(josh)回复:(怒国)呵呵,厦门又到书了哦回复:(josh)回复:(厦门军事FAN)莲坂麦当劳西侧路...回复:(厦门军事FAN)回复:(josh)回复:(xm1111)...回复:(josh)回复:(xm111

josh 双语例句

1. Josh - it`s not a coincidence but because you have impeccable taste; History of Love is very beautifully written.

要不我也分辨不出是翻译的问题还是我自己鲁钝看不懂,因为我知道History of Love 的迷人处,在不好的翻译。。。

2. I8 _ If all goes well, Karstens could be in line to be activated in time to pitch this weekend at Fenway Park, likely on Saturday against right-hander Josh Beckett.

如果所有情况进展不错的话,小跟班可能随即归队进入战斗位置,於本周末在芬威球场先发主投,很可能是在星期六对上红袜右投Josh Beckett

3. josh的解释

3. In 1/8th Buggy it was Losi driver Mike Truhe that took the TQ but problems in the final allowed Adam Drake to take the win from Billy Fischer in 2nd and Josh Stough in 3rd.


4. Doyle and Jack catch up with Zhou just as they are about to drive off.


5. josh

5. The plants and animals of the mountains have, through evolution, successfully adapted to these severe conditions.



6. Josh Coates wants to help you protect those files and do it for free.

Josh Coates 想帮助你保存住这些文件,而且免费这么做。

7. A study by Josh Lerner for the World Economic Forum in 2008 found that firms run by private-equity groups shed more jobs than their peers in the two years after a buy-out, although the differences disappear after that.


8. Archer went on to narrowly defeat Brian Jones 11-8 to set up a Saturday match against Tennessee state champion Josh O`Neal.


9. Dink and his friends Josh and Ruth Rose are ready to help.


10. josh在线翻译

10. They were three for 13 on threes in the first three quarters Sunday, which was how the Mavericks found themselves in the game with Dirk Nowitzki and Josh Howard a combined six for 25 from the field at that point.


11. josh

11. Actually, so thanks Josh if you're reading this, and piecing together a workable solution.


12. Josh, was in his fifties, thanked me for my advise, as we left, but the following weekend, I went back up to his shack in the woods, to see how he was doing—; he was on my mind all week.


13. You know as well as I do there is no way Josh is on that DVD.



14. Joshua, would you please say hi to our audience?


15. WYA P Class Tanner Cup Trials at Worser Bay - Josh Junior, sailing for Worser Bay Boating Club, won the WYA Tanner Cup trials this weekend with five wins and a third.


16. From my end, I`d rather be the guy who says I was there to help Josh.


17. For his leadership and commitment, the NCAA recognized Josh with the Clarence Chaffee Sportsmanship Award, an annual award offered to only one recipient in the entire league.


18. Josh: Yes. Who are you?


19. josh

19. Josh: Are you still in sales?


20. Josh: What do you quarrel about?


josh 单语例句josh

1. The Times corrected her column online to give proper credit for the material to Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall.

2. Experts on the ground have no idea how it may have broken or when, said NASA spacewalk commentator Josh Byerly.

3. Dirk Nowitzki finally had the kind of shooting night the Mavericks had been waiting for, and Josh Howard did more than pitch in.

4. She first came to Nickelodeon in a role on the sitcom " Drake & Josh, " playing Drake's little sister.

5. Black Eyed Peas singe Fergie and her husband Josh Duhamel renewed their marriage vows on the eve of their first wedding anniversary.

6. " We're pretty sure we're not going to go with J, " Josh Duggar said.

7. It took two directors - TV commercial veterans Will Speck and Josh Gordon - and four credited screenwriters to put " Blades of Glory " together.

8. Graphics editor Josh Haller will have a homemade turkey dinner with his family on Saturday.

9. His presence also will open things up for Josh Howard, plus let Jason Terry spend more time at shooting guard.

10. Rookie Josh Howard scored all 13 of his points in the first half before leaving in the third quarter with a strained left hamstring.

joshjosh 英英释义


1. be silly or tease one another

e.g. After we relaxed, we just kidded around

Synonym: kidchaffjollybanter