

evasive:[英 [ɪˈveɪsɪv] 美 [ɪˈvesɪv] ]


evasive 基本解释


形容词逃避的; 推托的; 闪烁其词的,含糊的; 鬼


evasive 网络解释

1. 逃避的:evasion 逃避 | evasive 逃避的 | evasively 推托地

2. 言词闪烁:蓄意逃税-----wilful evasion | 言词闪烁-----evasive | 讼费须视乎诉讼结果而定-----costs to follow the event

3. 托辞的:evasive 逃避的 | evasive 托辞的 | evasively 推诿地

4. 回避:Elegant 优雅 | Evasive 回避 | Fast Learner 学习能力

evasive 双语例句

1. Both character can vary considerably, one character Sometimes, dares dare to do; Another caution is smooth and evasive many.


2. The Arctic Sunrise is going to spend the next few weeks here, unless, of course, the barrier holding back the Arctic Ocean's sea ice breaks, flooding the Nares Strait with floes, forcing us to take evasive action.


3. Cash flow casts decision-making important basis and news as company finance affairs, because use cash flow, be OK and evasive in what carry out authority duty to because appraisal of goods in stock and charge booth deserve to wait for method of accountant business accounting, produce what when making a principle, should encounter necessarily abhorrent and index dependency needs the different program gain that cause, the blemish with not tall diaphaneity, can accomplish information state according to the facts, mix sock but sex of test and verify, the revenue and expenditure of bias; cash that does not have a person to be can reflect the concern of the flow direction of company capital and circumfluence dynamicly when foreword, make the policymaker can mirror an evaluation thoroughly to forecast mobile validity in the round, make use a lot of element such as capital time value to undertake information of; cash flow eliminated to be not cash to receive the fund that pays in-house have enough to meet need to move forecasting becoming a possibility, simplified to forecast the analytic computation process of decision-making activity, rose to forecast decision-making efficiency.


4. I know I appear to be being evasive, but believe me, I am not.


5. There is no need to be evasive about the answers.


6. He is more likely to be evasive and it will be harder to get him to make any firm commitments.


7. Don't be evasive. You'd better make a clean breast of it.


8. Don`t be evasive! This book has betrayed you.


9. evasive的反义词

9. She felt his answer to be evasive.


10. It is a topic hard to be evasive that how to envisage this kind of selfishness.


11. I think you're being evasive.



12. You attempt to get a girl's phone number and she's evasive about it.


13. He was being evasive, and we both knew why.


14. Evasive action was not taken, so the process was allowed to go off-spec or shut down.


15. As for a political settlement in Laos, the North Vietnamese leaders remained evasive.


16. Ask you to ponder over this next problems carefully Ask you to put forward your settlement to this problem again method, not evasive this problem, you are so called the way that is put in the database does not establish...


17. evasive的解释

17. Nonmilitary options include encouraging commercial ships to stay farther off shore, learn evasive anti-piracy maneuvers or carry armed guards, although Cosgriff said shipping companies have hesitated to do that because of potential problems with unions, insurers and some ports.


18. evasive在线翻译

18. Such evasive maneuvers include avoiding certain segments of the Interpersonal Circle that usually result in behaviors in others that disconfirm one's self-system, and consequently forcing others to give way to one's own interpersonal strategy, regardless of their own wishes.


19. I wasn`t evasive in my reply.


20. evasive的解释

20. Competitor of not evasive also evaluation, he is very serious the ground and the actor bad that you analyse each are short long, the Luo Man that is willing to explain oneself even history.


evasive 词典解释

1. 回避的;避而不谈的;含糊其词的

If you describe someone as evasive, you mean that they deliberately avoid giving clear direct answers to questions.

e.g. He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean...


e.g. Direct questions would almost certainly result in evasive answers.



'I can't possibly comment on that,' Paul said evasively.


She looked at him closely to see if his evasiveness was intentional.


2. 采取规避行动

If you take evasive action, you deliberately move away from someone or something in order to avoid meeting them or being hit by them.

e.g. At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action.


evasive 单语例句

1. Its obtrusive rouge hue catches the eye, reminding visitors that this is a city filled with evasive desires.

2. They may deserve to be proud of their achievements, but they also tend to be evasive about the things they have not done well.

3. Gu is widely considered to be the most enigmatic and evasive figure within the contemporary Chinese art scene.

4. UNCLE SAM, don't be evasive and run away from responsibility now!

5. He said he wasn't looking at the road when his truck almost collided with another vehicle and he had to take evasive action.

6. Prosecutors insisted that Bonds understood that his false statements would impede the government's investigation and that he was intentionally misleading and evasive.

7. And Hamilton himself said he took that evasive action after passing Vettel in order to avoid a potentially dangerous collision on the track.

8. Many people in the domestic advertising agencies are evasive when asked about the demand for foreign models.

9. The count the jury agreed on stated Bonds gave an evasive answer under oath.

10. Chinese often give vague, indefinite and even evasive answers to direct questions.

evasive 英英释义


1. deliberately vague or ambiguous

e.g. his answers were brief, constrained and evasive

an evasive statement

2. avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger especially enemy fire

e.g. pilots are taught to take evasive action