

sincere:[英 [sɪnˈsɪə(r)] 美 [sɪnˈsɪr] ]


sincere 基本解释

形容词真诚的,诚挚的; 〈古〉纯粹的,不掺假的; 真心实意的; 真实的


sincere 同义词

形容词legitimategenuineunaffectedhonestbona fideauthenticreal

sincere 反义词



sincere 相关例句


1. He was sincere in his wish to help us.


2. Henry was sincere about reconciling with his brother.


sincere 网络解释

1. 真诚的:在哈氏看来,任何沟通性行动必须作出三个有效性宣称(validity claims):它必须是真实的(true),必须是正当的(right),以及,必须是真诚的(sincere). 这是沟通性行动得以进行与展开所必需的规范要求,是准先验性设置的,即使在这个现实世界中,

2. 真诚:粉碎机刀片等,在多年的生产过程中积累了丰富的经验,由此才有了现在较硬的生产能力和卓越的技术成就,本公司的产品广泛用于印刷造纸橡胶电器纺织轻工业等 公司的宗旨是信誉(Credibility),质量(Quality)真诚(Sincere)服务(Sservi

3. 诚实:公司企业详细介绍 本公司一直以3S为服务目标:专业(Specialized)、诚实(Sincere)、迅速(Speedy)为广大消费者服务,深获众多好评;我们将持续提供更优质产品,提供全方位的永续服务,为消费者带来更加节省、更加便利的购物平台.

sincere 双语例句

1. Willfulness is a very intense character, but common sense should be a character, I hope I know a friend is a reasonable person, a good heart and a sincere heart!


2. Faith is required of you, and a sincere life, not a lofty intellect nor a delving into the mysteries of God.


3. Till this is done, indifference, doubt, and, in the final issue, severe criticism, are them-selves proofs of a profound habit of thought. Our age is, in especial degree, the age of criticism, and to criticism everything must submit. Religion through its sanctity, and law-giving through its majesty, may seek to exempt themselves from it. But they then awaken just suspicion, and cannot claim the sincere respect which reason accords only to that which has been able to sustain the test of free and open examination.


4. Gently shake youth Campanula ring, a pleasant voice on the heart attack, looked up rays in the halo of colorful dreams, a few heart will indulge in the glory of touching: the stream of history, the splendid ancient Chinese poem so elegant that the idea of flying the look, clean up one's soul and beautify their own temperament; breathing poetry of the text in the mellow air, let poets of sentiment or feeling melancholy; then Qingli poetic, sincere love, dream The gorgeous cast of human soul, the soul of the strokes used to write their own lines, to the life of paper left on a clean page.


5. She is honest and sincere to John, really.


6. Let us develop best product and service to the client first, pay close attention to the client's feeling sincerely, for client sincere real intention goes out work, so the product that the client can buy you certainly gives your money to say a thank to you even!


7. sincere

7. Not long after her profile was published on the internet several sincere foreigners wrote to her.


8. sincere

8. I am kind, funny, sincere and easy to get along with.


9. You can be not beautiful, cute and gentle, but you should be kind and sincere.


10. If ever to be happy, must be sincere and kind in return for their own world.



11. My mother is very kind and sincere.


12. This kind of sincere friendship and the simple, to a man, are forever unforgettable.


13. Than I will to bo brave, to be kind and to be sincere.


14. Company sincere welcome to all kinds of talents joined Ningbo Lei Liou transport equipment Limited for a better future.



15. To burst out with joy = very happy It's a great pleasure to send you our sincere congratulations on your new appointment.


16. He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual.


17. He comes across as a very sincere, religious individualWilliam L.


18. This is a sincere belief in the artist's sentiment really is the embodiment of aesthetic charm, and the very people who can appreciate.


19. Honesty means to be sincere, earnest and selfless, which places emphasis on fact, keeping one's refers to abide by one's word, keep one's promise and be true in word and resolute in deed.


20. sincere的翻译

20. Even if encounters in him was unfortunate, he still the sincere depth is loving Offie the Li Asia.


sincere 词典解释

1. 诚恳的;真挚的;真诚的

If you say that someone is sincere, you approve of them because they really mean the things they say. You can also describe someone's behaviour and beliefs as sincere .


e.g. He's sincere in his views...


e.g. He accepted her apologies as sincere...



I was impressed with his deep sincerity...


The film is made with sincerity.

这是部非常诚挚的电影作品。sincere 单语例句

1. Li asked Su to cut off one of his fingers to prove he was sincere about buying a gun.

2. His depiction of calf love strikes me as more posturing than sincere or interesting.

3. The guideline encourages local officers to carry out sincere mediation efforts with the involved parties, and with a willingness to address their difficulties and get things done.

4. Chen said the procurement deals reflect China's sincere objection to trade protectionism, adding that opening the market is the proper approach to address the global economic recession.

5. Any unbiased person will come to the conclusion that China is sincere in its desire for peace and growth and the " China threat " is groundless.

6. Commercial businesses like to call their clients " God " and label all their sales tricks with the slogan " You are sure of our sincere service ".

7. Though she says she is not a good communicator and rarely grants interviews, she is candid and sincere.

8. A sincere compliment is what's wanted, not a barrage of flowery adjectives.

9. This is China's sincere and solemn promise, as well as a conceptual base for the country's peaceful rise.

10. She expressed deep condolence to the victims and sincere sympathy to their families and the injured.

sincere的反义词sincere 英英释义


1. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions

e.g. both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate

an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant

a film with a solemn social message

Synonym: earnestsolemn

2. open and genuine

not deceitful

e.g. he was a good man, decent and sincere

felt sincere regret that they were leaving

sincere friendship