

undone:[英 [ʌnˈdʌn] 美 [ʌnˈdʌn] ]


过去式:undid;   现在分词:undoing;

undone 基本解释

形容词已解开的; 未做的; 烦乱的; 毁了的

动词解开; 毁灭; 松开( undo的过去分词 ); 败坏

undone 相关例句


1. His bow tie had come undone.


2. Half his work is still undone.


3. The package came undone.


4. I left my work undone.


undone 网络解释

1. 已复原:虽然很多设计的团体钦佩复古的网页设计,但如果没有留下已复原(undone)的印象就很难完全掌握这种风格. 复古的关键是被它的风格和潜在的趣味性所启发. 在2010年,如果设计

2. undone的翻译

2. 未完成的:tummy肚子 | undone未完成的 | unusual非同寻常的


3. 已撤销:undo the last operation 还原上次操作 | undone 已撤销 | unenforced relationship 非强制关联性

4. 还原:undo:::撤消 | undone:::还原 | unexpected:::异常

undone 双语例句

1. LOVE IS DIE I looked away then i looked bacd at you, you tried to say things that you can't undo. if i had my way, i'd never get over you, today's the day i pray that we make it through, make it through the fall, make it through it all. i don't want to fall to pieces. i just want to sit and stare at you. i don't want to talk about it. i don't want a conversation i just want to cry in front of you, i don't want to talk about it'cause i'm in love with you. you're the only one. i'd be with'til the end. when i come undone. you bring me back again. back under the stars back into your arms.

爱情是死,我把头扭然后我翻阅裂谷你,你想说话,你不能undo.if 我有我的想法,我以前从未闯过你,今天的一天,我祈祷,让我们透过它,使它通过秋天,使它通过它all.i不想降至pieces.i只想坐凝望you.i 不想谈it.i不想谈话,我只想哭在你面前,我不要说它的事业,我爱上you.you ' re唯一one.i '四有' til的end.when我 come undone 。你带我回来。早在星空下放回手臂。

2. In fact, so intense is their resentment that the movement to divide this solid race vote and make peace with the national Democracy, so suspiciously revived when you ran for the presidency, and which some of our families for two generations have been risking all to promote, bids fair to be undone.


3. If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wro ng, leave it undone.


4. Alongside. reg files are also generated (these are backups of system registry values) using which the registry changes can be undone and any older/changed version can be applied. RegSnap Pro version supports command line interface, Object Linking and Embedding Automation i. e.

除系统注册表以外,RegSnap 还可以报告系统的其他情况:Windows 的系统目录和系统的 system 子目录下文件的变化情况,包括删除、替换、增加了哪些文件;Windows 的系统配置文件win.ini 和 system.ini 的变化情况,包括删除、修改和增加了哪些内容;自动批处理文件au- toexec.bat 是否被修改过。

5. undone

5. But the black kitten had been finished with earlier in the afternoon, and ao, while Alice was sitting curled up in a corner of the gradt armchair, half talking to herself and half asleep, the kitten had been hacing a grand game of romps with the ball of worsted Alice had been trying to wind up, and had been rolling it up and down till it had all come undone again; and there it was, spread over the hearth-rug, all knots and tangles, with the kitten running after its own tail in the middle.


6. I should not settle tamely down into being the forbearing party; I should assign you your share of labour, and compel you to accomplish it, or else it should be left undone: I should insist, also, on your keeping some of those drawling, halfinsincere complaints hushed in your own breast.


7. He and I left nothing unsid or undone, and he managed to give Emmy and me everything we need.


8. I was deceived by a base ungenerous wretch, who, under the mask of friendship, has undone me



9. But Wanner of times of AOL parent company asks to carry out what he and company sign not to compete clause, the clause asks rice will be strapped in March 2009 to must not join a competitor before, his so selected hope is nearly undone.


10. undone的翻译

10. If the statement is a DDL statement, then the implicit commit that immediately preceded it is not undone.

如果执行失败的是 DDL 语句,那么在此语句之前隐式执行的提交操作不会被撤销。

11. undone的反义词

11. The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponents.


12. When he finished his sentence, the puzzle came undone nicely.


13. undone

13. An emirate that has spent so much money and hired so many flaks to cultivate its image and inspire confidence saw much of that work undone in a single 200-word statement announcing the debt standstill.


14. He has undone the good work of his predecessor.


15. undone的解释

15. Shanghai should gather technological resources, adopt a strategy of developing key fields in agricultural science and technology or leave some things undone in order to do other things, and therefore improve the ability to support Shanghai and serve the national agriculture.


16. undone的解释

16. Not to be altered or undone.


17. When Dorey and Jack were having very serious marriage problems, and Dorey was becoming emotionally undone, I was convinced they were heading for a divorce.

当我的女儿、女婿,Dorey和 Jack,面临着严重的婚姻问题,并且Dorey在感情上承受不了时,我确信他们的婚姻将走向灭亡。

18. John, your flies are/fly is undone!


19. By this Time I was gotten at a frightful Distance from the Island, and had the least Cloud or haizy Weather interven`d, I had been undone another Way too; for I had no Compass on Board, and should never have known how to have steer`d towards the Island, if I had but once lost Sight of it; but the Weather continuing clear, I apply`d myself to get up my Mast again, spread my Sail, standing away to the North, as much as possible, to get out of the Current.


20. What is supposed not to be done is undone.


undone 词典解释

1. 未做的;未完成的

Work that is undone has not yet been done.

e.g. He left nothing undone that needed attention.


2. see also: undo

undone 单语例句undone什么意思

1. The husband cooly gathered more information from his wife's online chatting records and set about bringing them undone.

2. A man who tried to cover up for his brother - who had been driving while drunk - was undone by a shrewd policeman.

3. That means some school kids will have good excuses when they tell their teachers their homework is undone because their weren't candles at home.

4. That means some school kids will have good excuses when they tell their teachers their homework is undone because there weren't candles at home.

5. But the hurt inflicted on the psyche of the girls can never be undone, despite the piece of paper proving their innocence.

6. Whatever gains have been made against abject poverty risk being undone by rising food prices.

7. As the seam comes undone, the family is threatened with ruin.

8. The four undone buttons of his tight white shirt reveal a taut frame.

9. He goes on to say that what's done cannot be undone.

10. And even if some highly compensated people declined some work because of higher tax rates, other people might step in to do the work that was left undone.

undone什么意思undone 英英释义


1. not done

e.g. the work could be done or undone and nobody cared

2. thrown into a state of disorganization or incoherence

e.g. price programs became unstuck because little grain was available

Synonym: unstuck

3. not fastened or tied or secured

e.g. her blouse had come undone at the neck

his shoelaces were undone

4. doomed to extinction

Synonym: done for(p)ruinedsunkwashed-up