

rift:[英 [rɪft] 美 [rɪft] ]



rift 基本解释


名词不和; 裂缝,裂口

及物动词使断裂; 使分开



rift 相关例句


1. The clouds rifted.



1. rift的近义词

1. A deep rift had started in their family life.


rift 网络解释

1. rift是什么意思

1. 裂谷:三、在肯尼亚西部地区,肯尼亚旅游局建议以下区域不适合参观,游人须多加小心:尼安萨(Nyanza)省,西部(Western)省以及裂谷(Rift)省的西部地区,包括通往Narok北部至Bomet, Sotik和Njorod以及Kericho,Molo,Londiani,

2. rift的意思

2. 断裂:A: 岛屿与大陆是由大陆板块的分离所形成的.这项分离作用导致火山与断裂(rift)的形成,接著并喷出熔化的岩石以及物质,这些岩石与物质在冷却之后便形成了岛屿.这些岛屿集结在一起便形成了大陆.欧洲红外太空观测站(ISO)最近的一些发现支持了这种新观点.

3. 裂口,裂缝:rifler 波纹锉,牙轮钻头 | rift 裂口,裂缝 | rig 装备,试验台

rift 双语例句

1. After breakfast, drive to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley to arrive at Maasai Mara in time for evening game drive.


2. Where can I watch The Rift movie online free full stream?


3. I was devastated, but worse, years later, I was still obsessing over whether I could have mended the rift.


4. rift的近义词

4. Energy Rift I - Deals extremely arcane damage in an area of effect centered on the caster.

制造以自身为中心的神秘属性大 AE 。

5. Sometimes i wish i could brush aside the cobwebs of time go back and give you a warm hug on the days your heart hurt so badly sometimes i wish i could step through a rift in lost intervals stroll through yesterday to see your smile, and, let you know, it was a special part of my life.

懷舊 *。爱情听着怀旧的歌。。回忆着怀旧的爱情。。。属于我的一点一滴。。一点一滴的浪漫。。深圳的雨点,蒙蒙的天气,显得特别的伤感。。。。。这是悲伤的开始?还是幸福的结束?。。。

6. Who could have known when I opened my eyes I would see The dark angel of my destiny This must be some...gone What can I say, what can I do The rift between us stands We've lost our way Stop holding on Brother's...


7. The results of this paper show:(1) The Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation deposited in limited carbonate platform sedimentary environment of shallow marine; the temperature of paleo-sea water is mainly from 26.7℃~32.1℃, which indicates Lanping Basin located in the hot tropics during formation of the Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation.(2) The provenance tectonic setting of sedimentary rocks from the Lanping Basin are represented by passive continental margin and continental island arc and the original source rocks were all derived from the upper continental crust, with felsic rocks dominant. So the Lanping Basin is a typical continental-type basin.(3) The evolution of Lanping Basin have undergone three different prototype basins'evolution, i. e. rift basin, depression basin and strike basin.(4) Ore-forming materials of deposits in large ore-assembly district were derived from crust (mainly from basement and stratum of basin ore-forming fluids were hot brine of basin dominant and the organic matter from source rocks of basin stratum has involved in mineralization; and mineralization epoch of deposits was about 56Ma or 30Ma, which are compatible with the times of collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate and late strong compression stage respectively.


8. rift的翻译

8. The issues raised were in danger of deepening rift s in belgian society, threatening the government's efforts to hold together the Dutch-speaking community of the north with the French-speaking Walloons of the south


9. A numerical model of the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin via the Basin-Mod technique was carried out and the subsidence-buried history and thermal history of the Taibei depression were inverse calculated: it had undergone a early rapid rift and sag, then three times of uplift and erosion, and finally depressed and been buried.


10. The strike, all over Egypt, created a rift in opinions, between those confirming its success and others announcing its abortion and even failure.



11. There are three third-order sequences in Wunan sub-depression during rift period. Each sequence is integrated in the sag and is denudated partially in Wudong ramp region, and the distribution range is controlled by faulted slope-break belt.


12. This rift in the Caribbean seafloor plunges to a depth of more than 5000 metres below sea level.


13. The researchprovides theoretical foundation for the tectonic evolution studies and seismite recognization in continental rift lacustrine basin.


14. rift的意思

14. Nadigangri formation mainly consisted of volcanic deposition, including continental effusive rocks, marine effusive rocks, and volcanc clastic deposition, which reflected the early paleography of rift basin.


15. In constructing the mountains and the lake is a Gangdise the Himalayas between a rift basin.


16. Namco Department of the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny formed depression is Nyainqentanglha construct the northern foot of the rift lake.


17. The Emeishan basalt in the Later Paleozoic was typical continental flood basalt and its source also contained EM Ⅱ component. The subduction of paleo-Tethys Ocean Plate provided essential dynamic condition for the large-scale opening of Panxi Rift, while the mantle plume supplied much material for Emeishan basalt. However, the plume was contaminated by the metasomatized continental mantle lithosphere in its upwelling process, which resulted in the Sr isotopic and incompatible elemental enrichment, and the Nd isotope kept down the weak-depleted character of mantle plume.


18. It is not easy to cure the rift of emotion.


19. It is not easy to heal the rift of emotions.


20. Our results because no matter how, but I and my wife's emotional rift emerged.


rift 词典解释

1. (关系的)严重不和,裂痕,争议

A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them having a good relationship.

e.g. The interview reflected a growing rift between the President and the government...


e.g. He has warned that the serious rifts within the country could lead to civil war...


2. (尤指地面的)裂缝,裂口

A rift is a split that appears in something solid, especially in the ground.

rift 单语例句rift

1. The area is noted for its karst outcrops and famous for its deep rift, waterfalls and curtains of calcium deposits.

2. The area where the quakes hit is part of Africa's Great Rift Valley, which includes a seismically active fault line.

3. The schism between city and village under capitalism due to the separation of the masses from the soil is one manifestation of this metabolic rift.

4. The duo blamed the rift on conflicting tour schedules, but media reports said Timberlake was unhappy about repeated marriage demands from the religious Britney.

5. When she went on a quest to meet her birth mother, it created a rift with her adoptive parents that persists to this day.

6. While such changes could face serious opposition, the vote suggested Ukraine's rift could deepen much further if the election results are overturned.

7. The latest developments came as a church was burnt down by youths near the Rift Valley town of Eldoret.

8. He noted that some people who were " unfriendly " toward China in Australia were trying to create enmity and widen any rift between the nations.

9. Marx looks to the rift between humans and the earth to understand the material estrangement of people from nature.

10. The operation confirmed a growing rift between the United States and the former exile just six weeks before the return of Iraqi sovereignty.

rift是什么意思rift 英英释义


1. a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)

e.g. they hoped to avoid a break in relations

Synonym: rupturebreachbreakseverancefalling out

2. a narrow fissure in rock

3. a gap between cloud masses

e.g. the sun shone through a rift in the clouds