

accompaniment:[英 [əˈkʌmpənimənt] 美 [əˈkʌmpənimənt, əˈkʌmpni-] ]



accompaniment 基本解释

名词伴奏; 伴随物


accompaniment 相关例句


1. She sang to a piano accompaniment.


2. Disease is an accompaniment of poverty.


3. She sang to the accompaniment of the piano.


accompaniment 网络解释

1. accompaniment的解释

1. 伴奏:问题补充:2002年9月,以12岁的年龄进入了XXX学习,毕业时获得了钢琴(piano),室内乐(chamber music),伴奏(accompaniment)三项专家学位. ...

2. 伴奏,合奏,伴随:Acryl 丙基酰基 | Accompaniment 伴奏,合奏,伴随 | Accord 和谐,调和

3. 陪伴物:accompanier 同伴 | accompaniment 陪伴物 | accompanist 伴奏者

4. accompaniment的意思

4. 伴随物:accommodometer 调节计 | accompaniment 伴随物 | accompanying movement 伴发运动

accompaniment 双语例句

1. accompaniment

1. The cello was first charged with playing the accompaniment in small orchestras.


2. Accompaniment are five simple, do only songs to sing, only pre-market arms to the main rat-tat-tat drums cymbals gongs.


3. In the course of performance, the narrative tune and the sentimental tune are alternated, the aria and vocal accompaniment lend luster to each other, and the elements of drums and gongs are introduced at the perfect times, endowing the whole process with an enchanting changeability and a lasting allure.


4. From the ancient to now, Top Chor has been the accompaniment of Original Throat Singing, Now combined with playing of other instruments. It sounds clear, bright and soft to cultivate a lovely atmosphere of grassland.


5. For if he saw a dog on the road-- a mad dog, mangy dog, or guard-dog -- he would brandish his sword and fell it with a single blow, taking the dog's head back home with him, where he would serve it up as an accompaniment to a good bottle of Shaoxing wine.


6. Bawu dance festival in the face by the 12-drums, gongs and thallium-1212 suona (a leap year with 13 each) band accompaniment composed by the 36 young women put on the tiger, leopard, bear, deer, Huzi, rabbit, fox fur, such as the first or interpolation Caragana and various finch feathers.


7. accompaniment

7. Since learning flamenco was not an easy task even in England, he decided to go to Sevilla, in Andalucia, where flamenco was very much alive, and spent the next four years playing with other gypsy guitarists, in cante and in accompaniment.


8. To the accompaniment of...


9. This is a list of the songs that have accompaniment here.


10. And it is the perfect accompaniment to grey and navy.


11. With the accompaniment of music for my life, my sky is no longer monotonous.


12. Now, to the accompaniment of beautiful music



13. He'll sing to the accompaniment of the piano.


14. accompaniment

14. This wine is a perfect accompaniment to meat and cheese.


15. No. 6 is a Pasacaglia, [Psalm22:19, 20, 21], featuring a repeated bass theme in the organ accompaniment that reiterates itself 22 times with exactly the same number of variation sung by the choir



16. Down went her head on the little typewriter stand; and the keyboard rattled a dry accompaniment to her moist sobs.


17. It is a corruption of religion, not a preliminary stage of it as Rationalists maintain, and it appears as an accompaniment of decadent rather than of rising civilization.


18. These days, one in every ten bottles of wine drunk in China is guzzled in Wenzhou, as an accompaniment to deal-making.


19. accompaniment的近义词

19. Similarly, reprises of earlier passages later in a piece not only have their melodies ornamented and varied, but also can move off on quite a different harmonic course, or with the accompaniment transformed, allowing the symmetry of ternary form to be offset by a more forward-moving dramatic shape.


20. Usually, the comic dialogues, performing bears, conjuring, clapper ballads, acrobatics, folk-songs and stories told to the accompaniment of drums could all give him genuine pleasure and make him open his big mouth in a smile.


accompaniment 词典解释

1. 伴奏

The accompaniment to a song or tune is the music that is played at the same time as it and forms a background to it.

e.g. He sang 'My Funny Valentine' to a piano accompaniment.


2. 伴随物;伴随发生(或存在)的事物

An accompaniment is something which goes with another thing.

e.g. This recipe makes a good accompaniment to ice-cream.


accompaniment 单语例句accompaniment什么意思

1. " Buddha sleeping, " a chant to the accompaniment of percussion on " wooden block " focuses the group.

2. It is the first time that China Record Corporation releases an album featuring the real folk songs without music accompaniment.

3. Their dances have strict rules and requirements, fixed footwork and even fixed accompaniment.

4. Wu Xiaoping, professor of the Nanjing Academy of Arts produced a MIDI accompaniment for the play.

5. The writer creates suspense and laughs to the accompaniment of a big band.

6. A glass of red wine makes a wonderful accompaniment to this gourmet dining experience.

7. In Japan they are often shredded and served as a crisp accompaniment to sashimi.

8. Salsa has spread across the world, especially after jazz music became its accompaniment.

9. Lamas performed a traditional Buddhist dance at Yonghe Temple in Beijing to the accompaniment of traditional Tibetan instruments.

10. The fresh naan makes the perfect accompaniment to the spicy, flavorful curries.

accompaniment 英英释义


1. the act of accompanying someone or something in order to protect them

Synonym: escort

2. something added to complete or embellish or make perfect

e.g. a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner

wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish

Synonym: complement

3. a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts

Synonym: musical accompanimentbackupsupport

4. an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another

Synonym: concomitantattendantco-occurrence