

truancy:[英 [ˈtru:ənsi] 美 [ˈtruənsɪ] ]



truancy 基本解释

名词逃学; 旷课; 玩忽职守; 逃避责任

truancy 相关例句


1. The schools were fighting endlessly to combat truancy.


truancy 网络解释

1. truancy在线翻译

1. 逃避:pushpin 图钉 | truancy 逃避 | bass saxophone 低音萨克管

2. 旷课:trowelling /抹平/镘平/ | truancy /旷课/ | truant /懒惰的/

3. truancy的翻译

3. 旷课,逃学,旷工 旷课,逃学,矿工:trier of fact 事实的审判者 事实的审判者 | truancy 旷课,逃学,旷工 旷课,逃学,矿工 | truant officer 调查旷课/旷工的官员 调查旷课/矿工的官员

truancy 双语例句

1. Including: truancy, running away from home, lack of cooperation, resistance, do not observe the law and even lying stealing, fighting, destruction, disruption and damage, and so on.


2. Miguel Brechner, the organiser, says it has brought home-computing to tens of thousands of poorer households, while also reducing truancy.

活动主办人Miguel Brechner表示,这项计划已经使数万个贫穷家庭迈入计算机时代,同时也降低了学生的旷课时数。

3. truancy的意思

3. Thus, some children have trouble with intent to show that resistance, you have to the east, he will want the West; playing some parents do not admit the child, the greater the stubborn efforts, often by running away from home, truancy confrontation with parents, become more and more stubborn.


4. truancy的解释

4. That suggests many newly conscripted learners, rather than knuckling down, will simply move from NEETdom to truancy.


5. truancy

5. They are not motivated truancy consider the performance and feel that they never skip class and even the act of a very noble valuable.


6. truancy的反义词

6. I am a truancy yesterday, in fact, I do not want to do, but is suddenly feel tired, they do so, and now I am sorry that their



7. On this day morning, I go to school too late, pay teachers very afraid of the censure…… Sometimes, I really wanted to truancy, to go wild Paopao.


8. truancy的解释

8. Truancy picked up, and we were not prepared to handle it.



9. Today, the fact of truancy among college students has become more and more serious.



10. It was a day for impulse and truancy.


11. So that there is nothing wrong with truancy, but not to escape the wrong lesson.



12. Generally speaking, the reasons for truancy include the following three aspects.


13. 11 I'm in charge of discipline, conduct and truancy


14. truancy什么意思

14. The basis of state laws on homeschooling is the result of truancy laws that require children to attend school.


15. truancy

15. It is no marvel, when art is a brief truancy from rational practice, that the artist himself should be a vagrant, and at best, as it were, an infant prodigy.


16. truancy的意思

16. Previously, the truancy figures were based on averages compiled by secondaries once a year.


17. Schools need to reduce levels of truancy.


18. The school truancy problem is worse than thought.


19. Truancy rates at the school are very high.


20. Each incidence of truancy will impact the citizenship credit.


truancy 词典解释

1. 逃学;旷课

Truancy is when children stay away from school without permission.

e.g. Schools need to reduce levels of truancy.


truancy 单语例句

1. The high average daily attendance statistics reported by school districts camouflage a real truancy problem.

2. I think this is really necessary to avoid future instability and an increase in truancy - both phenomena which work to deter development.

3. She tackled these problems as well as high truancy and dropout rates.

4. And in 2004 the education department held the first National Truancy Prevention Conference.

5. In decades past, lesser offenses such as truancy and underage drinking were enforced in stable homes.

6. Outside the context of drug abuse prevention, the department does not even have an office that monitors truancy.

7. While a few schools have nearly perfect attendance, most have a serious truancy problem.

8. And schools and communities must be held accountable for achieving and maintaining low truancy rates.

truancy 英英释义


1. failure to attend (especially school)

Synonym: hooky