

processor:[英 [ˈprəʊsesə(r)] 美 [ˈprɑ:sesə] ]



processor 基本解释

名词加工; 数据处理机; (计算机的)中央处理器; 加工机(或工人)

processor 网络解释

1. 处理机:虽然是笔误, 但个人认为看完题目就可以知道问题重点是在询问单步执行旗标, TF (trap flag,陷阱旗标),用於单步追踪除错时,所以也称为追踪旗标(trace flag), 而不是区分微处理机(Microprocessor)与处理机(Processor)的旗标命名差别.

2. 加工者:如果当前的Leader线程检测到事件源中的一个事件,它会做两件事情:首先,它把一个Follower线程提升为一个新的Leader,然后它自己将变为一个加工者(processor)线程将事件分离并分派给指定的事件处理程序,事件处理程序运行在接收事件的线程中.

3. 处理者:正当这种事务处理者(processor)的影响和工程师的观念取代独立农场主的职能时,大制造商和销售工程师也在注视着市场系统这个小商人的命根. 现在,农场里和城市中的老式中产阶级正在阻挡着由技术专家和有效率的专业人士所代表的前行之轮.

4. processor是什么意思

4. processor:proc; 处理器

processor 双语例句

1. In this dissertation, we investigate an integrated approach that provides fault tolerance and DVS mechanism in real-time systems. Firstly, we propose a primary/backup fault-tolerance static DVS scheduling algorithm, setting processor frequency off-line.


2. We all know the emphasis on concurrent programming as linear processor speed growth is limited in the past years.


3. A common solution is to integrate more concurrent functional units in the processor and increase the instruction issue width.


4. processor的反义词

4. It uses LAME to re-encode mp3 files on the fly, and can do as many concurrent streams as your processor can handle.


5. processor的意思

5. Note if you are using a hosted account''': Ask your provider what limits are placed on the number of concurrent database connections and the processor load. This will give a good estimate of the number of users your Moodle install can manage.


6. processor的意思

6. With the Master/Slave framework constructed by the advanced embedded operating system, embedded industrial computer and digital signal processor technology, concurrent execution among data acquisition, data processing communication and graphical monitoring is realized easily, and the real-time ability and reliability are improved also.


7. Secondly, a kind of multi-agent based combat model is proposed. A kind of framework of the multi-agent based combat model is proposed, which is composed of the combat environment model, combat agent, and combat model parameters. A kind of the combat environment model is proposed, in which the combat space and the combat environment parameters are defined to describe the spacial traits of the combat units and combat environment, and the influence of those combat environment factors on the action of the combat units. A kind of combat agent model is proposed, which is composed of properties and behaviour model. The spacial properties, physical properties and quality properties are defined to describe the abilities and state of combat units. The behaviour models of reconnaissance, maneuverability, attack, communication and adaption are established to describe the interaction between combat units. And several meta rules of those action are given. A kind of knowledge representation based method is proposed to give a formalization description to the combat enity model, which makes it more convenient to translate the combat agent from the concept model to the simulation model. The modeling process of the multi-agent based combat model is discussed, and the main task of every step is ascertained. A kind of simulation strategy is proposed, which gives the combat agents a random sequence at every simulation step, to dispose those concurrent events with single processor and single thread.


8. processor在线翻译

8. Korea by the end of 2006 from the introduction of food waste treatment method of atomic core technology, and aviation maintenance Jilin limited liability company, successfully developed the HM Series food waste processor systems, and obtain the environmental protection department, quality inspection department of the certification, as China industry-leading products.


9. But there are certain things that th e cloud just can`t handle: namely, processor-intensive multimedia work.


10. processor的意思

10. But you often are forced to make mobile processor-intensive work in your circle outside the main program and to separate thread Lane.



11. This is helpful for users who must switch between different speed settings very often, for example when temporarily performing processor-intensive tasks.


12. processor是什么意思

12. ARMlets are small snippets of ARM-native code to handle processor-intensive tasks.


13. UVD supports Blue- Ray and HD-DVD content, whilst offloading power and processor-intensive video decoding from the CPU to the graphics core.

UVD技术支持蓝光和HD - DVD内容,同时卸载权力和处理器密集型的视频解码的CPU的图形核心。

14. Run one spud through your food processor[00:44.51]and stuff the raw mash into a piece of cheesecloth.


15. processor在线翻译

15. Electric Load Management Center is an important part of Advanced Aircraft Power Distribution System. According to power layout instruction and loads power request of the Power System Processor and the status of electric load, ELMC realizes automatic power distribution and automatic management of electric load by shedding electric loads to keep the load level below power supply level.


16. This is OK if we're working on multi-processor systems and usually locking our object for small time durations, so that after several attempts, the thread is likely to acquire the lock.



17. An approach to the design of the structure about the cloud model mapping processor was proposed, and its characteristic of the nonlinear mapping and function of the curve fitting were analyzed. Only a few modifying to the cloud model sets or cloud model reasoning rules, the linear mapping function and non-linear mapping function can be obtained conveniently and flexibly.


18. processor在线翻译

18. MPC8260 common platform offers one more excellent processor solution for CMT. The platform has passed testing. It can be applied to CMT system for upgrading CPU and will get extensive application in the future.


19. Technically, the term work size describes the size of an operand register, but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathway to and from the processor.


20. processor是什么意思

20. Technically, the term word size describes the size of an operand register, but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathways to and from the processor.


processor 词典解释

1. 处理器

A processor is the part of a computer that interprets commands and performs the processes the user has requested.

2. 加工者;处理者;加工机

A processor is someone or something which carries out a process.

e.g. ...food growers and processors.


processor 单语例句processor

1. The Clenbuterol pork meat scandal has caused consumers all over China to express concern and disappointment in the processor giant.

2. Researchers in the University of Delaware's ACRES program Affordable Composites from Renewable Sources have developed a computer processor made from chicken feathers.

3. That feat came following a series of investments in expansion at home and abroad, making the company the largest processor and provider of the concentrate.

4. Given the problems with the processor, that ratio stands at 90 percent condensation and 10 percent urine.

5. It could also feature a fast processor and some redesigned accessories, like a smaller dock connector.

6. The interconnect is what allow information to flow from a processor to another processor and is critical to the overall performance of the system.

7. A key drawback to moving to another " processor architecture " is that programs created for the current version of Windows won't work on the new chips.

8. The world's largest payments processor earns its money by operating the network through which electronic payments are made.

9. The astronauts had to spend extra time on the urine processor getting it to work.

10. The food traceable system helps market supervisors find what plant, processor or retailer should shoulder the responsibility for food safety problems.

processor 英英释义


1. (computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing

e.g. the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached

Synonym: central processing unitCPUC.P.U.central processormainframe

2. a business engaged in processing agricultural products and preparing them for market

3. someone who processes things (foods or photographs or applicants etc.)