

armory:[英 ['ɑ:mərɪ] 美 [ˈɑrməri] ]



armory 基本解释

名词军械库; 兵工厂; 纹章; 纹章学


armory 网络解释

1. 兵工厂:我的扩张成功了,我继续造着幽灵战机,并造了2个兵工厂(armory)和第三个机场. 升级幽灵战机是很重要的,因为zerg在飞龙的数量上占优势,不升级,你的幽灵战机很快就会掉下来. 在这一点上,你的主要目标不是攻击zerg的基地而是领主.

2. 武器库:用保安卡插入卡槽中,打开武器库(Armory)的门. 进入武器库拿走目标组件(Target Module),然后从仓库(Storage Room)里拿走了炸药组件(Charge Cases). 前往实验室,拿起工作台(Workbench)上的三瓶药:卵磷脂(Lecithin)、石油(Petrox)、甲醛(Formaldehyde),


3. 军工厂:之后在岛上开分矿,有大约2-3只渡鸦之后建造军工厂(Armory)升级装甲. 第二只渡鸦完工之后你差不多已经完成了岛屿上的分矿建设并有足够的水晶多生产几个Rax大量生产机枪兵,以及再多两三个星际港来生产更多的渡鸦. 由于渡鸦的骚扰,

armory 双语例句

1. He hoped to use weapons seized from the U. S. Armory and Arsenal to free slaves in the area.


2. Not only did it have an arsenal and armory, but also the town was located at the meeting point of important railroads and at the meeting of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers.


3. Have you been to my armory?


4. Your neck is like the tower of David, Built for an armory: A thousand bucklers hang on it, All the shields of the mighty men.

4:4 你的颈项好像大卫建造收藏军器的高楼,其上悬挂一千盾牌,都是勇士的挡牌。

5. armory的解释

5. There is also an armory and a cantina available with their own unique features as well.


6. Lirael found herself wearing armor for the first time since her Fighting Arts lessons many years before-but the coat the sendings brought her was much lighter than the mail hauberks the Clayr kept in their schoolroom armory.


7. armory

7. Years in 19 century, the fonder Carl KonDun was a technician in a armory which around Rhine in Germany, he dived into the technique for yataghan, and has well- known in the Rhine riverside in few years time, some senior officers and Celebs all let him made yataghan and kitchen-room knife.


8. Paul but needed overtime to do so. The Knicks prevailed in Game 2. Back in New York, Games 3 and 4 were played at the 69th Regiment Armory instead of at Madison Square Garden because the circus was in town.

尼克斯在纽约扳回来一局,第三场和第四场在69th Regiment Armory(第69兵军团机械库)而不是在Madison Square Garden,因为那里有马戏演出。

9. You can check out a lot of them on her armory profile.


10. The World of Warcraft armory page has just been updated with new features and tools!


11. armory的翻译

11. The World of Warcraft armory page has just been updated with new features and tools!.


12. New Game Mechanics including Feron Bloodthirst, a faction based armory, and more.

新的游戏力学包括干扰素Bloodthirst ,一个派系的军械库,等等。

13. They'll head to the armory at Camp Currahee.


14. We must hurry back to the Armory and get the decorating done.


15. armory在线翻译

15. Next, he and the other criminals broke into the armory and carried off 20 rifles.

接着,她和其他的罪犯闯入闯入了军械库拿走了 20 只来复枪。

16. On the influence of the Armory Show and you ought to read it.


17. When will upgrade the armory system and support new talent system?


18. armory是什么意思

18. If it hadn't been for you, they would have destroyed us and burnt down the armory.


19. armory的翻译

19. I grabbed it from a Western munitions armory. It probably used to belong to one of your officers... and there are more where that came from.


20. armory在线翻译

20. With its majestic palace, proud churches, and treasure-filled armory, it takes at least half a day to explore.


armory 词典解释

1. -> see armoury

armory 单语例句

1. Kwon said there was only one person with access to the base armory, instead of the required two.

2. Jubilant children have their photo taken at an armory show that opened yesterday at the Military Museum of Chinese People's Revolution in Beijing.

armory什么意思armory 英英释义


1. a place where arms are manufactured

Synonym: armouryarsenal

2. a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms

Synonym: arsenalarmoury

3. all the weapons and equipment that a country has

Synonym: arsenalarmoury

4. a collection of resources

e.g. he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer

Synonym: armouryinventory