

limp:[英 [lɪmp] 美 [lɪmp] ]


过去式:limped;   过去分词:limped;   现在分词:limping;

limp 基本解释

名词跛行; 挣扎着慢慢前进; (诗的)韵律紊乱

不及物动词一瘸一拐地走; 困难地航行

形容词无力的; 无生气的; 易弯的; 松软的


limp 同义词



limp 反义词



limp 相关例句


1. The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.



1. He limped off the football field.


2. The damaged ship limped back to port.



1. limp的近义词

1. He walks with a limp.


limp 网络解释

1. 跛行:来这真柔软(lithe),不来变快乐(blithe)不是永远的饮料(beverage),花是永远的幻想(reverie),蛇是永远的脱离(sever),驴是永远的断言(asseverate)不是肢体(limb)你描绘(limn),怕跛行(limp)它有限(limit)猛烈责骂是速度(berate),

2. limp的解释

2. 一瘸一拐地走:(生病时)变得较为清醒became more lucid | 一瘸一拐地走limp | 人工呼吸kiss of life; is given the kiss of life

3. 蹒跚:Limp:蹒跚 | Halt:停止 | Robust:强健的

4. 跛行,瘸子:gimp 跛行,瘸子 | limp 跛行,瘸子 | mizzle 细雨

5. limp:language – independent macro processor; 独立于语言的宏处理器

limp 双语例句

1. Kurt wrapped his limp arm around her shoulder.


2. limp

2. I now have a slight limp and the right arm is not working too well thru'the stroke. But apart from that I am OK.


3. Crippled arm= Graphically: Enemy arm becomes limp and dangles at its side/ on the ground.


4. limp的近义词

4. Symptoms may include a limp or paralyzed arm, loss of muscle control in the arm, hand, or wrist, and lack of feeling or sensation in the arm or hand.


5. limp的解释

5. Kicking, punching and swinging every household object imaginable-from frying pans and tennis rackets to pillowcases stuffed with soda cans-they beat each other mercilessly in a garage in this bedroom community south of San Francisdo. Then, bloodied and bruised, they limp back to their desks in the morning.

用每一个可以想象得出来的家用物品脚踢、击打和挥舞,--从煎锅到网球拍和枕套之类的东西跟苏打罐一起(电影中两个男主角经常用这些东西来敲打罐头,就像打高尔夫球一样)--他们在旧金山南部的一个卧室群体( Bedroom community,我实在不知道怎么译才准确)的车库中残忍的互相对打,然后一瘸一拐的在第二天清晨回到他们的办公桌(这里跟电影剧情是一样的)。

6. limp

6. His left leg is lame, walk and limp in the ground.


7. He used a very deliberate square-shouldered and guided walk - largely unnoticeable - to cover up the limp.

他用一个非常蓄意平方米,肩负着引导城-主要是u nnoticeable-涵盖了跛行。

8. So reply to diagnose the first week, may have a little limp, later good.


9. Puppy and had discovered it didn't have a hip socket. It would always limp.


10. She had a limp, and they said it was deliberate, from coyness.



11. The lettuce is too limp. I prefer it to be crispy.


12. He went away, limp ing dot and go one.


13. I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh will fall limp.


14. 25 I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh will fall limp.

30:25 我必扶持巴比伦王的膀臂、法老的膀臂却要下垂、我将我的刀交在巴比伦王手中。

15. I injured my ankle and had to limp.


16. There were no limp, ulceration and phenomena of self-injury. Normal wave figure in EMG was noted in the experimental side. There was no significant difference in t test in EMG wave amplitude, maximum tetanized systole tensile strength and duration of isometric contraction.

结果 术后大鼠两侧姿态对称,未见跛行,无溃疡及自残现象,对疼痛刺激敏感;实验侧肱二头肌和指深屈肌肌电图均呈正常波形;两侧肌电图波幅、等长收缩时最大强直收缩张力及持续时间进行自身t检验比较均无显著差异。

17. The snow and rain here often intertwined, as if a pair of romantic lovers, in the cold wind blows, the limp manner of dancing dancing, the reigning reminds me of the distance, but also that she was once, perhaps at the moment, she watched the snow bar!



18. Pieces sounded, you are a dream, the most brilliant mountain flowers, limp walk around dancing has a chilling fragile.


19. The another person deep in sorrowly say:You I is at the sight of jackal and wolf tiger leopard hand goes limp person.


20. Reinforcing this policy was a notable incident involving Fred Durst, front man for Limp Bizkit, who tried to pay extra to receive his chopper faster--West Coast Choppers declined the job.

曾经一个典故是,美国最著名的说唱金属乐队LIMP BIZKIT主唱FRED DURST因为试图多付些费用想快些拿到他的CHOPPER而被WCC拒绝制造这辆车!

limp 词典解释

1. 一瘸一拐地走;跛行;蹒跚

If a person or animal limps, they walk with difficulty or in an uneven way because one of their legs or feet is hurt.

e.g. I wasn't badly hurt, but I injured my thigh and had to limp...


e.g. He had to limp off with a leg injury.


2. 进展缓慢;艰难地行进

If you say that something such as an organization, process, or vehicle limps along, you mean that it continues slowly or with difficulty, for example because it has been weakened or damaged.

e.g. In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources...


e.g. A British battleship, which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete, came limping into Pearl Harbor.


3. 软弱的;无力的

If you describe something as limp, you mean that it is soft or weak when it should be firm or strong.

e.g. She was told to reject applicants with limp handshakes...


e.g. A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.



Flags and bunting hung limply in the still, warm air.


4. 四肢无力的;身体一动不动的

If someone is limp, their body has no strength and is not moving, for example because they are asleep or unconscious.

e.g. He carried her limp body into the room and laid her on the bed...


e.g. He hit his head against a rock and went limp.


limp 单语例句limp

1. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp.

2. Cherry is a mentally handicapped woman who is happily married to the hard working Ge Wang - a dedicated laborer with a pronounced limp.

3. A man cradled the burned, limp body of a child he pulled from the rubble.

4. Wearing your hair long Hair gets finer with age which means long hair can tend to look limp and lifeless.

5. Washington and Beijing have an interest in seeing them at least limp along.

6. But surely the chef could do better than serving up limp chicken and beef sandwiches on sickly sweet bread.

7. He has a pronounced limp and needs to put both feet on the same step before continuing but is not using crutches.

8. Ferguson admitted to a concern over France defender Patrice Evra, who had to limp off against Newcastle with an ankle problem.

9. A helicopter hovered above and emergency workers loaded a limp body into the back of an ambulance.

10. Trainer Keith Jones and Bonzi Wells helped Yao limp off the floor and Yao was taken to a hospital for an MRI test.
