

mineral:[英 [ˈmɪnərəl] 美 [ˈmɪnərəl] ]



mineral 基本解释

名词矿物; 矿物质; 矿石; 汽水



mineral 相关例句


1. mineral的近义词

1. Those countries are rich in mineral resources.



1. mineral在线翻译

1. China is rich in minerals.


2. Tin is a mineral.


mineral 网络解释

1. mineral是什么意思

1. 矿物质:量元素钙 (四)矿物质 (mineral)及微量元素铁 (四)矿物质 (mineral)及微量元素(四)矿物质 (mineral)及微量元素铁 (四)矿物质 (mineral)及微量元素食物来源: (四)矿物质 (mineral)及微量元素磷 (四)矿物质 (mineral)及微量元素

2. mineral的意思

2. 无机盐:(四)无机盐和微量元素 人体内,除碳、氢、氧和氮以外的元素称矿物质,是无机盐(mineral)与微量元素(microelement)的总称. 其中含量较多的有钙、镁、钾、钠、磷、硫、氯7,种元素,约占人体总灰分的60%~80%,称之为常量元素;此外,

3. 矿石:纵使种族特性不同,里三个种族使用相同的资源以维持经济与建立军队,分别是矿石(Mineral)与高能瓦斯(Vespene Gas). 前者被用以建造或研发所有的单位、建筑物与科技,可利用各种族的工人单位从地图上的矿石晶体采集;

mineral 双语例句

1. III. silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common picrite etc.


2. mineral是什么意思

2. The current experimental results show that the content of leached alumino-siliceous residue distilled from the kalisalt was the primary effective factor on the mechanical properties of the products. High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.


3. Mineral polymer was prepared using fly ash, one of the industrial solid wastes, andmetakaolinite, standardized sand, sodium silicate and alkaline solution in this study.


4. As for fine-grained Ta-Nb mineral, the flotation is generally adopted, and effective collectors is fatty acids, arsenic acids, phosphonic acids, hydroximic acids and cationics.


5. mineral什么意思

5. The salt-rich plasma acts as a protective layer around the brain, but because Mrs Page's contained such low levels of the mineral, water had entered the brain, causing permanent damage.


6. This is love in action through the act of co-creation from the mineral kingdoms'point of view.


7. Etc. Sometimes, omphacite or kosmochlor can be the major mineral. The writer has been engaged in gem testing and gemmology education for nearly 30 years


8. Potch - Crusty mineral coating on naturally occurring opals.


9. This paper introduce surface modification method of calcium carbonate mineral and its application in oil production.

无机物表面改性研究概况碳酸钙作为一种原料易得、价格低、加工性能好,已成为橡胶工业中用量最大的填充剂,随着研磨技术、设备、界面科学的发展和进步,CaCO3 开始向粒径趋微细化、颗粒表面活性化、产品功能化发展,因而提高了它在橡胶、塑料、造纸、涂料、油墨、牙膏、陶瓷等领域中的使用效果,降低了产品成本。

10. Nutritional components of the Bulbil of Dioscorea Opposite were analyzed and evaluated. General nutrients, amino acid compositions and mineral contents were investigated.


11. Refers to the mineral composition of emerald crystal surface and cleavage plane of When the composition of the mineral particles thick jade, particularly evident.


12. Considering that your body has 206 bones and 230 movable or semi-movable joints, maintaining bone-mineral density is critical for any long-term health program.


13. Exhibits: mineral water, purified water, ecological water, soda water, alkaline water, mineral substance water, deep ocean water, peppermint water, featured recuperation water appetizer water, sober-up water, anti-fat water, three-high water, beautification water, water for diabetes patients


14. Results Ovariectomy caused attenuation and interuption in trabeculae of bone and reduced mineral deposition on the trabacular surface.


15. mineral是什么意思

15. Demantoid is a rare precious gen mineral.


16. As salt concentration increased, K+ in roots and Ca2+, Mg2+ in shoots of Pingshanyou seedlings exhibited little change, but the above-mentioned mineral ions in Fuju seedlings significantly decreased when the salinity was higher than 160 mmol/L.


17. Jinchuan Co-Ltd is the biggest mineral lands of nickel and cobalt in China. In recent years, with the rapid developping of Jinchuan coltd, the supply of raw material has increasingly become lack. The No.2 mining area, the major mine of Jinchuan coltd, is now confronting many problems. How to solve those problems is a serious topic that engineers and technicians have to face.


18. Based on the investigation and statistical analysis of the statas quo of the mine ecological environment, we could conclude:at present, the mine eco-environment of Shouxian County was seriously destroyed in the course of development and utilization of the mineral resources, which destroyed the land area of the farmland, woodland, grassland and other types accounting for 54%, 19%, 18% and 9% respectively.


19. USANA's Essentials (Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral), Proflavanol 90, Procosa II, Active Calcium and Body Rox supplements have been certified to carry NSF's trusted Certified for Sport Mark, helping athletes and everyday consumers know the products have met NSF`s stringent certification guidelines.


20. Lumbers for measurement of bone mineral density.


mineral 词典解释

1. 矿物;矿物质;矿产

A mineral is a substance such as tin, salt, or sulphur that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth. Minerals are also found in small quantities in food and drink.

mineral 单语例句

1. The energy and mineral connections are by definition driven by Beijing and the major industrial enterprises.

2. Five years down the road, the commodity is now Western Australia's largest individual mineral sector by value.

3. Tap water and bottled mineral water with more than 150 milligrams of calcium per liter are equally good sources of the mineral.

4. China calculated the potential value of mineral reserves based on the remaining reserves by the end of 2000.

5. Active guidance will be given to enterprises in organizing clean and safe production in the course of mineral resources prospecting and exploitation.

6. Although the country will " inevitably " play a more active role in the international market, discoveries of new domestic mineral deposits will still be essential.

7. The helium atoms were locked in the mineral grains as they cooled and moved closer to the surface during the carving of the Grand Canyon.

8. China will speed up the structural adjustment of mineral resources exploitation and utilization, increase productive capacity and raise efficiency.

9. The mineral water finally got a permit after rounds of tests and checks by the carrier to prove its quality and brand value.

10. It will circle around the moon for a year to analyze its chemical and mineral composition and to explore the characteristics of the lunar surface.

mineral的解释mineral 英英释义


1. solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition


1. composed of matter other than plant or animal

e.g. the inorganic mineral world

2. relating to minerals

e.g. mineral elements

mineral deposits