

knowledgeable:[英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl] 美 [ˈnɑ:lɪdʒəbl] ]


knowledgeable 基本解释

形容词博学的,知识渊博的; 有见识的; 精明的; 博洽多闻

knowledgeable 相关例句


1. John is very knowledgeable about classical music.


2. He made some knowledgeable remarks at the meeting.


knowledgeable 网络解释

1. 知识渊博的:有的时候还要在办公室进行教学时间以外的单独会面(meeting),知识渊博的(knowledgeable)教师常常成为不谙世事的男女学生的楷模(model). ...

2. 知识渊博的人:培养通晓英汉两种语言的、平衡的、可持续发展的世界小公民,使每个孩子都成为:勇于探索的人(inquirer)、善于思考的人(thinker)、善于交流的人(communicator)、敢于冒险的人(risk-takers)、善于反思的人(reflective)、知识渊博的人(knowledgeable )、有原则性的人(p

knowledgeable 双语例句

1. He was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to Ebbets Field to see the Brooklyn Dodgers play.


2. To do so, he must be knowledgeable.


3. knowledgeable

3. With a knowledgeable guide behind the wheel of your luxury four-wheel drive, you approach a sea of golden sand dunes.


4. Gazing at my mom aged face with deeper winkles at her edge of eye; a strong emotional appreciation was swarming to my chest: She is the one who gave me life and ambitioned blood which impelled me forward to be moral and knowledgeable man in the world.


5. Most importantly is that they are knowledgeable.


6. After listening to so many classes, this is the real taste of Ju-Yuan Road Primary School in talented people felt the fighting spirit of Juyuan: knowledgeable, expert style of Li Jin, Li Zhao, Liu-Ying, NING Xi-Ping, Rui-Xia Wei, etc.; Diligence progressive young teacher Zhang Meng, Chen, Zhao-core and so I admire, all that I deserve to learn.


7. ICS Building technologies is a group of companies offering one of the most intelligent building and construction solutions combined with one of the most knowledgeable and experienced people.


8. A Panelist can be anyone with good reputation in the industryand sufficiently knowledgeable in the area of the disputed matter and not personally related with either Party.


9. knowledgeable的意思

9. If you are really knowledgeable, you should offer your help to those who need it.



10. Veronica Atkins said her husband`s medical records had been reviewed by knowledgeable doctors and his medical condition discussed with cardiac specialists.

Veronica Atkins说她丈夫的医疗纪录已被医学知识丰富的医师所覆审过了,并且他的医疗情形也与心脏病专家讨论过。

11. knowledgeable的近义词

11. Ji Yun is a knowledgeable scholar, famous fictionist, poet and literary critic in the middle of Qing dynasty.


12. My neighbor, whose name was Cui Erniu, more than ten years older than me, was knowledgeable and was once the accountant in the production brigade. For child`s puerility, I always went to his home to play, for he had a younger male cousin, whose age was the same as mine, on the paternal side.


13. A good policy is toseek the advice of someone knowledgeable in this field before installing any system.



14. If he wanted to go into broadcasting he would excel because he's articulate and knowledgeable.


15. His father was from Tyre and an artisan in bronze-work, and he himself was very knowledgeable and skilled in all kinds of bronze-work.


16. This knowledgeable i ide know that wi ing a percentage game, nothing more.


17. And sitting right there with them is ESPN's first-string team of knowledgeable and insightful commentators, sharing the passion and excitement of the fast-paced, competitive action that is destined to make tomorrow's sporting headlines.


18. I wrote in the main idea of the exhibition: Within our ability and with what our eyes can see, we pay attention to pure quality art, to artists and emerging artists who are sincere, talented, idealistic, faithful, with independent thinking ability, knowledgeable, and persistent. We also support those who possess both independent national characteristics and global and historical qualities.



19. At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknow ledged the knowledgeable man.



20. As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.


knowledgeable 词典解释

1. 博学的;有见识的;知识渊博的

Someone who is knowledgeable has or shows a clear understanding of many different facts about the world or about a particular subject.

e.g. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.


e.g. If you don't know much about cars, take a knowledgeable friend along.



Kaspar had spoken knowledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.

卡斯帕对欧洲农业状况发表了一番颇有见地的见解。knowledgeable 单语例句

1. The outdoor seating is charming and casual, while the English staff is helpful and genuinely knowledgeable about what they're serving up.

2. Get yourself on booksellers'mailing lists and try and get close to a couple of knowledgeable booksellers.

3. Although the knowledgeable monk was delighted to communicate with visitors from the outside world, such opportunities were scarce in a monastery that had only two monks.

4. Officials knowledgeable about the transfer have said more than $ 23 million was involved but that the transaction was not completed.

5. I noticed a correlation between how knowledgeable one is about the election and what media he or she is exposed to.

6. According to Xiao, the suspects were knowledgeable in using printing and other technical systems to make counterfeit money.

7. The wise and knowledgeable of our times may debunk Marx for saying the poor suffer because of the rich.

8. It is more deplorable that their prejudice and ignorance make our youngsters less knowledgeable about a significant school of thought.

9. The doctor was friendly and knowledgeable and dispensing the medication after the appointment was equally painless.

10. Liu says he might not be the most knowledgeable ecologist around, but is certainly the most dedicated and passionate tour guide of his age.
