

refine:[英 [rɪˈfaɪn] 美 [rɪˈfaɪn] ]


过去式:refined;   过去分词:refined;   现在分词:refining;

refine 基本解释

及物动词提炼; 改善; 使高雅

refine 相关例句


1. Reading good books helps to refine one's speech.


2. Sugar, oil and metals are refined before use.



3. Crude oil can be refined into various petroleum products.


4. Reading good books helps to refine our speech.


refine 网络解释

1. refine的翻译

1. 改进:这样的好处是,当你使用 reflect构造一个类的时候,可以得到更精确的类别而不是泛泛的Object. 另一种需要当心的问题是:返回值协变(covariant returns). 即改进(refine)子类方法的返回值. 旧代码如下:

2. 净化:机器人利用主页中的超文本链接遍历Web,通过URL引用从一个HTML文档爬行到另一个HTML文档. 网上机器人收集到的信息可有多种用途,如建立索引、HTML文件的验证、URL链接验证、获取更新信息、站点镜象等. (3) 进一步净化(refine)结果

refine 双语例句

1. refine

1. Traveling can refine one's tastes.


2. The results showed that, with increasing of direct current, the crystal growth modes changed from typical fir-tree crystal to similar equiaxed crystal, and the current increasing further, the final crystal was prone to dendritic mode again and its structure was refine d.


3. With decrease of laser energy density, the size of Al_3Ti and AlTi gains were prone to refine and the content of AlTi decreased.


4. Sea cucumber and dried seafood is expensive Zhenxiu, Rouse Green Run, texture and refine, as one of China's eight major Haizhen.


5. refine的意思

5. Only after the stoves were seen to tip over during cooking did Dr Gadgil and his researchers go back to the drawing board and refine the design.


6. The irony of competing in a speech contest like this is that if you win, you`re rewarded with more hard work as you refine your speech for the next level.


7. How to refine the facial contour with the professional recipe?


8. AspGD combines high-quality manual curation of the experimental scientific literature examining the genetics and molecular biology of Aspergilli, cutting-edge comparative genomics approaches to iteratively refine and improve structural gene annotations across multiple Aspergillus species, and web-based research tools for accessing and exploring the data.


9. refine在线翻译

9. If use the knight-errant's gimmick to come the word of appearance plum Yan Hong, li Gengxiang is essence of life the swordsman at some kind of fencing, bearing is calm, Nice, proud, absorption of the oneself that repair refine alone door gest, do not seek gain big, but less also by look for.


10. refine

10. Control the secrete of oil, refine the oily and unclean skin. Reduce bulky pore.


11. refine的近义词

11. Several kinds of defoaming agent in refine sugar industry were introduced here combined with our practice in refine sugar process, and some requirements of defoaming agent were also included.



12. Toad Rabbit, you every day collect herbs, refine drugs, pestlemedicine, the unpleasant smell is everywhere in your house

蟾蜍 玉兔,你每天采药、炼药、捣药,屋里到处散发难闻的药味,连你的衣服上身

13. The carry-over extraction rectify that it still uses cooking benzene the first set to refine arise in the process extracts the industrialized device of thiophene.


14. An acidic water-based solvent was used to extract natural pigment, and macro-porous adsorbing resin was used to refine the pigment.


15. The first games of the season were encouraging too: Juve were trying to refine their strategy and soon began showing progress, regardless of the results and the opponents they faced.


16. Chenghua Zhengde for the blue and white porcelain of the mid-term, this time Bo-Qing Su mud has been used up, use an equal blue, pale compare Su Qing of the rich, but no ink scattered halo effect, so add another color, or toward the development of detailed performance, painting techniques seek to refine and fine painted leveling, coupled with white eggshell to achieve exquisite goal.



17. Since there are some difficulties in the heat processing after welding of large-size box structure cross section frame member, the bite alloying agent put in pipe coat will not only strengthen the weld seam, but also refine the grain, avoid drawing temper after welding, then it improves the efficiency.


18. refine

18. Distance and dihedral angle constraints are used in distance-geometry and molecular dynamics computations to calculate and refine these structures.


19. This paper from Chinas minimum life security system features of the concept and start with the establishment of the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of the system, and protection from insufficient funding, the system is implemented in the course of unfairness, the insured object of discrimination, the ethical shortcomings of the implementation of ideas, and several other aspects of the existing system to the existing problems and shortcomings, on the basis of this further improve and refine the measures, so as to better benefit the vulnerable groups, and build a harmonious social environment.


20. Manners are of more importance than laws... Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe in.


refine 词典解释

1. 提炼;精炼

When a substance is refined, it is made pure by having all other substances removed from it.

e.g. Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities.



...oil refining.


2. 改进,改善,改良(过程、理论或机器)

If something such as a process, theory, or machine is refined, it is improved by having small changes made to it.

e.g. Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.


refine 单语例句

1. The News and Business function buttons enable users to instantly focus and refine the results presented to them with a simple mouse click.

2. As the city works to refine and complete its employment service network, its aid reaches the countryside by advancing the public occupational training system.

3. This workshop aims to help writers refine their craft through exercises and dry readings of original materials written by workshop members.

4. Our national legislative and judicial authorities have worked extensively to refine the rule of law in criminal justice.

5. Earlier reports said Sinopec and CNPC have agreed to refine less crude oil in order to cut oil product inventories and support profit margins.

6. It will also look to undertake more joint venture development projects and refine its current technology in line with changes in customer's requirements.

7. Zheng said that was due to a push in 2005 to refine the plane's aerodynamics and overall weight.

8. Struck by the damaging potential of extreme weather, authorities in victimized areas are running against time to refine emergency response plans.

9. CNPC also signed a deal with Rosneft Oil Company on the establishment of joint ventures to refine crude and sell oil products.

10. The facility is able to refine 10 million tons of crude per year and produce 1 million tons of ethylene annually.

refine 英英释义



1. make more complex, intricate, or richer

e.g. refine a design or pattern

Synonym: complicaterarifyelaborate

2. make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of

e.g. refine a method of analysis

refine the constant in the equation

3. attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying

e.g. many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet

4. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing

e.g. refine one's style of writing

Synonym: polishfine-tunedown

5. reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state

separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities

e.g. refine sugar

Synonym: rectify

6. treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition

e.g. refine paper stock

refine pig iron

refine oil