

prong:[英 [prɒŋ] 美 [prɔ:ŋ] ]



prong 基本解释

名词叉子齿; (进攻、论点等的)方面; (构成形容词)有…齿的; 分…方面的


prong 网络解释

1. 尖头,叉,管脚:promotion 增进,助长,加速 | prong 尖头,叉,管脚 | prong fork 尖头叉

2. 音叉臂:projector 投影机,放映机,投射器 | prong 音叉臂 | proof plane 验电板

3. 尖头:pronephros 前肾 | prong 尖头 | pronormoblast 原正成红细胞

4. prong什么意思

4. 叉状物:proneness 俯伏 | prong 叉状物 | pronged 尖端分叉

prong 双语例句

1. The rich green cushion-shaped stone is held in a graceful raised prong setting and framed by polished rhodium beads and two genuine diamond accents (.01 cttw).

丰富的绿色靠垫形石是举办一个优美的环境和所提出的普朗抛光铑珠和两支钻石的口音(。01 cttw)框架。


2. The cushion-shaped stone is held in a graceful raised prong setting and framed by polished rhodium beads and two genuine diamond accents (.01 cttw).

缓冲形石是举办一个优美的环境和所提出的普朗抛光铑珠和两支钻石的口音(。01 cttw)框架。

3. I saw him a few days before he passed away, and I had no indication from him that anything was wrong other than that he was exhausted, ''said Paul Raven, an English musician who played bass in Killing Joke and Prong.

我在他死去之前的几天见过他,而且除了他很累以外我并没有发现他有任何异状。」保罗。拉文说,他是一个英国的乐团Killing Joke and Prong的贝斯手。

4. They are held securely in three- and four-prong settings.


5. It was part of a pincer attack, the other prong of which was the critique from the Left that said that modernization theorists enshrined an ethnocentric European or North American model of social development as a universal one for humanity to follow.


6. A prong on an implement such as a fork or pitch fork.


7. A prong on an implement such as a fork or pitchfork.


8. It can be used on your vintage Astatic 77, Shure 55, Shure 540, Shure 51, Shure 737, and other mics with the 3 prong female connection.

它可以用来对你的产品,定向77 ,舒尔55 ,舒尔540 ,舒尔51 ,舒尔737个,以及其他交流部与三管齐下,女性方面。


9. Prong snap buttons, alloy buttons, eyelets, trousers hook, jeans buttons, plastic Tetraena buttons, button-shaped, gas eyes, pocket nail, trousers hook, hoist buckle, Japanese word buckle


10. It is important to protect the more vulnerable corners with a V-shaped prong at each point.



11. Looking back, I don`t feel like it was an appropriate release under the PRONG moniker.


12. This is one of the most interesting and difficult part but among the easiest for a new bullfight fan to appreciate in technique. The banderillos are three-foot, gaily colored darts with a small fish hook prong in the end.


13. And all of the other machinery are specially in prong snap button.


14. They go all out, painstakingly research and focus with the production of Prong Type Snap Button.


15. I made my own cable with a 2 prong extension cable and battery clamps.


16. Hangzhou Xiaoshan Wanchuan Automobile Fittings Co., LTD is specialized producing automobile, heavy, minisize, ongineering, facility, gimbal, automobile differential gear spider, three-prong gimbal, gimbal rowlock, saloon car nave axletree automobile apart axletree, axletree roller pin, axletree roller and etc.


17. However, if your stone is a six point diamond, then you will need a six prong setting to ensure that you do not lose the diamond from the setting at a later date.


18. Prong Type Snap Button series and top grade Spring Buton specially produced by Wildwolf Branch.


19. prong在线翻译

19. A purple-blue lab-created ceylon briolette, set with a diamond-accented white gold cap, dangles below an additional petite prong-set diamond accent.


20. And there indeed on each prong of the fork was a little roast mouse, with singed tail and whiskers.


prong 词典解释

1. (叉子等的)尖头,尖齿

The prongs of something such as a fork are the long, thin pointed parts.

e.g. Mark the loaf with the prongs of a fork in a criss-cross pattern.


e.g. ...a prong attached to the back of a rider's boot.


2. (政策、计划等的)部分,方面

The prongs of something such as a policy or plan are the separate parts of it.


e.g. The shareholder rights movement has two prongs...


e.g. The second prong of the strategy is the provision of basic social services for the poor.


prong 单语例句

1. Funding of the carbon footprint study is one prong to Alcoa Foundation's sustainability focus during the Shanghai Expo.

prong 英英释义



1. a pointed projection