

renown:[英 [rɪˈnaʊn] 美 [rɪˈnaʊn] ]


renown 基本解释


名词名望,声誉; 威名; 声威


renown 相关例句


1. He is an artist of great renown.


renown 网络解释


1. 声望等级:你的声望等级(Renown)、当前声望值(Fame)以及你距离下次升级声望还需要的声望值(Nextlevel)在你个人菜单的左上角. 前天钓鱼,居然先钓上来了一只彩蜘蛛(tunnelwidowing)的鱼,然后又钓上来了一只 flawlesscarp,就是那个能永久变飞龙的鱼,

2. 名望:另外就是关於原初名望(renown)的系统. renown共有五种,不仅是背景上的社会阶级,也代表狼人在影界的地位与精灵力量,在影界renown从外貌即可一目了然. 游戏机制上原初名望以经验值购买,影响灵赋的成败与所能习得的灵赋等级上限.

3. renown的解释

3. 名声,名望:renovate 修理,更新 | renown 名声,名望 | renowned 著名的

renown 双语例句


1. The Renown had caught the northeast trades and was plunging across the Atlantic at her best speed, with studding sails set on both sides, the roaring trades driving her along with a steady pitch and heave, her bluff bows now and then raising a smother of spray that supported momentary rainbows.


2. renown的意思

2. Most recently, while in New York, Padro worked as an apprentice tuning pipe organs in churches and cathedrals in addition to playing with a large outdoor music/performance art ensemble called the HIMALAYAS (primarily composed of horns and drums, playing anthemic experimental pieces and led by drummer Kenny Wolleson of Tom Waits and John Zorn renown) and a trio consisting of tuba, trumpet, snare drum and vocals that busked throughout the subways of the city plating a mix of New Orleans Jazz and Punk.

在来中国之前,Padro把他所有的时间都投入了演奏于不同的爵士、试验、非洲美洲和摇滚乐队。他最近的较成功的活动是参加鼓手Kenny Wollesson指挥的一个大型的户外乐团,叫做喜马拉雅山。Padro还经常在纽约的万圣节游行队里演奏,并且在地铁里有一个多种形式的演奏乐队。

3. renown的反义词

3. Actually, cryptotaeneous cinquefoil hill still is strange Wei of a male danger, the renown hill with pretty picture.


4. Chinese art of gilt-and-colored wooden carving enjoys widespread renown.


5. renown的翻译

5. First, buyer selects several developers in terms of technology competence, management ability, stability, renown and economy power, and considers these several developers all have enough competence to accomplish the operation, so that the price becomes the vital factor.



6. For over a century, the excellent quality workmanship and performance of Cartier has become world renown.


7. We make a plan in division of clothing of Dalian of the Xin Xueli that it is 3M when, also be the uniqueness that considers conduct propaganda, invited Da Zhi of Deng of division of two famous clothing, Bao Tao to attend spot news briefing, activating is taken seriously by the height of clothing division organizing committee, special arrangement TV station is interviewed on the spot, flexible language also serves as paid news is released in layout of newspaper office news, the renown number of enterprise and product appears directly, this kind of soft literary talent reachs highest state truly.


8. HMS Renown was clawing her way southward under reefed topsails, a westerly wind laying her over as she thrashed along, heading for those latitudes where she would pick up the northeast trade wind and be able to run direct to her destination in the West Indies.


9. Be known to all the world; of world renown; be world-famous


10. French leather specialists Hermès, renown for their luxurious leather product have hit the designer sneaker market with their own interpretation of a metallic hi-top silhouette.


11. I want to see all places of renown in London.


12. Switzerland, this beautiful country of the EU, not only for its chocolate, Sabre, watches world-renown, is the world's recognized the beauty Holy Land.


13. renown

13. The new Flemish-school, oil-painting techniques gained world renown.


14. It facilitate the spread of urban information and promote a city's image, promote urban civilization, the development of the urban economy, festive events has become China's cities in the 21st century, a new round of competition in the city of the new economy, new settings, its relevance, radiation and of being driven by the most optimistic about cities, Dalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Nanning, and other cities because of festive events and world-renown for the development of festive events而使urban charm strong, China's current festive items of 5600, almost every town has a festival, for which, festive events Wang Yue banners or subscript text of a Chinese-English translation skills since Ran also become translators should seriously address and concerns research topic.


15. Since the Western Han Dynasty, the local Mongolian horse here, based on the Western Regions and the introduction of a variety of good horses, hybrid breed of world-renown Dan Hill, where the Royal Ma became breeding base history, enduring.


16. renown在线翻译

16. This kind of renown problem permeates teaching material of medium, elementary school, have greater sense.


17. After father comes back to know this matter, yock path: If the guest wants to buy the bulb of fritillary of rhizome of wind-weed (Chinese traditional medicine renown), you are not also carry even the mother come out to sell?


18. renown

18. Forty doctors of the Sorbonnet -- among them some of great renown, such as Natalis Alexander -- decided affirmatively.

40医生的sorbonnet -其中的一些伟大的名声,如陈百祥亚历山大-决定肯定。

19. On the proposals of certain ministers at the Committee for Propagation of the Gospel Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchless fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way hast plough'd, And on the neck of crowned Fortune proud Hast rear'd God's trophies, and his work pursu'd, While Darwen stream with blood of Scots imbru'd, And Dunbar field, resounds thy praises loud, And Worcester's laureate wreath; yet much remains To conquer still: peace hath her victories No less renown'd than war.


20. Final, the gun in a Canadian boy of 3 years old dies, the others teachers and students is rescued entirely, police shoots dead 1 renown cateran, arrest additionally 3 person.


renown 词典解释

1. 名望;声望

A person of renown is well known, usually because they do or have done something good.

e.g. She used to be a singer of some renown...


e.g. Mailly's work achieved little renown.


renown 单语例句

1. He has also attained international renown for his studies on lacquer ware and ancient music, and his scholarly pursuits included training a hawk to catch hares.

2. Yu's work has earned him great renown, leading many government entities to commission works by him.

3. He says his ambition is to become a professional chef of world renown and believes working in Hefei is good preparation for this goal.

4. Their plans promise to both bring renown to the region and to turn it into a magnet for foreign investment in the coming years.

5. Renown needs to boost earnings after three consecutive years of posting net losses, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

6. Renown Medical Center spokeswoman Kathy Carter confirmed that two others died, but did not provide their identities.

7. As media reports brought Xiong further renown, she was gradually recognized as a spokeswoman for vulnerable migrant workers.

8. Great men of past times have filled Zhejiang's history with their deeds, and its land with their renown.

9. " We'll have a good mix of emerging and renown artists, " she said.

10. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1936 and gained renown as " the orchestra of soloists ".

renown的近义词renown 英英释义



1. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

Synonym: famecelebrity