

steadfast:[英 [ˈstedfɑ:st] 美 [ˈstedfæst] ]


steadfast 基本解释

形容词坚定的; 不变的; 固定的; 不动摇的


steadfast 反义词


steadfast 网络解释

1. 坚定的:Status 地位, 情形 | Steadfast 坚定的 | Steady 稳固的

2. 坚决的固定的:staysail 支索帆 | steadfast 坚决的固定的 | steadiness number 航向稳定特征数

3. 固定的:stay 停留;延缓 | steadfast 固定的 | steady 稳定的

steadfast 双语例句

1. Sonya was now nearly twenty. She would grow no prettier now; there was no promise in her of more to come; but what she had was enough. She was brimming over with love and happiness as soon as Nikolay came home, and this girl`s faithful, steadfast love for him gladdened his heart. Petya and Natasha surprised Nikolay more than all the rest.


2. Apana Samadhi – Concentration in which the mind can remain steadfast on one object for long periods.


3. The road of human welfare lies along, the old highway of steadfast well-dong; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.


4. And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: and whatever good you send forth for your souls before you, you shall find it with Allah; for Allah sees well all that you do.


5. In Thy great mercy behold this (man/woman) who comes to Thee seeking Thy blessing, and assist him/her with Thy grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love s/he may so prepare him/her self to honor and keep the vows s/he shall make before Thee upon the morrow in Thy Holy Church.


6. But one thing is for sure: life becomes more colorful, steadfast and wonderful.


7. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.


8. Yet many had hoped to find a more steadfast ally in the White House.


9. Even a few members of the priesthood decided to take up the more physical and steadfast path.


10. Without ever swerving from the tip of one toe, she held out her arms to him, and the tin soldier was just as steadfast on his one leg.


11. What's more, by a full Examination of Hayek's thought, this paper found that Hayek was not steadfast believer in endogenous order and he is Lamarckist rather than Darwinist. Nevertheless, because of his ideology and ultra-reaction to rationalistic practice, Hayek focus to excavate the tradition of latitudinarianism and evolutionism rooted in western society.


12. steadfast在线翻译

12. Diligent, steadfast, serious and responsible job, and dare to face the challenges, the courage to assume responsibility has a strong passion job.


13. steadfast的翻译

13. When I tired, your steadfast face, unswerving voice, tough and spirit come into me from my memory.


14. Those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those wholove Me and keep My Commandments.


15. steadfast是什么意思

15. I walk and walk on. When I tired, your steadfast face, unswerving voice, tough and tensile spirit come into me from my memory.


16. Mr. Chamberlain's loyalty and support was steadfast, and I was sure of myself.


17. Ranging over time and space with astonishing rapidity and binding names and things together that no ordinary vision could connect, Emerson calls the Past also to witness the need of self-reliance and a steadfast obedience to intuition.


18. If you from the emotion and the reason true understood this point, understood this historical historical evidence the speech, you can see murkily 10 years even 20 year long-term investments goals which formulates to you says to the today temporary stock market meanless, thus causes your steadfast continuation for to achieve this goal but diligently.


19. Even in such a small city like JiuJiang isn't lack of that young people who have a steadfast personality to their life no matter how other people sneer at them or how they doubt! Although other basketball fans disdain them by their love of basketball and constant innovation, these don't hinder them from innovating constantly, continuous innovation of oneself testify its existence.


20. This thesis endows his theory with much appreciation in that it is more steadfast than Fish`s, although it does not refrain from defects.


steadfast 词典解释

1. 坚定的;坚信的;坚贞不渝的

If someone is steadfast in something that they are doing, they are convinced that what they are doing is right and they refuse to change it or to give up.

e.g. He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing.



She steadfastly refused to look his way.


By now the government was well aware of the steadfastness and strength of his resistance.

此刻政府已经清楚地意识到他的反抗是何等的坚定有力。steadfast 单语例句

1. The steadfast plunge of the Chinese stock market shows how heavily worries over climbing inflationary pressures weigh on local investors.

2. Ukraine reiterated its steadfast adherence to China's principled position on the Taiwan issue, saying Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

3. Iraqi officials said this week's referendum showed Iraq's people steadfast behind Saddam in any conflict with the United States.

4. The company says that's the result of Liu's steadfast efforts in cost reduction and service improvement.

5. But after flames shot up from the statue, it remained steadfast on its pedestal with just a hole ripped out at the groin.

6. The conservative hardliner ROK government has won the steadfast support of the US government for its hawkish policy.

7. " But we hold steadfast to our beliefs, " he says.

8. The actors union has been steadfast in support of striking writers, who in turn gave their blessing to the SAG ceremony.

9. It is certain that China will be steadfast in a development path that fits the country's national condition.

10. The Israeli offensive will only strengthen the resistance and increase the commitment of the Palestinian people to pursue the steadfast path of Jihad.

steadfast 英英释义


1. firm and dependable especially in loyalty

e.g. a steadfast ally

a staunch defender of free speech

unswerving devotion

unswerving allegiance

Synonym: staunchunswerving

2. marked by firm determination or resolution

not shakable

e.g. firm convictions

a firm mouth

steadfast resolve

a man of unbendable perseverence

unwavering loyalty

Synonym: firmsteadystiffunbendableunfalteringunshakableunwavering