

pest:[英 [pest] 美 [pɛst] ]



pest 基本解释

名词讨厌的人或事; 有害动植物; 瘟疫

pest 相关例句


1. pest的意思

1. That guy is a regular pest.


2. pest什么意思

2. Animal and vegetable pests spread with extreme rapidity .


3. The severe frost killed off most of the insect pests.


4. Insects which eat crops are pests.


pest 网络解释

1. 有害生物:有害生物(pest)广义上是指在一定条件下,对人类的生活、生产甚至生存产生危害的生物,包括有害微生物、植物、动物等,又分为农村害虫和城市害虫两大类.PCO讨论的害虫限于栖息于人居环境,危害、骚扰人类的有害节肢动物、啮齿动物等,

2. pest的意思

2. 佩斯:在布达 (Buda) 与 佩斯 (Pest) 的中间,除了是多瑙河外,还有河上的小岛 Margit-sziget. 这个长近 2.5 公里,宽约 500 米的岛屿,是以匈牙利国王 Bela IV 的女儿 Margit 而命名. 岛屿的南...巴拉顿湖 (Lake Balaton) 这个中欧最大的淡水湖,


3. 分析模型:对该公司的发展战略进行了深入研究.主要研究内容如下:首先,介绍了铁路集团公司的发展概况和有关的战略管理理论.其次,对铁路集团公司的外部环境进行了分析,运用一般环境分析模型(PEST)和波特产业竞争结构模型对公司所处的产业现状及竞争结构进行了剖析,

4. pest:pesticideformulation; 农药配制

5. pest:political economic social technological; 宏观

pest 双语例句

1. Baculoviruses are invertebrate-specific pathogens that have been shown to be important in controlling populations of insects in natural epizootics and have long been considered potentially useful microbial agents for insect pest control.


2. As many advanced scientific techniques, the application of pesticide also has the both benefit and side effect to human beings. Among these, the pest resistance is one of the great challenges when we try to control the infestation of plant diseases, insect pests, and weeds, etc.


3. The horses with parasites must be isolated from other horses; spray pest repellent as treatment


4. The horses with parasites must be isolated from others; and we must spray pest repellent on them as the treatment


5. The order of the growth rate of Mars strain on sixkinds of media was: PDA added with pest carcasses>CA added with pestcarcasses>CA>PPDA>PPDA added with pest carcasses>PDA. The order ofthe growth rate of 3.4428 strain on six kinds of media was: PDA added withpest carcasses>CA added with pest carcasses>PDA>PPDA>PPDA addedwith pest carcasses>CA. The order of spore output of Mars strain on thesemedia was: PPDA added with pest carcasses>PPDA>CA added with pestcarcasses>PDA added with pest carcasses>CA>PDA. The order of sporeoutput of 3.4428 strain on these media was: PPDA added with pest carcasses>PPDA>CA added with pest carcasses>CA>PDA added with pestcarcasses>PDA.


6. pest的反义词

6. The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an important cotton pest.

棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera属于鳞翅目夜蛾科实夜蛾亚科棉铃虫属,是一种世界性的重要经济害虫。

7. Key words: paddy field; insect pest-predatory natural enemy community; insecticide



8. Cabbage; insect pest; predatory enemy; community structure; enemy evaluation

甘蓝; 害虫;捕食性天敌;群落结构;天敌评价

9. Coptotermes formosanus is an important insect pest damaging buildings and old live trees. Agonistic behavior would happen when individuals from different colonies encounter in some situation.


10. In addition, Germany from 14 countries to participate in the 64 research teams of international scientific research team released the first complete genome sequence beetle, the beetle called Tribolium castaneum is a major agricultural pest.


11. Helicoverpa armigera is an economically important pest around the world. It has caused damage to many different crops.


12. Green beauty oolong tea is from organic tea garden which uses natural farming method and biological pest control system.



13. Small red ant of warm regions; a common household pest.


14. Common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide.


15. Riddance of household pest s.


16. Brownish-gray Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide.


17. This paper introduces a few important pest resistance gene as well as its important role in agricultural production.


18. Sternochehetus oliuieri is an important quarantine pest in China. This paper generally described its distribution, damage, and some biological characters, then performed the starvation tolerance experiment of S. oliuieri intercepted in Vietnam entry mangoes.


19. pest在线翻译

19. Bt cotton had no negative influence to the occurrence of this pest.



20. The corn borer, known as a famous pest, belongs to Lepidoptera Pyralidae.


pest 词典解释

1. 害虫;害兽

Pests are insects or small animals which damage crops or food supplies.

e.g. ...crops which are resistant to some of the major insect pests and diseases...


e.g. Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm.


2. 讨厌鬼(尤指儿童)

You can describe someone, especially a child, as a pest if they keep bothering you.

e.g. He climbed on the table, pulled my hair, and was generally a pest.


pest 单语例句

1. Investors are encouraged to join the program and cash in on China's potentially vast pest control market.

2. They changed from using insecticides to solar pest killing lamps, and from chemical fertilizer to methane fertilizer.

3. Chu said medical checks showed that his wife and son were poisoned with organic phosphorus, a chemical used in pest control.

4. Experts warned that if the pest is not effectively brought under control, all of the coconut palms on the island could be destroyed.

5. A court in South China on Monday approved a suspended death sentence handed down to a sex pest who attacked and killed a fellow student.

6. Devil facial tumor disease has seen the animals plunge from a pest species to endangered in a very short period.

7. It can damage soil organisms that rely on rice for existence, and harm biodiversity and increase the potential for disease and pest vulnerability.

8. A provincial pest control and research center has been established at Shandong Agriculture University to study treatments of the damage caused by pinewood nematodes.

9. He urged the enhancement of farm management, plant disease and pest control and ensuring a minimum purchase level for crops.

10. The pest came to the region through imported alien trees, and are particularly damaging to erythrina trees.

pest 英英释义



1. any unwanted and destructive insect or other animal that attacks food or crops or livestock etc.

e.g. he sprayed the garden to get rid of pests

many pests have developed resistance to the common pesticides

2. a persistently annoying person

Synonym: blightercusspesterergadfly

3. any epidemic disease with a high death rate

Synonym: plaguepestilence

4. a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal

Synonym: plaguepestilencepestis