

pastor:[英 [ˈpɑ:stə(r)] 美 [ˈpæstə(r)] ]



pastor 基本解释



pastor 网络解释

1. 本堂牧师:第一个有缘人是从城里来的基督教圣士提反联合美以美教会( Saint Stephen United Methodist Church )的本堂牧师( pastor ),第二位是住这里 H 市跟佛教有缘的前空军.

2. 牧师;牧人:370. parvenu: 暴发户,新贵. | 371. pastor: 牧师,牧人. | 372. patrician: 贵族.

3. 帕斯托:Pastene 帕斯特内 | Pastor 帕斯托 | Pastora 帕斯托拉

pastor 双语例句

1. Later that day, my friend and I sit in a majestic church, listening as the voice of the pastor echoes in the wide space.



2. First, we are going to dance a valse with some of the guests; this was our pastor`s idea.


3. Leung Faat house was named after the first Chinese pastor, Mr. Leung Faat.



4. The 2008 Summer Conference dates are June 27 - 29 at America's Keswick. The keynote speaker is Rev. Paul Chan and the youth speaker is Pastor Henry Wan.

2008夏令会定於2008年六月二十七至二十九日假新泽西州美国迦士域退修中心America's Keswick举行;主题讲员是中国信徒布道会的前任总干事陈明斌牧师;青少年讲员是 Pastor Henry Wan。

5. I am little better than a devil at this moment; and, as my pastor there would tell me, deserve no doubt the sternest judgements of God, -- even to the quenchless fire and deathless worm. Gentlemen, my plan is broken up!


6. pastor是什么意思

6. If you wish to have your child dedicated to the Lord, please contact Pastor Cho.


7. He further told the pastor of the church where he use to worship that he had deposited a family valuables with a security trust company and it is in my name as his only hair apparant in a written note and also to the security company as well.


8. pastor

8. Seeing the pastor standingtall onpulpit, he said: I do not know what we`re voting on, but itlooks like you and me are only candidatesforit.


9. The pastor of this church is young and speaks Farsi very well.


10. Pastor et Nauta/Shepherd and Navigator: John XXIII (1958 -1963), patriarch of Venice led his flock to a modernization of the Church through the Ecumenical Council.


11. pastor

11. I was especially impressed by the young, articulate pastor of Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago, Bill Hybels.


12. The second pastor said, My secret vice is that I just love to drink.


13. After being a pastor for some time, one begins to think highly of oneself. Naturally one becomes some kind of authority on who knows what.


14. He's the pastor who baptized me!!!


15. If you got photos or video, please give a copy to Pastor Gong.


16. pastor是什么意思

16. Hence, i contacted you based on my believe in my pastor's pronouncement.



17. Due to accept the donation of a Protestant pastor Harvard All books and half of the property is named.


18. God`s grace was evidently abundant in 2007, with the addition of Rev. Albert Kwan, Pastor Kevin Ji and Pastor Derrick Chan to take care of the spiritual needs of the Cantonese and Mandarin congregations and our youth.


19. The middle picture are Pastor and Mrs. Wu's children lining up behind them, like a human shield. The third picutre are Pastor and Mrs.


20. Increase Mather, one of the book`s three authors, served for many years as pastor of the North Church in Boston.


pastor 词典解释

1. (某些新教教会的)牧师

A pastor is a member of the Christian clergy in some Protestant churches.

pastor 单语例句

1. An evangelical pastor insisted his plans to torch the Quran would go ahead after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the act as " disgraceful ".

2. The pastor said his son was determined to study the Quran despite his urging to remain with Christianity.

3. Gilmore also talks about her new Westinghouse electric refrigerator and the new pastor at Plymouth Congregational Church.

4. The current pastor did not return several calls from The Associated Press over the past few days.

5. Flores described himself as a former drug user and a pastor in southern Oaxaca state who had gone to Cancun to preach.

6. Flores described himself as a pastor in southern Oaxaca state who had gone to Cancun to preach.

7. Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor submitted the case to jurors after a full day of arguments and told them to begin deliberations on Friday.

8. It came as he was put on the defensive over incendiary comments by his former pastor.

9. He was forced onto the defensive by incendiary comments by his pastor, the Rev.

10. Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama's pastor for 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

pastor 英英释义


1. a person authorized to conduct religious worship

e.g. clergymen are usually called ministers in Protestant churches

Synonym: curateminister of religionministerparsonrector