

occupy:[英 [ˈɒkjupaɪ] 美 [ˈɑ:kjupaɪ] ]


过去式:occupied;   过去分词:occupied;   现在分词:occupying;

occupy 基本解释


及物动词占领; 使用,住在…; 使从事,使忙碌; 任职

occupy 相关例句


1. occupy

1. The bathroom is occupied.


2. The enemy soon occupied the town.


3. He occupied himself with various research projects.


4. He occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.



5. Reading occupies most of my free time.


occupy 网络解释

1. 占据:进而被用来喻指发自内心地追求某项事业;OCCUPATION(职业)指的则是规律性地,但如小和尚有口无心撞钟般地从事某件事而已. 是故, 有一个职业,仅仅是象模象样地占据(occupy)了一席之地,至于是否有发自内心的喜爱与敬畏则要另当别论了.

2. 占领:这样一种使用武力进入它国领土的行动包含了进攻(attack),占领(occupy),破坏(damage)等意义,但这些意义却与行动本身的道德色彩无关. 它可以是正义的,也可以是非正义,不过,在中文里,正义的侵略是另一个词--讨伐.

occupy 双语例句

1. In Itlaly, the activists helped the migrants in the dentention center to run away; in Germany, the police raid the camp where they occupy.


2. Nowadays social and some public in China inside is filled with the personal desires's inflation, then as for evolve to the situation that the utility stop at nothing and greedy occupy.


3. For example don't occupy have no matter to look for person to chat aimlessly.


4. occupy在线翻译

4. According Topview, in September 18, in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to buy top five seats, the bodies to occupy the first four seats, for a total of 6467 to buy shares, is much larger than Huijin Company holdings of the number of 200 million shares.


5. occupy

5. I consider it is a great understanding in Chinese Exlibris. In my opinion, it is not large-scale exhibition but it will occupy a significant page in Chinese Exlibris.


6. When clouds abruptly darken the sky, when turns suddenly occupy the road, I have to go.


7. occupy什么意思

7. SANDVIK Materials Technology has a high value-added production and manufacturing of advanced stainless steel, special alloys, metallic and ceramic materials as well as conveyor belts and sorting thermal systems, these products occupy the leading position in the world.


8. occupy的近义词

8. Occupy your mind with doing what you want to do so that no time will be left for it to stray to the things you do not want to do.


9. Accords with national interest wheat is one of our country's mainest grain crop, grow an area all the year round left and right sides of 30 million hectare, crop and consumption occupy the 1/4 of countrywide commissariat gross about.


10. Yanshan's that street room, the back wall on the pedal on the stone steps, is lower than front wall one ten feet of two ten feets, even did not have the wall, the gate is inlays on the cliff chisels the hole to occupy, that iron claw grass, crawls the wall cane to multiply on the reason gate brain, is similar to a decorative carving.


11. A well-developed technology to the contemporary era, the traditional click-and pull-type lighting switches remains the main lighting switches, on the strength of their relatively simple structure, low price and convenience is the installation methodology, firmly occupy the market.


12. The existence of the account receivable is a result to occupy market in the buyer's market.


13. Unique with respect to their technology, they occupy an important position among China's traditional metal handicrafts.



14. Buildings in general because of the smaller venues, a displacement of small drainage pump can give priority to the use submersible sewage pumps and liquid drainage pump, one of liquid sewage pump at an important place for general use; vertical horizontal water pumps and sewage pumps require traps David foundation, since the irrigation water type, and must occupy the site, the building at less use.


15. Country economy is a regional one which has developed vevy slowly and whose poplation and economic gross occupy large proportion in our countrys economy. its development in future will affect to a large extent the build progress on all-round well-off society.



16. With the unique position of Chinese jade culture in Chinese civilization, jade moppets occupy an important place in the traditional moppet culture.


17. Notable is, after 3 quarters suffer financial storm to make a surprise attack, the investigation that buys deed in the light of user network shows, those who reduce network shopping behavior occupy only 21%, increase what the network shops to occupy 28%, do not have vicissitudinous basically to occupy 51%.


18. A Large or medium-sized enterprise owned by the State or in which the State-owned assets occupy a holding or leading position must have an accountant-general.


19. In ordinary structural the aggregates occupy approximately 70% to 75% of the volume of the hardened mass.



20. The man's desire reflects in many aspects, their wild ambition to undertaking, occupy wanting to the woman, dominating wanting etc.


occupy 词典解释

1. 居住,使用(建筑物或某地)

The people who occupy a building or a place are the people who live or work there.

e.g. There were over 40 tenants, all occupying one wing of the hospital...


e.g. Land is, in most instances, purchased by those who occupy it.


2. 占用,使用(房间、座位等)

If a room or something such as a seat is occupied, someone is using it, so that it is not available for anyone else.

e.g. The hospital bed is no longer occupied by his wife...


e.g. I saw three camp beds, two of which were occupied.


3. 占领;占据;侵占

If a group of people or an army occupies a place or country, they move into it, using force in order to gain control of it.

e.g. U.S. forces now occupy a part of the country...


e.g. Alexandretta had been occupied by the French in 1918 after the defeat of Turkey.


4. 担任(…职务);居于(…地位)

If someone or something occupies a particular place in a system, process, or plan, they have that place.

e.g. We occupy a quality position in the market place...


e.g. Men still occupy more positions of power than women.


5. 使忙碌;使全神贯注

If something occupies you, or if you occupy yourself, your time, or your mind with it, you are busy doing that thing or thinking about it.

e.g. Her parliamentary career has occupied all of her time...


e.g. He hurried to take the suitcases and occupy himself with packing the car...



Keep the brain occupied...


I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.


6. 使从事;使关注;使花费时间

If something occupies you, it requires your efforts, attention, or time.

e.g. I had other matters to occupy me, during the day at least...


e.g. This challenge will occupy Europe for a generation or more.


7. 占(空间或面积)

If something occupies a particular area or place, it fills or covers it, or exists there.


e.g. Even quite small aircraft occupy a lot of space...


e.g. Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls.


8. 占,耗费(时间)

If something such as a journey occupies a particular period of time, it takes that amount of time to complete.

e.g. She reached Karachi on Monday evening, the journey having occupied three days and nine hours.


occupy 单语例句

1. It will occupy eight stories and be open for business by the end of the year.

2. The first phase of the project will occupy an area of 55 square kilometers and have a carrying capacity of 400 million travelers per year.

3. A sculpture designed on the basis of the Olympic rings would occupy the pride of place outside Hong Kong Stadium in Causeway Bay.

4. Thus China's problems occupy a lower percentage of my content than that of my more caustic colleagues.

5. Consumers of luxurious housing and cars should also be charged extra fees for the land, oil and other resources they consume or occupy.

6. The chronology of his works is to occupy the largest amount of floor space dedicated to an exhibition at the gallery for 20 years.

7. Recently the municipal people's court of Chongqing announced that people whose family members are lawyers cannot occupy leading positions in the city's court.

8. Protesters wave their hands to signify clapping during an Occupy Wall Street general assembly in New York's Washington Square on Saturday.

9. Chengguan officers come on the scene only when the vendors occupy public spaces illegally.

10. The continual attempts by Western countries to occupy the moral high ground and point their fingers at China's defense spending are actually unjustifiable.

occupy 英英释义


1. consume all of one's attention or time

e.g. Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely

Synonym: absorbengrossengage

2. march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation

e.g. Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939

Synonym: invade

3. require (time or space)

e.g. It took three hours to get to work this morning

This event occupied a very short time

Synonym: takeuse up

4. assume, as of positions or roles

e.g. She took the job as director of development

he occupies the position of manager

the young prince will soon occupy the throne

Synonym: filltake

5. keep busy with

e.g. She busies herself with her butterfly collection

Synonym: busy

6. live (in a certain place)

e.g. She resides in Princeton

he occupies two rooms on the top floor

Synonym: residelodge in

7. occupy the whole of

e.g. The liquid fills the container

Synonym: fill

8. be on the mind of

e.g. I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift

Synonym: concerninterestworry